• Tattoo Shops/One Client At A Time (Soft Opening April 27th)
    The survival of the independent tattoo professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship.
    3,704 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey Abbott
  • Fitness Centers/With Restrictions (Soft Opening April 27th)
    There are several small business gym owners across the United States that may not survive if they do not have the chance to open back up with these restrictions and soon. The key word is in the name, small business means not alot of people at one time anyway. Most small business owners took the leap and used their own money to make that move. Now several will not survive. Please help small business gym owners open back up so we have a fighting chance of surviving and making sure that our communities have a gym to go back to. Alot of small communities rely on the small business gyms to survive.
    6,406 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Randy Fry
  • Tattoo Shops/One Client At A Time (Soft Opening April 27, 2020)
    Ever since COVID-19 it has been affecting us in major ways and forcing people to make tough decisions for their families. We are going through financial hardship. we were promised bail outs through small business loans or grants. Yet the government has made the stipulations on these grants nearly impossible for our type of business to qualify for the loan to become a grant. Most tattoo shops if not all tattoo shops have been/ will be denied . We have no help when we have been promised help. The Quarantine was implemented to flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19 to assure that hospitals were not overwhelmed all the once in to help prevent such a rapid spread . The numbers of infected people is on the decline . We tattoo artists are trained and certified in blood-borne pathogen‘s and cross-contamination as well as many other medical safety and sterility procedures we are just as safe if not safer than most hospitals. tattoo shops are very clean we take this serious this is our livelihood if we do not return back to work by May 1st many small businesses will be lost . We will not be able to pay our bills, rents/mortgages, Insurances, we have the very potentially of losing everything. We still have to pay our mortgages/ rents and phone bills and gas and electric none of this has stopped for us . Yes, we can postpone them, but they’re not going away! Some of us can still sustain for a while, but that doesn’t mean that we are doing OK this is how we pay our bills this is how we feed our families and we are not getting any help from anyone, nor are we asking for it. We just want to be allowed to return to work in a safe manor
    2,133 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Murzin
  • Tattoo Shops/One Client At A Time (May 20, 2020)
    The survival of the independent tattoo professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship.
    1,012 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Murzin
  • Massage therapists could help, but we need your help first!
    Massage therapists help so many people, but right now we need help. Self-employed and independent massage therapists are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the mandated closure. We provide a valued health service that is worthy of evaluating if the benefits outweigh the risk when appropriate precautions are taken.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lani Mitchell
  • Hair Salons / One client at a time
    Most stylist out independent contractors with no benefits getting turned down for small business loans and help because no employees No we are SELF employed. We have been off for 4 weeks with no help and not seeing any in the near future. LET US WORK We have the same sanitation education the nurses do We have continuing education on sanitation regularly
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheri Hilmes
  • Hair/Nail salon ONE client at a time.
    Beauty professionals can not preform their services via the internet or any other way except hands on. They need to be in reasonable contact to preform this safe and Necessary service to maintain their livelihood.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lysa Brown
  • URGENT! Signatures needed to support the Boutique Fitness Industry
    BACKGROUND: I am the owner of a boutique fitness and nutrition studio, Fit Forward in Carlisle, PA. ALL fitness studios, gyms, health clubs, etc. in Pennsylvania were abruptly demanded to shut down on March 16th to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In an abundance of caution to “flatten the curve,” I believe this was a smart decision to some degree, but also feel the importance and essential nature of the services we offer and what we do for our communities. For this reason I personally submitted for a waiver to be classified as "essential" due to the nature of our clientele, their needs, their disabilities, their rehab, and their counting on our assistance and expertise to help them maintain their health especially during this time. I got denied. Many other businesses such as certain Cabinet Companies (Owned by you Mr. Governor), Ice Cream Shops, Coffee Shops, etc were deemed "essential" and left alone to operate, knowing that these businesses would most likely allow more than one person at a given time to congregate in unsanitary, uncontrolled environments. Even stepping foot in a grocery store, a hardware store, or any open "essential" business right now is mind-blowing to me with the number of people in these places, the lack of sanitation, the people roaming around without masks on, the touching of items, paying with credit cards and touching screens, it seems impossible for those aforementioned "essential" businesses to host controlled environments. JUSTIFICATION: Boutique fitness studios are facilities of less than 7,500 square feet, mine personally is less than 3,500 sf, designed to serve small numbers of clients at any one time, whereas fitness centers are commonly known as facilities designed to serve hundreds of clients at a time. I believe