Governor Brown: Fix Medi-cal for seniorsSeniors in California are being denied adequate dental and eyeglass care on the Medi-Cal system, with no viable alternative. This amounts to blatant and discriminatory abuse of the elderly and disabled who have low incomes, while allowing younger people benefits.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roger S Gilbert
Tell Congress: Support Children's Health IssuesMy petition is about children's health issues. With politicians threatening to scrap Obamacare, I have a child who is now wearing braces to help him walk. We need to tell politicians in Washington to not ignore even the youngest person in the fight to keep Obamacare. If it weren't for that, I would have lost my 18 month old son to health problems. I don't want to lose my only son and only child. I love him too much. It breaks my heart to see him that way.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Anderson
Obesity TaxInstead of regulating soda sizes we should attack this obesity epidemic at the source. The truth is people do not become obese by just drinking a lot of soda but rather by making multiple poor choices in their health. Now what I'm proposing would only affect obese people. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above. So I propose a healthcare tax on anyone who is obese. An obese individual would pay an additional fee on their health care costs until they reduced their BMI. Furthermore any parent with children who are obese would have additional costs added as well. Obesity is not a right as an American. It should be treated as a privilege. Now no one should be obese but if an individual chooses to be obese they should accept the consequences of it. A tobacco smoker pays more for their healthcare costs because they choose to make poor health choices. Someone who chooses to eat super large sodas and fatty foods regularly should have the same conditions enacted on them.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maxwell Hanna
Congressional Health/Retirement BenefitsShould we the people pay our taxes for outlandish Congressional health and retirement benefits the likes most of us will never see? Why hasn't the press asked every representative of Congress this question?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert M. Thacker
Obamacare is a real thingMy petition is about how obamacare has directly benefited me, as a 33 yr old full time employee, who got very sick because of a very rich man's actions. I never had insurance because I never had a job that even bothered to offer it to me, although I have been employed since I was 18. I am healthy, with no real reason for a primary care physician or healthcare, just like everyone else my age.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenny Harris
People before ProfitLet the insurance companies become aware that paying for medical services is their reason for being in business. Not making the consumer pay more for the services, while C.E.O's give themselves huge bonuses.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by L.Ferguson
Access To Birth Control Must Be ProtectedThe religious liberty of employees of some hospitals and universities managed by religious groups is threatened by attempts (notably by Catholic bishops) to impose their ban on contraceptives on everyone. Some 98% of these employees (some Catholic, more not) use contraceptives and have already made their private and intimate decision based on their own beliefs. Houses of worship should be exempt but not these institutions hiring and serving the public.84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Sumner
Dorothy FilaI think it is about time our senators and other government workers should pay for their own health plan like we the people are supposed to do, and while we are at it, why should they get pensions for life when we have a hard time making do and bringing up a family when they don't even want to raise the min. wage. It's about time the gravy train is over for them.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dorothy Fila
Illinois Rx Prescription Drug CoveragePat Quinn has cut the Illinois Rx Drug Program to help balance the budget. This program helped over 200,000 seniors and people with Disabilities. I am now facing drug costs of over $800 a month.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara M. Gaynes
Medicare for everyoneI propose Medicare type health insurance for all US citizens from cradle to grave. This health care will be paid for by a payroll taxes, corporate taxes, and co-pays.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stanley Jordan
CONGRESS: WE WANT YOUR HEALTHCAREIf one is lucky enough to have a job, and one with health benefits , these benefits are usually lost when we retire. When a member of Congress serves one term, he/she and their families gets benefits for life. Studies have shown that the stress created by simply worrying about lack of healthcare can bring on illness. It is time to end this inequity. Please sign this petition and urge Congress to apportion a small percentage of the corporate profits that line their pockets to provide us with the healthcare we deserve.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Covi
An Appeal to Congresswoman Castor and the Media – Abandoned 90-Year Old with Possible CancerA grave injustice is occurring, and the doctor may get away scot-free. With your help, that will not happen.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen T.