• Create a National Drive to insure/ensure that no one in need of Dental Care is left to their own ...
    I have ongoing health issues directly related to lack of funds/full dental coverage :( Dental health is not just a cosmetic issue :( It's a true health issue that should be regarded in the same light as the diabetes/over weight issues facing us. Please help form a foundation of professional health care experts, laymen, concerned citizens who will put an end to this tragedy.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by matthew Churney
  • DeWine and Kasich
    Fully implement the Affordable Care Act in Ohio as soon as possible. Protect Ohioans with preexisting conditions, the youngest, as well as those working poor and unemployed. This will lower the rates for those of us who do pay insurance premiums.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline M. Anton
  • Access to Health Care
    Why should the public be denied access to quality health care?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by norman hinderliter
  • Consider to accept the Obama healthcare program
    If the governor do not accept the obamahealthcare we as senior citizen will be seriously affected
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edgar palacios
  • Reduce the eligibility age for medicare to 62.
    Many seniors who are eligible for social security at 62 continue working just so that they do not lose their health care benefits. Some of these workers would benefit from early retirement due to current health conditions. This places a strain on employers who have less productive employees and it reduces openings for others who can not find jobs.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vicki Lipscomb
  • Stop playing politics with our health
    As a nurse I have seen people Die from treatable disease due to Little or no insurance and wated too Long in seeking treatment.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Long
  • Many Millions Lives Are Millions of Reasons To Support Affordable Health Care!!!
    The many millions who die each year of treatable illnesses is a number one reason for caring people to support the affordable health care!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dan
  • Helping a Little Heart
    Morgan was born with several heart problems as well as intestinal and extremity defects. During the pregnancy, Morgan's mother received an ultrasound called due to the results of a triple screening. The physician stated nothing was wrong and assured the baby was very healthy. To the contrary... Since then Morgan has had a few major surgeries (one to repair her heart). Cardiologists who cared for Morgan stated the ultrasound should have shown the holes in Morgan's heart if it was done correctly in search of the issues the triple screen detected. Medication and therapy could have strengthened the baby while in the womb or other options could have been explored. Yet, not one doctor involved nor the hospital wants to take responsibility. Attorneys tried to retrieve the information, but the hospital continued to state mom was not a patient until mom produced receipts. Then the records appeared in portion. Now... Mom is caring for her baby with all her love along with 2 other children on her own. Attorneys can't get any lead because the doctors are protected by working as employees of schools and the hospital gives them the run around. Help mom get help!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trenelle
  • Gov Scott: Accept the Affordable Health Care Act
    I am a Police Officer, because of the high cost of Insurance we are going to need an affordable plan when we retire. Right now if I were to retire I would have to pay 1,100 dollars a month.( Triple the amount I pay now) You got insurance, Gov Scott!! Why can't the people have some too? We haven't heard your plan, because you don't have one. But you got away with what was described as close to being A CRIME in South Florida with the same plans you are denying us!!! Medicare/Medicaid. Its so strange how you will have Health Care but will deny the middle class retirees and the poor. Stop Hating President Obama, because your party told you too. Look out for the citizens that you took the oath to serve and protect.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Bowers
  • Thank you President Obama!
    Now we can access healtcare with no worries about pre existing conditions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith E. Allred
  • Act fast on affordable care act.
    This is not about you, Its about the millions of Americans without Health Insurance. And helping the elderly keep their Medicaid. Stop the insurance company from denying coverage on pre-exiting illness.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cedric Parker
  • The Affordable Care Act
    We are all affected by the general health and well-being of fellow citizens. The Affordable Care Act, while not the most perfect approach, is still beyond where we've been. It offers millions of people who have gone without care to have access. The Republicans in Congress continue to threaten to repeal this act and replace it. But they have not got any plan that is substantially different unless it is to reduce access and leave millions of people vulnerable to losing their homes and even their lives..
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgiana Williams