1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Kennedy
  • To Prevent New Woman All Woman Center in Birmingham,Alabama (An Abortion Clinic)from Reopening
    The New Woman All Woman Center as of Jan 18,2013 have started procedures to try an reopen their doors . This is an abortion clinic that was shut down in 2012 for not complying with state law for safety & care. The Alabama Department of Health forced them to close and now the owner has turned over the rights for operation to new management.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Merritts
  • Add transgender health care
    Currently in the state of Minnesota there Minnesota care does not cover transgender related issue. This includes sexual reassignment. This cause depression and suicide which cost the state a lot more. This use to be covered until the gop wrote it out .
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jo hager
  • keep planned parenthood federally funded
    planned parenthood,womens health and rights
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by lisa hilliard
  • Governor Branstad: Medicaid Pay for Assisted Living
    After a fall in her own home, my 95 year old mother spent two months in a nursing home before we discovered that assisted living options were open to her, providing a much more productive, cheerier atmosphere at a savings of over $1000 a month. However, when her money runs out she will be forced to move to more expensive care in a nursing home as Medicaid only pays for nursing home care.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Pedersen
  • Senators in Medicare same as American Seniors
    Yes! Some thing is very wrong when the employee have more health benefits than their employers. This make them not care what they cut from Medicare. I got charged for test to get eye glasses because told it was cut from Medicare by you know who? We the people should have equal rights. Middle income if we can not get our state Medicare or what ever supplement our states offer we have to pay out of our pockets. Each year Medicare offer less and we are paying more so the raise is wiped out.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DeLois Turner
  • Medical Cannabis Patient's Rights in Hawaii
    There must be safe and legal access to medicine (cannabis) for qualified medical patients. Please support patient's rights and create a brokerage and clearing house system which will offer this safe access that is so desperately needed. This system would entail a state-run clearing house which will collect taxes from growers that day, and be able to offer product to qualified dispensaries that day. Please consider this during this upcoming legislative session.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Kagan
  • Public Option
    To add the government health insurance carrier to the Affordable Care Act
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Moore
  • Governor Brown: Establish county mental health services to all schools and colleges
    With the discussion of the importance of mental health services, in conjunction with gun control, to keep our schools and communities safe, it is important that unrestricted mental health services be available to all students in public schools, colleges and universities.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nejat Duzgunes
  • Save Medicare via negotiated drug prices
    Virtually every other country in the world saves megabucks for public healthcare by allowing the government to negotiate drug prices. The U.S. does the same thing with Veterans Administration hospitals. But we are prohibited from doing the same thing for Medicare by an estimated $200B "gift" to the drug companies that costs both Seniors and Medicare.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Sutton
  • parental rights
    My daughter was given medication without my consultation for a minor problem. I drove her to the appointment, it is my insurance and I paid for the appointment however I was not part of the consultation in the appointment.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Caldwell
  • We Need Public Option Health Care Now
    I pay thousands of dollars every year for health care insurance. Since I rarely meet the annual deductible, I am essentially throwing away money. I am blessed to have health care insurance through my employer. Nevertheless, I would like to have a more affordable option. It is time to rein in insurance companies and force them to be more competitive. A public option plan would achieve this.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lillie K Ruegg