• Governor Quin, you are endangering the lives of Illinois citizens !
    Illinois Governor Quin restricted medicaid to 4 prescriptions a month to save the state money, without considering the effect it will have on the poor,elderly and disabled! There are hundreds of thousands of people that depend on medicaid due to the high cost of medicine, Dr. visits and hospital costs and life support systems to stay alive with without being in a nursing home.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald English
  • Marijuana in NC
    Health problem in NC
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gooch
  • Medical cannabis
    I want marijuana legalized because I do have lots of pains and no other meds work better than marijuana strains if we legalize build more medical stores and I will need a card
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracis
  • Support a Passing of a Concussion Bill in SC
    This petition is to encourage others to support the passing of a SC bill that that targets a policy on concussions sustained by athletes. Concussions are brain injuries that impact the quality of life of individuals. According to the CDC, "Each year, U.S. emergency departments (EDs) treat an estimated 173,285 sports- and recreation-related TBIs, including concussions, among children and adolescents, from birth to 19 years."
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Dyal
  • Bill to Require Accurate and Complete Patient Mammogram Reports
    40% of all women have "dense breast tissue" (a preponderance of fibroglandular vs. fatty tissue) meaning that a mammogram will routinely miss between 40% and 73% of cancers in these women. Despite this, if no cancer is detected, these women are told that their results are "normal." (More info at www.informwomen.org / www.inhqe.com) Each year, 40,000 to 50,000 women with dense breast tissue receive false "normal" results when a mammogram is unable to detect their cancer. Within 10 years, 10,000 of these women will die as a result of their delayed diagnosis. Most of these women are not aware that other readily available technologies can increase detection to 95%. We need Governor Cuomo to sign this bill (A9586D/S6769B, passed unanimously) which requires that women be notified of their breast tissue density and its impact on mammogram effectiveness.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Hallie Leighton
  • Legalize Medical Marijuana in North Carolina
    I petition the State of North Carolina to legalize medical marijuana use under a doctors care for PTSD,Pain,tumors and more. I am disabled with fatigue and pain from severe fibromyalgia. I ran two businesses in NC before I was struck down. Pain pills do not work well for me yet Medical Marijuana use has given a part of my life back. Jail or crippling pain cannot remain the only options. Legalize Medical Marijuana in NC.
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tom Harper
  • Mr. president, please let the IRS and not individual employers administer participation of employ...
    Under the Affordable Healthcare Act, Employers are responsible for enrolling employees and their families for healthcare coverage, including determining who will be subsidised because of low wages and who will opt out of coverage for what reasons. In addition, buying insurance coverages from certain insurers may affect each employee differently and not for their best interests.This takes a lot of time for employers and may not represent the needs of each employee. Directing the IRS to take over this function increases the privacy of every employee no matter what their wage is; reduces the cost of analyzing which coverage to buy, contracting with the insurer, communicating each benefit to each employee and their family and paying for each employee's covereage with each insurance company. Because of the mass purchasing power of the government, it allows the IRS to negotiate better rates and coverage with each insurance company who will participate in the plan and in collecting employee contributions directly through income tax forms and payments. The major benefit is that individual employees will be better informed of their benefits and choices, have greater privacy for their financial status, and the small employer will have much less costs and responsibility and a reduction of errors due to participating in the plan as a middle-man between the employee and the government. Finally, using the IRS in this fashion will provide greater efficiency and less cost to the government.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Wohl
  • Stop Wasting Taxpayers' Money! Stop Repealing Healthcare Reform!
    Republicans have tried to repeal Obamacare 32 times... And failed. Healthcare reform is needed and needed now not later! My employer just decided once again to lower the amount in which they would pay. Now my healthcare insurance for one month is around $600, co-pays $45 and average prescription costs $50. My husband and I work every day and I want to have the same insurance the people I elected have! Why should our elected officials have better insurance than the average American's? So Stop Repealing Healthcare reform, wasting the money of hardworking Americans and start working for the people which elected you! Stop calling it Obamacare because it should be called America's Care! All elected officials regardless of party get to work and start taking care of the people that elected you in the first place!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tate
  • Federal Funding For MS Research
    Watching my younger sister fight MS daily and having to help her with her shots, It is about time that Washington woke up and fund reseach to find a cure for ths awful disease
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Young
  • Health Insurance for all Americans
    I want all Americans to receive the same health insurance we give to members of the U. S. House and Senate.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frederick J. Azbell
  • Health insurance
    How can a CEO,or board of people not cover a medicine your doctor prescribes?
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beverly Palm
  • Petition to Governor Chris Christie for Expanded Medicaid
    We, the undersigned, "Petition" Governor Chris Christie and the New Jersey Legislators to Full Implement the "Expanded Medicaid" version of the "Affordable Care Act" "OBAMACARE". m(US Supreme Court Ruling: June 2012). We the residents" of the State O New Jersey underestands that under the "OBAMACARE" ACA, "Expanded Medicaid ": 1.6.6 Million children until the age 0f 26 can remained on their parents insurance plan; 2. Prevent closing the "doughnut hole" in Meicare drug plan. while 5.3 Millions seniors in the Medicare Presription Program has already saved 13.7 Billion in Prescription drug cost. 3.11.5 Million Adult whose income is 133% of the federal poverty level would be eligible for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act ( Obamacare). 4. An estimated 272,000 New Jersey resident could gain coverage if the State of New Jersey implement the "Reformed Law Expansions". Hereto forth: "We the People" in tghe State of New Jersey, herein "Petition" Gov. Chris Christie and all NJ State Legislators to implement fully the "Affordable Care Act Ruling (US Supreme Court June 2012. We, thw undersigned, "Pe4tition" Gov. Chris Christie and The New Jersey Legislators to Fully Implement the "Expanded Medicaid" version of the "Affordable Care Act" "OBAMACARE" (US Supreme Court Ruling: June 2012).
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isaac Jenkins