• Keep Politics Out Of Life Saving Health Care
    My 34 year old wife, Rachel, an American who once danced with the Royal Ballet, is accepted for a surgery to re-grow her collapsing airways using her own stem cells. But the FDA and NIH have used regulatory issues to impede our progress to get this done. Ask our Senators to tell FDA & NIH to Keep Politics Out Of Necessary Health Care! (http://HelpRachelBreathe.com)
    1,210 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Steven Phillips
  • Death With Dignity
    Our health care system is failing the elderly and those with severe chronic illness. Way too often, human beings in a vegetative state without any hope of recovery are kept alive and repeatedly tortured with multiple unnecessary hospital visits, feeding tubes, rectal tubes, bladder catheters, tracheostomy and chronic ventilator dependency. As an emergency physician for the past 15 years, I observe this immoral treatment of the elderly and disabled every day. And the financial burden to our health care system is staggering. We need a better way to honor our elderly and allow them to die with dignity.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Jennifer Ron, MD, FACEP
  • Keep Wall Street Out of Cooley Dickinson Hospital
    Cooley Dickinson Hospital (a nonprofit) in Northampton, MA is in merger/acquisition talks with Mass General, Baystate Health (both nonprofits), and Vanguard Health Systems. Vanguard is a profit-driven corporation that trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol VHS.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bo Kukil
  • The American Pharmaceutical Association
    I am trying to show that legalized drugs in this country can be more dangerous than over-the-counter remedies.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Berger
  • Tell Obama to Cease FDA Ties to Monsanto
    President Obama has appointed former Monsanto VP and lobbyist Michael Taylor to become senior advisor to the FDA's commissioner. This unthinkable linkage between food safety and corporate interests that have little regard for the public health must be stopped. This example of a "fox watching the henhouse" is inexcusable. President Obama must reverse this unimaginably dangerous policy and isolate the FDA from corporate influence.
    466,648 of 500,000 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Ravid
  • Affordable Health Care for Everyone
    We could have single payer health care in our country. Every person with a social security number could be billed one dollar for each year of your age, me I'm 59 so I would pay that every month instead of the $127 that I pay plus the five thousand or so that my employer pays each year. It would be less expensive for medicare people as they pay right around a $100 a month.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Inez Locken
  • Drop the Medicare In Home Rule Now
    The Medicare In Home Rule refuses wheelchairs or home chore assistance for people with degenerative neuromuscular disabilities until they have become completely paralyzed. It also refuses to provide wheelchairs if people leave their homes, except for doctor visits. This not only creates painful isolation, it costs taxpayers more because without household help and access to exercise and and social opportunities - both of which help alleviate pain - medical conditions worsen and nursing homes may become the only option. Many negative things result at that point, but included among them are: 1. More money spent by Medicare for conditions that could be avoided; 2. More taxes paid at the state level, because when people run out of money Medicaid becomes the primary payor.
    899 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by peggy coster
  • We're for a single-payer health plan
    Improved Medicare-for-All as a single-payer health plan is sometimes called could coverage everyone at a lower total cost with better health results as is done in all other wealthy countries. By drastically reducing administrative costs as Medicare already does and jettisoning expensive and reprehensible incentives based on profit-maximization rather than health maximization, single-payer is both logical and moral.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Johnson
    Stop protecting the Doctor's, Hospital Administrators, Medical Staff, CareGivers to the Mentally Ill. These Professions need to be held ACCOUNTABLE for their actions and non-actions when attending to the Mentally Ill. A Mentally Ill person does not have their total faculties to make appropriate decisions for themselves and when they are in the care of others - The OTHERS need to be held ACCOUNTABLE for the care of or lack of care of and not be protected by the system making the Victim be victimized twice; one by their illness the other by the system! "Follow-Up" Feature on WSVN-7, aired 1/5/2011 > http://www.wsvn.com/features/articles/investigations/MI90716/ News Article by Sun-Sentinel News > http://southflorida.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-hk-baker-act-death-20101204,0,325097.story "Initial" Feature on WSVN-7 end of 2010. http://www.wsvn.com/features/articles/investigations/MI90053/
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Taime
  • Implanted medical device safety
    The Institute of Medicine on 7/29/11 reported that the FDA process of clearing implanted medical devices for the U.S. market is fatally flawed and should be scrapped. Joint replacement is now the #1 expenditure of Medicare. The FDA charter must be updated from the 1976 OLD version to provide substantially greater safeguards for patients.
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joleen Chambers
  • Mr. Catania: Make Dying People a Home Health Care Priority in D.C.
    We need your help because people have a right to die at home among people who love them and in familiar environments. Expedited Medicaid Waiver application reviews for home health care are no longer available to hospice patients because we have reached our maximum number of program participants. We must create and reserve 200 "slots" for hospice patients and continue the city's previous efforts to expedite these applications.
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Tabb - Case Manager
    Currently the FDA is mostly funded by application fees submitted by big pharmaceutical corporations for approval of their newest drugs. Its top tier officials are also former execs from these same companies. The FDA operates autonomously with no accountability to any branch of government, yet they're responsible for our public health. Time for reform!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Stokes