• Close Wildlife Markets to Stop Future Pandemics
    The COVID-19 pandemic is tragically displaying the consequences of our world's broken relationship with wildlife and wild places. Experts believe that the current coronavirus likely originated with the close interaction with wildlife—that may have been illegally trafficked—in a live animal market in Wuhan, China. The disease may have originated in bats and moved to an intermediary host—possibly the highly endangered pangolin, the most trafficked mammal on earth—from which the disease jumped to humans. We have been here before. SARS, Ebola, and HIV all likely originated from the exploitation of wildlife, including threatened and endangered species. Now is the time to learn from our past actions. We must put an end to wildlife trafficking immediately. And, we must stop the unsustainable exploitation of wildlife more broadly. This is the second leading cause of the biodiversity crisis. The destruction of biodiversity, including the poaching and trafficking of wildlife, puts people in incredible danger in a variety of ways: it spreads disease, jeopardizes security, undermines the rule of law, and threatens local economies that depend on nature. This current situation helps to crystalize that good wildlife policy and conservation funding, including for enforcement, must be a very high priority to protect our health, communities, and future. Finally, it is essential to recognize that humans have all contributed to the biodiversity crisis we face, with a million species at risk of extinction in the near future. But this is no excuse for racial, ethnic, or other discrimination or retaliation. Cultures across the globe, including ours and yours, engage in some practices that are not compatible with protecting the diversity of life that exists on our planet and ourselves. And every culture has something to mend and contribute to global efforts to protect our gift of biodiversity that sustains us all. We applaud countries that have re-acknowledged the threats of wildlife trafficking by establishing and enforcing permanent bans on this illegal and deadly trade. Please join us in calling for the World Health Organization, UN and World Organization for Animal Health to take immediate action to close live wildlife markets and ban wildlife trafficking.
    11,498 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Endangered Species Coalition Picture
  • Congress Shall Declare a National Day of Mourning in Memory of Citizens Lost to COVID-19
    As an ordained clergy person and seminary professor, I am witness to the stories of many colleagues in ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clergy of many faiths have shared stories of mourning that has been interrupted by isolation and disrupted by distancing. Clergy are doing their best to provide funerals when no one can gather, and comfort families who have had to let their loved one die alone. Still, it is becoming more clear all the time that our country as a whole will need an opportunity to grieve the losses we have all felt. We especially need to honor those whose lives were taken by the virus while they were serving the common good as doctors, nurses, first responders, and other public servants. We call upon congress to provide leadership, making time and space for the nation to grieve together when the time is right. We call upon congress to close all government offices on that day, and ask other institutions to close as well. Let us be a nation that mourns together, even as we affirm the value of serving the common good. (photo: Mark Zastrow - creative commons)
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Grundy
  • One Client at a Time (Soft Opening)
    Independent Beauty Professionals rely on the income from clients. We cannot perform a haircut online. While the “beauty industry is deemed “Non essential”, the ability to practice our craft and make a living is very ESSENTIAL to our livelihood. A lot of us did not qualify for Unemployment. A lot of us did not receive any business Loans. A lot of us have not received a Stimulus Check yet. We are facing a grave financial hardship.
    33,347 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Yelenka Akh
  • Stop Networks Broadcasting Trump's Pandemic Paloozas
    Every day we're being bombarded with falsehoods and misinformation from Trump and his cronies during these so-called CV-19 briefings. Every question that reporters ask during these paloozas just gives Trump and co. the opportunity to continue distracting Americans from seeing the mess he's made because of his administration's lack of preparations and his narcissism, which has and will continue to kill innocent citizens. Without the networks'/medias' complicity in these paloozas, there would be no ability to spread Trump's propaganda. What they don't realize is that it is undermining their own credibility and that of their reporters.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Fox
  • Mayor Duggan, #TurnTheWaterOn
    Sanitation and hydration are basic to human life in the best of times and we are now in a State of Emergency because of COVID-19 and those needs even more important. Use your power as Mayor to comply with Governor Gretchen Whitmer's executive order establishing a moratorium on water shut offs and turning on water across the state. Save the lives and health of the people you serve. Use the information and resources at your disposal to turn everyone's water on with all deliberate speed.
    2,245 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by frontline detroit Picture
  • Shut Down Unnecessary Times Square Billboards!
    There is absolutely no need to have all the lights and advertisements going 24/7 when there’s no one there to see them anyway. It’s 100% waste.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Blodgett
  • Tell Trump GE workers are waiting to make ventilators right now!
    We are longtime GE employees and proud IUE-CWA union members who know that we and our co-workers can make a real difference during this crisis by producing ventilators, but GE has failed to act. We are calling on President Trump to use his authority under the Defense Production Act to require GE to start producing ventilators at its underutilized facilities immediately! We have the skills necessary to make ventilators and GE has the manufacturing capacity, but instead of producing this desperately needed equipment the company has announced massive layoffs of its workforce and GE factory space is sitting empty. GE is partnering with other corporations to jumpstart ventilator production because its existing GE Healthcare production plant is now running at capacity. Meanwhile, thousands of Americans are dying every day. We need more companies producing more ventilators in more locations now, and the quickest way for GE to do that is to put its skilled workforce and excess capacity to work. Workers like us are ready to start producing ventilators to help our country get through this crisis and save lives. President Trump must act now to require GE to do the right thing and start producing live-saving ventilators immediately. Please join this fight and sign our petition.