that boutique fitness studios (particularly personal training studios) from the beginning have inappropriately been classified within a larger fitness center category directed at facilities with 250 people or more and alongside other industries such as cinemas (average size 200-300 client capacity) or as a large group fitness type studio where there are 20-50 participants in a small space. We can train one client at a time. We can stagger appointments to limit crossing of clients. We can limit the number of trainers and clients in the facility at any given time. We can remain a safe distance from our clients while working with them. We can provide masks, hand sanitation stations and can monitor everything going on within our facilities. With the controlled numbers in a boutique Fitness Studio, I am confident in knowing we can offer a very clean, safe and free from the virus spreading facility to our community. IMPACT: Because being healthy, fit, and free from preventative diseases such as high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes is a key defense against this disease, and potential recurring waves of the disease, opening smartly and quickly to assist our population is also critical to the long-term health of our society. The importance of our mental health is so relevant right now and there needs to be a place to release all the negative energy especially NOW. It's proven that exercise and eating well positively impacts those suffering from depression and anxiety. These numbers are on the rise. The health of millions of clients is at stake as we confront a future with COVID-19. For every week a typical boutique fitness studio is closed, it forgoes $5,000-$20,000 in revenue. The significant financial impact of this crisis expands not only to owners, but also to the millions of Independent Contractors and Employees in our industry that are unable to work from home. Given that the Boutique Fitness Industry is estimated to be worth 42% of an $88 billion Industry, the weekly impact is $710 million of lost revenue. The Boutique Fitness Industry is one of the few female- led industries in existence. We estimate that 75%+ of the owners and workers impacted by this crisis are women, to include myself, and many of whom are the sole breadwinners for their families. The radical impact to a female- led industry is undeniable. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PROFESSIONALS AND CONSUMERS WITHIN THE BOUTIQUE FITNESS STUDIO COMMUNITY, RESPECTFULLY REQUEST BEING ABLE TO REOPEN BUSINESSES ON MAY 11th FROM YOU GOVERNOR WOLF I ask that those in agreement petition for ALL Boutique Fitness and Personal Training Studios be given the rights to do a soft reopening on May 1st, 2020. So far, the petitioning has been very active and positive. I am happy to announce that in the great terms of fairness several companies, businesses originally given "essential status" were finally resided and closed... to include The Wolf Cabinet Company and candy store owned by a Senate Majority Leader. It is time to allow us studio owners, personal trainers, and nutrition counselors, get back to work for our community.
    799 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jami Shields
  • Massage Therapists Are Essential💖
    Licensed Massage Therapists abide by a strict Code of Ethics and professionalism. We are as sanitary as doctor's office. We often have clients with medical prescriptions from doctors. We can relieve migraine and other types of headaches, decrease chronic pain to keep people off of Opioids, reduce anxiety, stress and tension, decrease blood pressure, help clients keep pain levels down so they can perform active daily tasks as well as so much more. Most of us are a "one man shop" so we only have on client at a time and sanitize everything in between each person. Please let us reopen to help and heal folks so we can all get thru this horrible time with a little less stress and anxiety!! 🇺🇸
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelli Payne
  • Health is Essential
    Because health is achieved through fitness and actually increases immunity.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Scott
  • Reopen Salons in California NOW!!
    Survival of Hair Salons, Stylists, Owners and independent beauty professionals is at risk. We are facing a grave financial hardship. Clients are also having to resort to outside means for grooming, hair cut and color maintenance. This will also prevent a rush to salons when we are actually given a date to reopen, which will protect the community, ourselves and our clients from a surge of re-exposure.
    40,929 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Lauré Chicoine Picture
  • Make Fitness Centers Essential
    The list of conditions below are common in our clientele. Of these, many also seek the advice of our trainers where we can prevent injury by recognizing dangerous conditions and modify their exercises. An essential part of this ability to personalize training for our clients is that they depend on our ability to care for them, but most importantly, motivate them. The list of conditions below are common in our clientele. Of these, many also seek the advice of our trainers where we can prevent injury by recognizing dangerous conditions and modify their exercises. An essential part of this ability to personalize training for our clients is that they depend on our ability to care for them, but most importantly, motivate them. Maintains Immune Functioning Improves Breathing Function Distraction from Addictions Diabetes Control Increases Bone Density Lowers Cholesterol Increase Strength Lowers Anxiety Longevity Strengthen Cardiac Muscles Speeds Metabolism Fights Obesity Aids in Depression Blood Circulation Joint Oxygenation Lower Blood Sugar Reduces absenteeism Rehabilitation Aerobic Conditioning Increase Brain Function Decrease Risk of Heart Attack Weight Loss/Control Increased Energy Reduces Risk of Arthritis Improves Sex Life Better Sleep Improves Mood Boosts Memory Lowers Dementia Risk and Symptoms
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina Hall