• Single Payer Healthcare for All
    Single Payer Healthcare for All
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Warren Raven
  • Allow non-nurse midwives to practice in Delaware without collaborative agreements
    This petition is endorsed by and in conjunction with the Delaware Friends of Midwives. Access to midwives in Delaware is severely limited. Maternity care is in crisis. Maternal mortality and infant mortality rates are unacceptably high and rising according to Amnesty International. A recent report found that 50 nations rank better than the United States in terms of maternal mortality, yet the US spends twice as much on maternity care. Nations with better maternal and infant mortality rates employ midwives as their primary maternity care providers. A recent study has found that the rate of Cesarean deliveries has risen to 34% of all live births, despite the World Health Organizations recommendation of 5-15%. Amnesty International reports, “New analysis shows that the states reporting higher than average cesarean rates (over 33% of births) had a 21% higher risk of maternal mortality than states with cesarean rates less than 33%.” A 2005 study found that 3.7% of homebirths attended by Certified Professional Midwifes (CPMs) resulted in cesarean deliveries. CPMs are trained and credentialed to offer expert care to women for pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. They provide affordable care that is prevention oriented with particular attention to education and support for the mother. CPM care is proven to be safe and improve breastfeeding success rates. CPMs earn the only nationally recognized midwife certification that requires out-of-hospital birth training. They practice autonomously and consult with other health care providers as needed. However, they are currently not able to obtain licensing in the state of Delaware. In order to be licensed in Delaware, CPMs must be able to establish "a collaborative agreement with a Delaware licensed physician with obstetrical hospital privileges." However, this is not possible as malpractice insurances will not cover CPMs or homebirths. This barrier means that no doctor in Delaware is able to work directly with non-nurse midwifes, and consequently, making it impossible for CPMs to obtain a license for the state of Delaware. Licensing CPMs will increase access to midwives for families who choose to birth in any location they choose. As noted, CPMs can help to drastically reduce cesarean rates and maternal mortality. We therefore ask that the Delaware legislators seek to improve maternity care in Delaware by changing the current Non-Nurse Midwifery regulations to allow CPMs to practice in our state. Our citizens deserve the best start to life possible, and we cannot give them that if we do not allow them access to the best maternity care. RESOURCES: • Johnson & Daviss, BMJ 2005, Outcomes of planned homebirths with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America, http://www.bmj.com/content/330/7505/1416 • Amnesty International, 2011, Deadly Delivery: The maternal health care crisis in the USA, http://www.amnestyusa.org/sites/default/files/deadlydeliveryoneyear.pdf • Welsh, Today.com, 2011, C-Section rates hits all-time high, study finds, http://www.today.com/id/43807114/site/todayshow/ns/today-today_health/t/c-section-rates-hit-all-time-high-study-finds/#.UPlhgWfiWCo • Delaware Code Title 16, 4106 Practice of Non-Nurse Midwifery, Section 4.3, http://regulations.delaware.gov/AdminCode/title16/Department%20of%20Health%20and%20Social%20Services/Division%20of%20Public%20Health/Family%20Health%20Services/4106.shtml • Hearing Held for Karen Webster: The case for medicine or midwifery continues in Delaware, 2013, http://www.mommatraumablog.com/1/post/2013/01/hearing-held-for-karen-webster-the-case-for-medicine-or-midwifery-continues-in-delaware.html
    634 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Antonik, Momma Trauma Blog
  • Congressman Carson: Please Stop Special Education Corruption In Indiana's Public School System!!!
    My son Warren, attended the Indiana public school system and was denied hearing impaired services. These specific services are necessary for a individual child to benefit from special education. My son, is now a young adult that continues to suffer as a result of not receiving these services. I am still on the front line fighting for the rights of our special needs children. Special needs children, are being denied equal educational opportunities. African American boys and children of color that are diagnosed with learning disabilities are disproportionately impacted. The educational outcomes for minority children and the systemic inequities have been well documented in special education. We must put a end to disability and racial discrimination in Indiana's public school system. Parents that speak out against educator abuse against children with special needs are often retaliated against and punished. Parents let's unite, to stop educational abuse and corruption in Indiana's public school system. This problem is nationwide, together let's move to put a end to educational abuse regarding children with special needs in our United States school system. Congressman Carson, you are our Federal Representative, we are demanding that you support a federal investigation by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department Of Education to expose Special Education Corruption in Indiana's Educational System. I have filed state and federal complaints regarding race and disability discimination and my complaints have fallen on deaf ears. State sanctioned child abuse is a crime!!!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Stewart
  • Medicaid for Disabled People
    SSA is a benefit you work and pay into. SSI is a benefit for people that have never paid into FICA, or perhaps didn't work long enough. Either, or, the benefits I got while on SSI were far more beneficial than what I'm now having to deal with getting full SSA. That's why I created a petition to The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Rick Scott. Will you sign this petition? Click here: http://signon.org/sign/medicaid-for-disabled?source=c.em.cp&r_by=5006956 Thanks!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earsline Taylor
  • Save Military Retirees Health Care
    As of 1 October 2013 all military retirees will be pushed out of their TRICARE Prime Health insurance. These military retirees have served full 20+ year military careers and now the government that they have given their lives to is forcing them out of their HMO option health insurance and into a high cost alternative. Tell Congress the military retirees deserve the choice to keep their TRICARE Prime insurance.