    29,131 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Vicky Hurley & Walter Bradford IUE-CWA Picture
  • Pass the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act immediately
    Since the first case of the Covid-19 was diagnosed in the United States on January 20th, the response from the federal government to this pandemic has been slow and ineffective. From personal protective equipment to ventilators and tests, healthcare workers are still being left to treat Covid-19 without the supplies they need. Many clinics and hospitals have run out of respirators and even simple procedural masks are running low. In some hospitals, providers are being asked to use a single mask for multiple days even though these masks were designed for one time use. New reports are coming out everyday highlighting the desperate, war-like situation in some of our nations’ hospitals, with patients lining the hallways and refrigerated trucks being used as a supplementary morgues. In the United States, the only institution with the power to lead a strong and coordinated response, ensure adequate production of medical equipment, and provide widespread testing is the federal government. Our leaders need to step up, right now, to ensure the health and wellbeing of our healthcare workers while also taking the necessary steps to slow this pandemic. That starts with passing the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act This is not a partisan political issue. Our loyalty is to our patients and our colleagues who are on the frontline sacrificing so much for their communities. We need our federal government to do their job. By passing the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act, Congress can force the White House to take this critical action. Congress must immediately address this issue when they return to session for the next emergency Covid funding bill. Without sufficient access to testing and necessary protective equipment, the crucial shortage will become healthcare workers. We must do something now. Sign the petition. Demand your members of Congress vote to support the bill. Why is this important? I’m a doctor in Portland and I am spending all of my free time volunteering with #GetUsPPE. My fellow healthcare workers don’t have the PPE they need to protect themselves during this pandemic. Losing these workers due to infection or quarantine not only risks their health but also endangers the stability of our entire healthcare system. I am afraid. I’m afraid that I might become infected and die, or worse that I might transmit the virus to my loved ones. I am afraid tThat my fellow doctors and nurses and support staff might die. That my hospital might run out of PPE. That I can’t adequately treat my patients. That they might die alone and afraid. Meanwhile, President Trump continues to drag his feet on using the Defense Production Act, our most important law supporting the production of necessary supplies in times of emergency. Due to this delay, Senators Chris Murphy and Brian Schatz have introduced the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act (Senate Bill 3568) to force the White House to utilize the Defense Production Act, and the bill is gaining momentum. But Congress won’t act unless enough of us demand, loudly, with one voice to #GetUsPPE and all of the other supplies and equipment like ventilators and medications that we need to save lives. Will you help me get Congress to pass this bill? Add your voice to ours. #GetUsPPE Dr. Val Griffeth, MD, PhD GetUsPPE.org
    3,215 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Val Griffeth Picture
    Now more than ever, every Healthcare worker in the United States deserve this recognition.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Bancroft
  • Close Amazon warehouses that put us at risk of coronavirus infections
    Coronavirus has spread to over 50 Amazon facilities across the country. Amazon delivery lead Kathy Knight said "I'm worried that I have infected 1000 people in the last three days." She and her 22-year-old son, who is also an Amazon driver, are awaiting test results for COVID-19 after her son began showing symptoms. Amazon workers across the country have been organizing strikes and actions demanding safer working conditions and paid leave. Instead of protecting workers, Amazon fired one of the worker organizers, Christian Smalls, and planned to smear him with a racist PR campaign. Thousands of workers are packed together with few protective measures in Amazon facilities. Workers report that Amazon is refusing to shut down and properly sanitize warehouses, that Amazon is not providing gloves and masks, is not adhering to social distancing measures, and isn’t being honest about the risk of infections in its facilities. Jeff Bezos has already hired 80,000 new warehouse and delivery workers during this pandemic without doing enough to protect workers. Health experts say that if we are not successful at slowing the spread of COVID-19, as many as 1.5 million people may die in the U.S. alone. If Jeff Bezos continues to risk the safety of Amazon workers, their families, and neighbors, COVID-19 could spread even faster around the world. The Squad is pressuring Amazon and leading the way in Congress--but we need more congressional support to take federal action if we’re going to slow the spread of COVID-19 across all Amazon facilities. Jeff Bezos is riding this pandemic out in comfort while Amazon profits from coronavirus. We can’t wait for Jeff Bezos to prioritize the health of our communities. We urgently need your voice now. Tell Congress to investigate Amazon’s unsafe working conditions and shut down unsafe warehouses.
