Netflix: Let essential social services stream content for our communitiesDuring the COVID crisis this change would be beneficial to social services agencies on the front line. Certain programing can be of substantial benefit to clients in Social Service Programs that address topics related to addiction, mental health, and survival stories be valuable teaching tools for clients struggling with these disorders.46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Horwitz
Release Endangered Asylum Seekers at the Port Isabel Detention Center, TexasStatement Re Detained Asylum Seekers at the Port Isabel Detention Center, Texas We are writing to express our grave concern about the ongoing detention of numerous asylum seekers in the ICE Port Isabel Detention Center, Los Fresnos, Texas. The great majority of these persons have never committed a crime. Moreover, they have families with legal status here in the United States who are eager to take them in while their immigration cases are processed. Prior to this administration, release of these migrants to their families would have been routine. These asylum seekers are now in danger of contracting the Corona Virus, or Covid-19, and suffering severe illness and even death. They must be released to family and friends forthwith. Keeping them in long term, unjustified detention under these conditions is the moral equivalent of locking them into a burning building. Hygienic conditions and medical care at this facility are shocking even during the best of times. The conditions are now unconscionable. The asylum seekers do not receive soap, only small packets of shampoo in the morning. Soap they must purchase on their own through the commissary if they can. The guards, arriving from their homes, walk in and out of the dormitories without gloves or masks, and go from one dorm to the other in this manner throughout the day. There are 70 men to a dormitory so social distancing is impossible. The men also eat in their dorms, with food workers bringing in the food trays, with gloved hands but no masks. There are four toilet bowls in each dorm, standing out in the open without any screens. These are cleaned in the morning and evening, but no cleaning materials are available in between. These conditions fly in the face of the precautions we are all required to respect. Many of the detainees have serious health problems. It is a matter of time until the virus strikes, and the results will be devastating. We know that the detainees have brought these concerns to the facility’s officers, but to no avail. The detainees also initiated a hunger strike on Monday, March 30, 2020. We understand that there is a grave risk of retaliation and intimidation should it continue. We demand that all migrants in the Port Isabel Detention Center be immediately released to their friends and family unless they have a criminal record clearly indicating a danger to society. Contacts: Madeleine Sandefur Jennifer Harbury ANGRY TIAS AND ABUELAS1,229 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Glassman
Congressional Inquiry into sale of N95 masksHealth care and other essential service workers have become sick and some may die over the lack of preparedness, even though these masks were changing hands and flying back and forth between countries since January of 202082 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Candace Head-Dylla, PhD
Expanding Free Menstrual Product Access at the University of South FloridaWe are working to expand access to free menstrual products (pads, tampons, liners, etc.) for all students who need them, including trans and non-binary students. We plan to work with on-campus resources to allow community members (students and faculty) free access to these necessities. Menstrual product access is a basic necessity for more than half of our student body. Currently, free menstrual products are provided in the Student Health Services building where you can only take two at a time, but nowhere else on our campus. Our campus lacks menstrual product dispensers in all bathrooms, therefore the only place to access these essential products is in the Student Health Services building. This does not assist anyone in need of these products during an emergency. Expanded access to these products is necessary to ensure the safety of students and faculty because this is an issue of hygiene.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Planned Parenthood Generation Action USF
Mask Every AmericanTens of thousands, perhaps millions, will die if this petition is not answered positively.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colleen Siegel
Nationalize the Supply Chain for Medical Protection and Life Saving EquipmentWithout a working healthcare system, entire communities will collapse -- healthcare workers, patients and their families will be affected. Not that one can put a monetary value on human lives, but our economy will never recover from a healthcare collapse.1,162 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Irene Mar
UBER & Lyft: Protect your drivers in this pandemic!UBER and Lyft drivers are on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, shuttling people back and forth who still need to go to work and get groceries. But UBER and Lyft have yet to extend protections their drivers can actually take, including sick days and paid leave. And these companies aren’t providing the drivers who do want to keep working with adequate sanitary supplies. That means drivers might feel forced to work when they feel ill, or when their family members are sick and need care. These drivers are taking care of us during this pandemic, and the companies they work for need to take care of them by providing critical benefits that protect them, their families, passengers, and communities.24,089 of 25,000 Signatures
Stop Big Pharma from price gouging on the coronavirusBig Pharma companies are already trying to profit from drugs to treat or prevent coronavirus infection -- and we need your help to stop them. Last week Gilead Sciences was caught attempting to get exclusive rights to one drug that has shown promise in treating covid-19. Under intense public pressure they backed off, but they and other Pharma companies still have the ability to raise the price high and gouge everyone for desperately needed medicine. Under a federal law known as Section 1498, the government can override a patent at any time as long as the company receives "reasonable compensation." This gives the government critical leverage to negotiate lower prices. And the government could even start producing lifesaving treatments itself under the Defense Production Act. Will you help use that leverage to save lives and stop Big Pharma from gouging people?526 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Re-legalize Cannabis Nationwide NOWEvery single human being is stressed now with everything that has evolved as a direct result of this crisis. Pharmaceutical drugs have proven to wreak havoc around the world causing many deaths. while cannabis is a safer alternative for many and has never killed anyone. Re-legalize cannabis NOW, it is the only humane thing to do at this point.104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Marcella Tincher
Shelter in place orders now!The coronavirus is a pandemic emergency and should be considered a national emergency in the United States. The piecemeal attempts to control the spread by local or scattered state mandates is not effective. The whole nation must be involved. The coronavirus does not respect borders. If the national government refuses to make the guidelines a national mandate, we need to pressure the state governors into doing that for it. We are all in this together.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Steinberg
Extend Shelter in Place order for Lubbock, TXAs of March 31, 2020, there are 100 reported cases of COVID-19 in Lubbock. Yesterday there were 41 cases. Depending on the level of testing, there will be many more reported cases by the end of the week, probably approaching 200 and counting. This number is arrived at by taking the number of new cases since yesterday 36, and adding it for each day until Saturday. This is a simplistic estimate that will certainly underestimate the true number, since this assumes that the growth won't increase each day but instead remain constant. This is an underestimate since, in exponential growth, the rates increase depending on the previous rate (so the growth rates are not constant). Further, the people who are being tested are those who have the most severe symptoms, leading to the reported cases underestimating the true cases. Many asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases of COVID-19 have not yet been tested. This implies that the growth rate, which depends on reported cases, is an underestimate of the true growth rate, so COVID-19 is spreading more rapidly in Lubbock than we currently understand. Lubbock hospitals are exemplary and have substantial resources prepared to handle this pandemic, however, the growth rate is larger than we hope and may soon inundate the hospitals. Whether the hospitals can handle a large number of cases or not, it is still a good decision to protect their resources available to fight the virus. This is best done as a community by sheltering in place for a longer period of time, so as to reduce the number of cases the hospitals need to care for. This preserves the resources needed to safely care for the patients as well as the doctors and nurses working on the front lines. It is a difficult decision to order a shelter-in-place for a longer period of time when there is hope that such an order isn't needed, since it could appear to be a greater measure than what is necessary. However, by not ordering a shelter-in-place for a long enough time, the virus will spread beyond control so that other actions cannot rectify the situation. The longer the order is extended, the better. This is an opportunity for Lubbock to emerge as a leader in West Texas on how to combat COVID-19, and protect the wonderful people and healthcare workers in the city.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristen Johnson
Close Out Patient Physical Therapy Clinics Due To Covid 19.Because it is spreading the Covid 19 virus. It is dangerous. Over 500 health care workers have tested positive.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ailie Ham