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Clark
  • Help The Mentally Ill Become More Productive
    The mentally ill community is often considered incompetent and detrimental to society however; this community can be a productive part of society reason being it consists of those who are high functioning. These intelligent people are able to contribute to their community in various ways. For example, working off debts they have created from their debtors, volunteering, working less hours or part-time to keep stress levels low, construction (holding the stop or slow signs) filing, counsel others, share their stories, run support groups, run and maintain their group homes, cleaning services etc., and supervised back into the workforce as capable and rational human beings. Therefore, I urge our state & federal government to stop sending them to the government funded program that teaches them skills they will never use. Instead, assess their ability and provide them with training and the opportunity to use the skills they have acquired. Otherwise, how will we know this community is getting better if there is no standard to which their progress is measured? Those who suffer from mental illness are not completely inept and can be given responsibility and a reason to fulfill their God given purpose for living. The outcome can only be greater self-worth and a more effective society. This will promote optimal mental health in this community so that they can continue to function at their highest level developing a better mental, physical, and social well-being. Let’s not feed them medication along with an empty life because these contribute to their dysfunction. Dysfunctions like being a menace to society, stigmatized thru gun violence, suicide, homelessness or involvement in cults. Instead we want them to become a functional part of society thru increase cognitive therapy, low dose medication and productivity. Please sign my petition.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Merant
  • Medicare/Medicaid Full Disclosure
    It's time that the American taxpayer hears the OTHER side of the story concerning government programs, specifically Medicare and Medicaid. Who is going bust? Us or Them?
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda D Jamsen
  • Medicare
    Make sure all citizen have access to free health care
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary
  • Gov. Lepage: Accept Medicaid Expansion in Maine
    Our Governor, Paul LePage, has said he will not expand Medicaid as per the Affordable Care Act. We urge him to reverse this decision and accept the expansion which will help Maine's poor and vulnerable.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathaniel L Daigle
  • Tell McCrory: Expand Medicaid in NC
    Gov. McCrory, the power to fundamentally change the health care system in our state is in your hands. By expanding Medicaid, low-income North Carolinians will have access to health coverage, and there is potential to undo the profound health disparities in our state. As it stands, North Carolinians who are uninsured are likelier to develop serious health complications or die younger from diseases that are all too often preventable. By gaining health insurance through Medicaid, we would add health coverage for more than half-a-million North Carolinians within five years who otherwise would remain under insured. We urge Gov. McCrory to implement the Medicaid Expansion for low-income individuals under the Affordable Care Act so that all of our state can remain healthy and strong.
    15,276 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Action NC
  • "Food dyes—used in everything from M&Ms to Manischewitz Matzo Balls to Kraft salad dressings—pose...
    We are poisoning our kids by purchasing almost any type of food with food coloring in it as they are adding harmful artificial colors in everything today. Please stop purchasing and ask FDA to band artificial food coloring in US as it is extremely harmful: Citrus Red 2, Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2 and Green 3, — which include some of the most commonly used synthetic food dyes — have been identified as being, or being contaminated with, potential cancer-causing chemicals. We work too hard and we love are kids too much do this to them. Please show your support, please show you care.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CAROLIN
  • Cancer cure needs Gov to investigate. Drug companies refuse to research because they cannot own t...
    End cancer NOW. Put an end to corporations placing human life after profit. Tell the governmentvtheyvare there to serve and protect. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichloroacetic_acid has now been shown to kill cancer in humans. Is very cheap but because it cannot be patented, drug companies refuse to bring it to market. Government must fund this study privately. http://youtu.be/ZtZZR2F01ss
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mike bagshaw