    280 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Call it the Trump Virus
    Major platforms including MoveOn agree: America's weak and inconsistent emergency response has let the Covid-19 pandemic kill thousands more people than necessary. And it's not over. Trump squandered precious weeks -- denying, delaying and lying about emergency preparedness and the severity of Covid-19. "A hoax," he said, "like impeachment." Let's give credit where credit is due: it's the Trump Virus. This is important for three reasons: 1) Naming is powerful. Trump named this pandemic the "Chinese Virus", prompting hatemongering and random assaults on Asian-Americans. It's time to flip the script. 2) Naming is framing. It frames public policy by telling folks what to think. Under Trump and the GOP, for instance, longtime protections in federal law become "job-killing regulations". 3) To drive out Trump in November, we need to tie him to this disaster in people's minds, welded like steel. It hasn't happened yet: polls reveal lots of folks still think he's doing a fine job. Bringing "Trump Virus" into common usage will help shift public perception, a crucial goal. Thanks for doing your part. Constantly tweet #TrumpVirus, talk Trump Virus, blog and comment about the Trump Virus. And please, urge news media and other public platforms to give credit where credit is due: it's the Trump Virus. For more, see https://TrumpVirus.cc. Thanks again.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ira Dember
  • NYC CryOut4Action - Demand Help for Our City Friday 4.17 @ 2 pm - SIGN UP HERE
    New York is in crying out for help. But our federal government is failing us. We have socially distanced. We have stayed home--or risked our health to do essential work. We have lost income, put our lives on hold, shuttered businesses. We are homeschooling our kids, checking on our neighbors, and begging our parents to stay in. We are masking up. We are doing what we can. But the government is leaving us to die. This moment urgently calls us to exercise our collective power in spite of physical distance. Our communities, already ravaged by years of extraction and exploitation, now face a once in a 100 year crisis — the economic and political fallout of which will leave many of our people jobless, homeless, hungry or, even worse, dead. We need #Recovery4All, including immigrants! And in every crisis, the human spirit of solidarity, community and support also lives. We are asking you to open your window and bang on pots and pans at 2pm on Friday for 10 minutes to demand government action. We will do this in NYC every Friday until May Day. Then we will do it EVERYWHERE. We will keep banging until we are heard. In this moment, we can move beyond Zoom meetings and tele-town halls and elevate our struggles by directly confronting corporations, Wall Street, landlords, and the carceral state. May Day provides the perfect opportunity to link our struggles, lift our stories, confront those choosing to profit from our community's pain, and advance our urgent and long-term needs. We need a #Recovery4All On FRIDAY, APRIL 17TH FROM 2:00, let's take to our windows, our fire escapes, our roofs, our doors and our stoops, and make a racket loud enough to be heard in Washington. Let’s make noise and cry out for our state and federal elected officials to cancel rent, to house the homeless, to get a recovery for all people including the undocumented and hard hit Black and Brown communities, to get PPE to all healthcare and essential workers, to free our people from dangerous prisons and detention centers. We need a #Recovery4All! We need a #PeoplesBailout! We know that this is #TrumpsCOVIDFail We Demand: #CancelRent — Cancel rent and mortgage payments, establish a housing emergency fund, Freeze evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs in all housing, Declare a moratorium on all work requirements for housing, house the houseless, $100 billion in rent assistance. #ReleaseThemAll - Decarcerate — Immigration and Justice Transformation. Release everyone currently in immigration detention, release particularly vulnerable populations from prisons and jails to relieve concentration of risk to coronavirus, close immigration courts and cancel check-ins and other immigration interviews, hold telephonic bond hearings, divest resources from wall construction and border enforcement to provide medical care and create cash-based disaster relief to out-of-work households regardless of status. CASA, MRPA, MRNJ, TOP, #EssentalWorker — UBI, UI, Green New Deal, Medicare For All, Childcare for All, Paid Sick, Hazard Pay, PPE, Paycheck guarantee #AmazonStrikes — Paid Leave, Hazard Pay, care subsidies, shutdown and clean facilities with workers paid, personal protective equipment, no discipline or raising safety concerns, end work practices such as production quotas. #ClimateStrike — The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is 4/22, which was planned as a day of mass action. #MedicareforAllCOVID Here's how it works: Wear something red, because it’s an emergency. Make a sign or banner saying something the government needs to do to protect us. Hold it or hang it out your window or off your roof. At 2 PM, make a racket for 10 minutes. Whistle, shout, sing, pray, bang on a pot, hoot, holler, drum, blast music and dance--it’s up to you. Just do it loud enough to wake up our leaders--and remind each other that our country is better, and stronger, than this. (Don't forget to follow social distancing.) Take pictures or videos and post with #PeoplesBailout #Recovery4All Send those photos to [email protected] Do it again next Friday Tell all of your friends to do it on MAY 1st!!! Huge national day of action Please sign this petition to pledge to participate if 1,000 other people commit as well. Then spread the word. [UPDATE 4.10. Good news!! Momentum is building. Several big NYC grassroots groups have decided to join, and asked to move the date back to give them time to spread the word. We have updated this to reflect the new date. Please keep sharing!] [UPDATE 4.16 - The date has been moved to Friday 4.17 AND the next two Fridays, building up to a huge push on May 1. Make The Road NY, the Working Families Party, NY Communities for Change, Center for Popular Democracy, and the Met Council on Housing are driving this — they represent the neighborhoods and communities that are being crushed by this crisis and they are demanding #Recovery4All and a #PeoplesBailout — please support their call.]
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Autumn Leonard