• Republicans in Congress Should Drop out of Tax-payer Sponsored Health Insurance
    Those who wish to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act should first withdraw from the tax-payer sponsored health insurance policies covering them and their dependants. I would not be surprised if many of them would have difficulty obtaining coverage (or pay exorbitant rates) because of pre-existing conditions - a policy which will not be allowed under AHCA after 2014.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauri Roman
  • Protect access to internet pharmacies
    Congress is in the process of protecting us from ourselves again. They and the president want to protect us from internet pharmacies so they are creating laws to block internet pharmacies from the American people. These pharmacies are saving many Americans thousands of dollars a year. For me I save up to 95 percent of the cost of just one pharmaceutical.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Forberg
  • Get Utah taxpayers out from under government mandated health care
    Utah's legislators berate all government provided health care except that they have provided to themselves, retired legislators and all of their families. I want to make them live up to their professed ideals
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Howard Lemcke
  • Why Call it Obamacare? PeopleCare!
    The title is demeaning to the presidents position for affordable healthcare. This is a long standing position that began with the first Congress, to provide health care to the indigenous people of this land. It is a long awaited promise being fulfilled
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecilia Eaves-Walker
  • Medicare For All
    After the Supreme Court reaffirmed the ACA as constitutional, many have come to the rationalization that the ACA would only cover 30 million new people. Twenty-Six states petitioned the Supreme Court to not cover the additional people and were given to choice to refuse to cover them. We also will have no cost controls to the ACA as republicans had all of them stripped out during the healthcare debate as they told fear-based lies of death panels. Costs will skyrocket to recoup their losses. Medicare For All is the answer. Nearly 75% of all americans like Medicare and know it works plus it keeps costs down. If the insurance companies and the pharmacutical industry control the debate, we will never cover everyone. We must force both parties to do the right thing and stop ignoring the problem. It will take all people regardless of party to ignore the lies, threats, and fear-mongering that will surely come to distract from the issue.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John M. Horkulic
  • Single payer health Insurance California
    We want a single payer health insurance system in the state of california as soon as practical, but certainly by 1/1/2017 as is accommodated by the federal PPACA. We need to improve conditions within our land so that we do not lag behind the rest of the world in terms of life expectancy, infant mortality and the pursuit of happiness.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Loney
  • Sign up for Federal Funds Provided under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    Let us expand the amount of Floridians with health insurance, so we don't have to pay with higher premiums the costs of the uninsured. Join me in asking Governor Rick Scott to sign Florida up to receive federal funds provided under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ross Berlin
  • Requested Resignation of Justice Clarence Thomas
    In the recent decision regarding constitutionality of AHCA, Justice Thomas revealed , not only his incompetence, which has been apparent for many years, but his blatant lack of integrity. Although his wife is a paid lobbyist for the health insurance industry and was paid over $1.5 million, he refused to recuse himself on this issue, something other justices routinely do.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Munson
  • recogning 22q-11
    I would like Congress to recognize this as a bill so that Social Security can this is a disability and that there is no rare disease.I have this rare disease that only 1 out of 4000 has it It is the second most common syndrome next down syndrome. I have had three open heart surgeries, mouth surgery, ear surgery, sinus surgery, two dis located herrnia plates in my lower back.I have several learningndisabilites as well.I have tried to get Social Security to recognize this as a disability.I can not keep a job and I need your help to please recognize and get this syndrome recognized to social sercuity.Together we can save lifes
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Padilla
  • Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act has withstood the challenge by all states who were refusing to act due to claiming the legislation was not constitutional. The highest court in the land "The Supreme Court" has spoken and it IS constitutional. Governor Walker is one of a few governors who claim to still be above the law and have vowed not to implement it still. This is harming many Wisconsinites who need this legislation to move forward for serious health and budget harm to their families
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason
  • Ask Romney
    Ask Mitt Romney to explain why he supported health insurance reform in Massachusetts but now vows to rescind the same reform for the rest of the nation.
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Joffe
  • Affordable Health Care Mandate is not a Tax on the Middle Class
    Get the word out to voters that while Chief Justice Roberts called the upheld mandate a tax, it only pertains to those who do not buy health insurance which will be much more affordable. It is not a tax on everyone. In fact, we all pay extra in our federal taxes to help pay for those who are uninsured. Voters need to call their congressmen/ women and senators and tell them to stop portraying this mandate in a negative way that taxes everyone. It is a lie to make this ruling look bad.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deana Luchs