• Gov. Otter: Honor Medicaid
    Refusing to accept federal funds—free for three years and 90% free after that—to assist needy people in meeting their health care needs is plainly partisan nonsense. Sign this petition, and with enough people in Idaho behind it we may be able to convince the governor to do the right thing.
    2,874 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Will Cavanaugh
  • Affordable Healthcare Act/ "ObamaCare"
    Governor and state representatives of government should NOT'deny citizens/voters/families help with Medicaid and refuse to be a part of the cooperative effort of the Congressional vote that passed the bill, the Executive signing of the bill, and the Supreme Court decision accepting this healthcare bill, denying the lawsuit against it which reached its court. Lives are at stake, humanity to man is at stake! Partisan politics are wrong when it comes to helping our citizens.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonnie Lamb
  • Governor Scott: Accept the law you swore to uphold
    He turned down millions of dollars and refuses to set up insurance exchanges. The result: thousands in Florida will be deprived of medical care and the costs of providing care to people without insurance will keep getting moved onto you and me. This is illegal and immoral. We need to tell Gov. Scott to put politics aside and implement the law as he is sworn to do.
    24,641 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Levett
  • Affordable Health Care Act
    The affordable health care act have been upheld as constitutional.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by I. C. James
  • Tell Sean Parnell to enact the provisions of the ACA to benefit Alaskans in need.
    The expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act will cost Alaska nothing in the first 3 years, after which we will only cover 10% of the cost. Alaskans have huge medical expenses due to our geography. Our state needs additional protections--and expanded coverage is just the tip of the iceberg--but we have got to start somewhere. Please stand with your fellow Alaskans and demand your governor work for the people and not for his party.
    1,855 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mason
  • Bobby Jindal - Give us the healthcare we deserve, implement Obamacare
    Governor Jindal says he will refuse to set up healthcare exchanges in Louisiana. Louisiana had one of the highest rates of uninsured adults in the country because affordable healthcare is not available. People between the ages of 55 and 65, who have lost their jobs are were forced to retire early have no option due to ridiculous rates and the fact that Louisiana insurers either deny coverage because of pre-existing conditons or raise the rates beyond the reach of people on a limited budget.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Zeringue Rochford
  • Implement the new health care law now!
    Once again our Governor is on the wrong side of an issue that affects thousands of Wisconsonites: affordable health care. This is a purely political gesture that will put our state behind in giving relief to those that need it.
    12,086 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Al Kruger
  • Nevadans Support the Affordable Care Act
    This petition is to show that Nevadans support the Affordable Care Act and want the state of Nevada to begin implementation of it. It is wrong that in the USA a woman with a hangnail and insurance gets treated, while a woman with breast cancer and NO insurance gets sent home to plan her funeral.
    2,632 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by John Davis, RN
    Rick Scott must follow the new health care reform bill
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann ilton
  • Health Care for Amreicans
    Provide Health care for all Americans in USA. This will make American products competitive in the world market as CEOs can compete with other nations. Presently the Health insurance and Pill makers are taking an inordinate amount out of the economy. This makes American products too expensive the feed their greed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lou
  • Remove Congressional healthcare
    Congress needs to be reminded that they are the receivers of a great many benefits delivered by the Government and FREE to them. The taxpayer is paying.
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mary Ann Brown
  • ObamaCares
    The Supreme Court has affirmed the Constitutionality and legitimacy of the Affordable Care Act. Republicans have been derisively referring to it as Obamacare. Ask your Member of Congress and Senators to refer to it as ObamaCares. We can throw the G-NO-P's ridicule in their faces and give a one-word characterization to the proper value of this law.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Benson