• Repeal veggie libel law
    Apparently one gets sued if one makes critical statements about grains or food in the United States. This is not right for a democratic society.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Cisneros Lenoir
  • Do the Right Thing
    Preserving all the good that was accomplished by New Deal, Fair Deal and New Frontier Democrats in the White House
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Herman Shwide
  • Fix our Health system by migrating to a Single Payer System.
    Studies indicate that if we had a health care system that is efficient as Europe's care system we'd have no deficit. This would return the nation to sound footing without the need for spending cuts and tax increases. WE finally would have a health care system that puts people first. The money saved could then be used to finance full employment, investing in education, infrastructure ( which according to Joseph Stiglitz the deficit will come down enormously).
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gino N. Zalunardo
  • Members of Congress must give up their health care plan before voting to undo the nation's univer...
    Every member of Congress now has a complete health care package that includes excellent coverage and costs each Congressperson a fraction of what the vast majority of other Americans must pay for their health coverage. Given this advantage they enjoy, why should they be able to keep this and at the same time deny health care coverage for the rest of us? Please do not support this cynical approach to health care. Sign this petition to block them from keeping their plan while denying the American people the universal health care that the law provides.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gunnar Sievert
  • Contracts with the People Broken!
    Social Security is a senior's retirement plan.Paid for by them! Medicare is a senior's retirement health care plan. Paid for up front. Which servant of the people would allow the congress to steal those contracts from them. At the end of our lives when they think we are weak, they act as theif's
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ira Smith
  • We the People and Congress's Health Care Program
    We ask that both Houses of Congress replace our current medical care and medicine program with the the same plan they have enacted for themselves and their families. Nothing more nothing less
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dominick J Porto
  • Demand Quality Maternity Care
    The US spends more money than any other country for maternity care and has one of the highest maternal mortality rates. It has been shown that the majority of obstetric guidelines experienced by women are "not based on good and consistent scientific evidence." We think Americans must become educated on the state of our maternity care system and demand that changes to be made to promote physiologic childbirth, as well as accurate information for women to make informed decisions for their health care.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amy Meister-Stetson
  • Revoke And Replace Handicap Parking Permits In NY
    We have seen many agile people walking briskly to and from their vehicles. They poses a parking permit only because they are over 50 and have asked their doctor for one or they are using their parent's permit. I can't tell you how many times I have had to leave the supermarket and other shops because all of the handicap parking spots are filled. I have observed that at least 80% of the spots are occupied by people wjho simply don't need to park in them. If they can walk all over a superstore they can certainly walk from a regular parking spot. Strangely, these same people never use the electric shopping carts. Revoke all handicap parking permits in New York State and replace them with permits that have more stringent requirements for doctors who issue them.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arnold McGall
  • Stop the use of GMO and Stop Monsanto
    GMO use in our food supply is causing so much disease in the masses. Monsanto is the most irresponsible and greedy company on this planet. We all need to get our Lawmakers to eradicate GMOs , as they do in Europe and other countries, before we all become ill mutants.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Franzese
  • Women in North Carolina Should Have the Right to Give Birth With a Midwife
    "WHO encourages countries to better recognize midwifery as a profession and support midwives as an essential pillar of the maternal and newborn healthcare workforce." This quote is taken directly from the World Health Organization's website. The women of NC certainly deserve to have the right to choose midwife-assisted birth without anyone coming under threat of arrest. The Certified Professional Midwives of NC have been asking to be licensed, but until now the state has refused. Please speak out and insist that House Bill 522 / Senate Bill 662 "The Licensing of Certified Professional Midwives" is passed this session!
    674 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Nellie De Jong
    If the American people are unable to provide adequate, if any, health insurance for their own families, why are we contributing to the health and welfare of those without any concern for us? Why are we paying to keep them and their family members healthy while our own go without coverage? Why are we told to sacrifice time and time again while they are provided better insurance coverage than we could ever hope to have all the while ignoring our needs? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! It is time for the members of congress to experience what we are dealing with on a daily basis. It is time to end their current healthcare coverage and require them to pay their own way just like the rest of us. WE ARE TIRED OF CARRYING THEIR LOAD WHILE ALL THEY DO IS TAKE AND TALK!!!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Thomas-Screven
  • Approval of Hecepitin
    Release of the FDA of the drug Hecepitin to treat cancer patients
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracey Sampson