• IMPOSED Obamacare on the president and all other politicians and judges.
    With Obamacare being FORCED on everyone in the US, it should also be FORCED on the president of the us, congress, House, Senate, SUPREME COURT JUSTICES, and anyone else. If it's good enough for the people paying the above's salaries, then it's good enough for them!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Kilgore
  • Native Americans Should Not Be Denied Health Care
    Tribal Health Facilities receiving IHS Funding should not be allowed to deny any Indian with a chronic health condition from receiving medical care at their clinic. As of July 1, 2012, the Seminole Tribe of Florida has decided to treat non-Seminole Tribal members for acute (Meaning short term illness) care only. They will no treat other Tribal members with chronic illness, such as Diabetes. This leaves many without affordable health care. Many are now uninsurable for traditional health insurance.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn Kay Haering
  • Right to have assistance to end life when old age is is hindering quality of life or pain is too ...
    Yes. Watching my mother die and having advance directive, but she did not have enough power to end it. Made me think about me being next.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice
  • Obama Care
    Obama Care has benefited my Son by enabling him to reinsure his Sons' health care until age twenty-six. The passing of my Son's wife leave him to as the sole provider of his young childern. Without that benefit we would be in dire financial position.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Houston Hinton
  • Obama care for everyone
    I think our all our congress/house reps governors and state legislature should all have the same health insurance as the people.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LC Vail
  • Help Save Providence Hospitals Therapy Pool
    There has been a lot of talk lately about innovation in health care delivery. Providence just won a grant to do this, but this move is at odds with that. People who no longer can be mobile will then increase the costs on the state and city through increased need of in home or institutional services. Many studies have proven the beneficial qualities of water based recovery programs and physical therapists attest to its cost effective methods as well, you can have more patients in a pool than on land, a 6 to 1 ratio vs 1 on 1. With no therapy pools anywhere in Portland that has the services, accessibility and affordability, Providence is not only guaranteeing that thousands of people will lose access to this pool, but also being negligent in duties as a innovative, compassionate health care provider. The fate of the pool will be decided by the end of the summer, please help us save this indispensable community asset.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by noah dundas
  • Medical marijuana for all professions while off duty.
    The Department of Transportation are not medical proffessionals, and should not have the right to arbitraily allow drivers, pilots and engineers to use one Doctor-prescribed controlled substance while disallowing another.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Fitzpatrick
  • Fund MS Research Now
    With a family member that suffers from the ravages of Multiple Sclerosis every day,it is time that Washington steps up to the plate ande start funding for this disease.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Young
  • Repeal Obamacare or End Exemptions
    The government should not control our healthcare, while exempting themselves from it. Either repeal it or do away with all exemptions, including congress, the senate and the president. If is is a wonderful program ALL Americans should have to be covered by it.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lovetta Midyett
  • Radiation Exposed Veteran's From Enewetak Atoll Denied Benefits And Awards
    Veteran's exposed to radiation that have contracted several cancers, diseases and many health issues. Their families and offspring are also victims. We are grossly ignored by our government. We are off the list for service related disabilities, and have been awarded a Humanitarian medal, but we have to prove that we were there. 42 Nuclear weapons were tested on the Islands & will never be safe. Foreign Nationals and the Residents there have been compensated, but not the U.S. Troops.
    1,038 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by James E. Androl
  • Mental Health Parity in Medicare
    The vast majority of those on Medicare who are disabled suffer from a mental illness. This effects millions of people of all ages. Mental health parity, or allowing mental health coverage to be the same as physical health coverage in insurance, was passed by Congress a few years ago for employers' health insurance. Yet, the government's own form of insurance only covers 55% of mental health bills (as opposed to 80% for physical health.) It is critical that Congress even the playing field by passing mental health parity for Medicare as well as for all other insurances. To not do this would be the worst kind of discrimination.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vanessa Ferney
  • Health Care Reform Bill
    Although I basically believe in the concept of the bill, I do think that it needs to be rewritten to make it more transparent and easier to understand. Should it be mandatory for everyone considering many make so little that they cannot afford the insurance. What is the workaround?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Jenkins