• Tell Congress to MoveOn from Healthcare Reform
    33 votes have been taken by this Congress regarding healthcare reform. Despite a resolution vote by the Supreme Court, two additional votes were taken costing taxpayers millions of dollars and adding to our national debt. This is both time and money that could be better spent on rebuilding this country's infrastructure.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Moor
  • Care Provider Tax Credits & Longer Family Medical Leave Act Time
    Our nation's law makers should take steps to extend the length of Family Medical Leave Act Time and offer meaningful tax credits to the millions of Americans caring for an aging or disabled baby boomer family member. My father Mike is currently on SSI and Medicare and when his illness becomes severe, which is often, I must take off from work. Things became complicated this year when I was out due to an automobile accident. I have now run out of FMLA and sick time for the year and am at the mercy of my employer. Meanwhile, I am paying for much of his care, while performing three peoples' jobs doing personal care, house cleaning, etc. all on top of my career as a flight attendant. Quality skilled nursing facilities can cost up to $6,000.00 a month, a figure simply out of reach for most working people. My situation is not unusual This is happening to so many of us. The emotional and financial drain is unbelievable.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Halladay
  • Why should each county care for citizens with HIV / AIDS?
    With budgets being the way they are many counties like ours here in WA state Lewis County have closed all case management for folks with HIV / AIDS making it another counties issue which is already to lean to properly manage their cases so how do we get all elected officials to realize this issue and help those in need in their own area
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George and Stephen Miller-Zauner
  • Affordable Health Care Act
    Having a chronic disease I NEED insurance nor can I afford to be turned down.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeannie Peterson
  • Repeal Taxpayer paid Healthcare for House and Senate members and their families
    Their salaries are high enough that they should have no problem providing for their own healthcare. They don't need taxpayers to foot the bill anymore.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by T
  • Affordable Care Act
    I want to thank President Obama for the ACA/Obamacare plan.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Beaverson
  • End the Adderall shortage
    Millions of children and adults rely on Adderall, Ritalin, and related medicines to treat their ADD and ADHD, but a severe, year-long shortage has made these pharmaceuticals extremely hard to find legally. The shortage is a result of inter-agency squabbling between the FDA, which has included these drugs on its list of official pharmaceutical shortages, and the Drug Enforcement Agency, which limits how much of the active ingredient in these drugs manufacturers are allowed to make. Manufacturers and the FDA say the DEA quotas are preventing them from meeting market demand. The DEA accuses manufacturers of using their quotas to produce more expensive alternatives instead of less expensive versions people can afford. We call on President Obama and the other officials named on this petition to meet immediately to resolve the ridiculous inter-agency bickering that is preventing people from obtaining medical care. End the Adderal shortage NOW!
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rouda
  • Governor Brewer, Respect the Dignity of All Arizonans
    In spite of rulings by the U.S. District Court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is intent on denying benefits to the same sex partners of state employees. The Governor claims this is an effort to save the state money, but this makes little sense. The passage of SB1070 cost Arizona over $3 million in legal fees and at least $141 million dollars in lost tourism revenue. If Governor Brewer continues this fight, we can expect similar losses, far more damaging to our state budget than the $1.8 million it currently costs to extend benefits to the same sex partners of state employees. This is not about money. It is yet another instance of Arizona lawmakers promoting bigotry and a conservative "state's rights" agenda at the expense of the citizens they are sworn to serve. Governor Brewer, respect the dignity of Arizona's citizens and drop this legal fight. It is the right thing to do morally and the right thing to do fiscally.
    8,473 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson
  • Public Apology from Representative David Dreier
    I was diagnosed with Brain Cancer one year ago today. There are 60 thousand more that were diagnosed in that same time period. It is very scary for those that are newly diagnosed and navigating the health care system as well insurance can be very daunting and intimidating. No one knows what causes Brain Cancer and you don't usually feel symptoms until it's in a late stage. Recently, Congressman David Dreier (CA-26) made a comment in a health care reform hearing where he used "someone diagnosed with a massive tumor" as an example of someone that would potentially abuse a "high risk pool" system. In spite of the context in which he made the comments. It came off as very flippant and many of us in the Brain Cancer community have been saddened and appalled by it. All we're asking is for Rep. David Dreier to give a public apology regarding the comments.
    562 of 600 Signatures
    Created by A. Moore
  • Make Rick Perry support Obamacare in Texas
    Rick Perry is refusing 1) federal dollars to expand Medicaid 2) healthcare exchange program. He told the nation of Fox News watchers but not on Texas' local news. Texas is 51st in the nation of people without heathcare coverage. Perry refusals are costing lives. People's lives should come first.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Pruitt
    Health Care too expensive.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rose
  • Medical Free Enterprise
    Protect Doctor's FREEDOM to practice any kind of healing modality that doctor and patient contract to do. Rid the AMA of its power to manipulate healing protocols limiting medicine to toxic potions of drug companies that do more harm than good. Give doctors freedom to practice the safe and natural cures without AMA intervention, persecution or removal of medical licence. Background for need to Doctors to be free can be found at www.drcarley.com This will give health care a FREE MARKET forcing insurance to pay for the natural and safe cures and not limiting patient and doctor choices.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen