• Stop the Spread - Shut the Schools
    For many COVID-19 is a life threatening illness. Given the current situation with coronavirus I think FCPS should do the right thing and close the schools for a few weeks. It is clear from the numbers in the rest of the world that if we shut things down now we have a much better chance of containing the virus. I know that we have several snow days already built in to the school year. We can use them now and help stop the spread of the virus. I could keep my own children home but it’s not going to help unless everyone keeps their children home. Below are links to a few articles I’ve found defending this idea: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-cancel-everything/607675/ And https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca If we take things seriously and “quarantine” now we can prevent this virus from overwhelming our medical system like it seems to have done in Northern Italy. But we need our leadership to guide us. I promise I will defend you when other parents complain that closing the schools is an over reaction. Believe me when I say I don’t look forward to spending weeks at home with my children (even though I love them very much!)
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Loritz
  • Better Measures for the Coronavirus Emergency to protect People
    By allowing workers to stay home without fear of being unable to make rent and allowing people to buy health insurance, EVERYONE will be better off as it will help slow the spread of the virus. Also, if more people get health insurance, the insurance pool will be bigger, and presumably younger people who opted not to get insurance will be motivated to get covered.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Freedman
  • Petition to dismiss classes due to Corona
    This is a health hazard for many students in DVC. The first case of corona virus has been announced in the Contra Costa County, where Diablo Valley College’s Pleasant Hill campus is located.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Utama
  • Band together
    When I look at the Democratic field I see a lot of talent and good ideas. But this positive message is lost in the bickering that makes them all so unattractive. Democrats have a mission to serve the needs of all classes, all races in this country including former Trump voters. People are tired of fighting. Give them hope and unity and a positive cohesive message.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Gatling-Austin
  • Don't use the coronavirus as an excuse to reauthorize the Patriot Act!
    The spread of the coronavirus is a major national and global public health crisis. It should be a moment where our government works quickly and effectively to stop a pandemic. Instead, as the Intercept reported, Congressional leaders are considering adding an extremely controversial provision reauthorizing mass spying on the American people to a must-pass coronavirus spending bill. Key portions of the Patriot Act are due to expire on March 15. This includes Section 215, the notorious provision that enabled our government to conduct mass surveillance on the American people. Members of both parties in Congress have tried to prevent Section 215 from being reauthorized, so we can shut down this abusive spying for good. But Congressional leaders are strongly considering adding a reauthorization of Section 215 to the coronavirus spending bill, forcing members of Congress to choose between public health and our constitutional rights. We need to mobilize NOW and tell Congress this is an unacceptable, shady, and offensive idea. Congress needs to pass a clean coronavirus funding bill. And they need to shut down Section 215 for good.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Support safe CNA to patient ratio
    Currently Nevada does not have mandated nurse-to-patient ratios. SB 362 is a bill that will set a minimum standard for safe staffing in hospitals. Research has proven that setting safe nurse-to-patient ratios prevents patient deaths, decreases medication errors, and decreases hospital length of stay. Research has also shown that Registered Nurses are more effective in providing safe patient care when not overburdened by unmanageable patient assignments (NYSNA's Education, Practice and Research Program, 2013). This bill will improve patient outcomes, patient and nurse satisfaction, and contribute to the provision of superior care for our local community by our healthcare facilities.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tamara Washington
  • Tell Hoboken City Council to Oppose NJ Transit Fossil Fuel Power Plant
    I'm a Hoboken parent, my 66-year-old mother lives here, and I know many neighbors who this power plant would put at most risk; children, older adults, and people with cardiovascular, lung or respiratory problems. The NJ Transit Fossil Fuel Power Plant is a $546 million, 140-megawatt natural gas-fired project that would mostly be paid by a Superstorm Sandy Resilience grant. This is a huge contradiction. 1) The proposed site is an active flood plain, and the plant would become the 13th largest emitter of greenhouse gases in New Jersey, dumping 577,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide equivalent greenhouse gases annually. 2) Ironically, NJ Transit describes this plant as a resiliency project, but the greenhouse gas emissions from the plant would add to the chances of more climate emergencies like Superstorm Sandy. 3) There are cleaner solutions to the resiliency problems that NJ Transit wants to solve with this plant. Those solutions can deliver the same amount of power with much less risk to Hoboken residents – but NJ Transit has not explored them. Renewable technology alternatives – quickly becoming more cost-effective -- include zero-emission technologies like a solar-powered microgrid along with wind and tidal forces combined with battery storage. WHAT’S SO BAD ABOUT GAS-FIRED POWER PLANTS? - Gas infrastructure facilities can annually emit into the air hundreds of tons of pollutants including particulate matter, toxic chemicals such as sulfur dioxide, mercury, and criteria pollutants (such as nitrogen oxides which cause smog, acid rain and contribute to ozone production), some of which are known carcinogens such as benzene and formaldehyde which are known to increase the severity of asthma and other respiratory diseases. - Particulate matter, once inhaled, can affect the heart and lungs and cause serious health effects including lung cancer. - Long-term exposure to ozone is linked to aggravation of asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis, and it is likely to be one of many causes of asthma development. - Long-term exposures to ozone may also be linked to permanent lung damage, such as abnormal lung development in children. Please sign the petition to prevent NJ Transit from building a polluting gas-fired power plant within 4 miles of Hoboken.
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ron Bautista Picture
  • Endorse Bernie Sanders
    Bernie will fight for the working class and poor. He has been consistent for 40 years. Medicare For All, tuition free public college, Green New Deal, Get money out of politics, get us out of endless wars, Federal Jobs Guarantee, Expand Social Security, Immigration reform, Criminal Justice Reform
    559 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robyn Weisgerber
  • I Support NJ's Vaccine Exemption Reform Bill
    "In New Jersey, the number of children in pre-kindergarten through high school who cited religion as an excuse to avoid vaccines grew from 1,641 in the 2005-06 academic year to just under 14,000 in the 2018-19 year. Of these, 8,348 children were enrolled in pre-kindergarten, according to state Department of Education data." - nj.com Parents citing religious concerns as a reason to not vaccinate their children is rapidly becoming more widespread in our state. This is being framed as a "personal / medical choice" issue; however, it is a public health issue. Until 2018, measles was all but gone in North America; now there are outbreaks in California and right here in NJ. Measles, which is often framed as a "harmless childhood disease", can have serious complications, including lifelong disabilities and pneumonia (which can lead to death). This is especially true if someone sick with measles is malnourished or immunocompromised. The bill is not about "forced vaccines". The bill is about making sure that children who are at higher risk due to lack of vaccination, are not spreading VPD (vaccine-preventable diseases) to other peoples' children. It is about protecting some of the most vulnerable members of our population, such as kids who are immunocompromised and legitimately can't receive vaccines. Ideally, this bill will open up further dialogue between parents and doctors, so that healthcare providers can better answer parents' questions and assist them in determining what is reliable information and what is not. The anti-vaccination crowd has come out in full force in NJ, harassing legislators and making verbal / digital personal attacks. The protesting outside Senate has been so loud that you can barely hear what's going on inside the building. The bill has been dropped once already and passed over yesterday as lawmakers have caved to the hysteria and bullying. We can't simply let this go. The medical community is overwhelmingly in favor of vaccines. And this is who we should be listening to - not conspiracy theorists and Del Bigtree. I think it is also important to note, that there are almost no major religions that object to vaccinations. The vaccines manufactured and given now are very far away from the aborted fetal cell lines that they were once grown in. (See second link at the bottom for an article / example of this from a Christian viewpoint). This is not a slippery slope and it's not about taking away our freedom. Parental fear and misinformation does not supercede a child's right to a healthy life. Other states have done this; now it's our turn. Support bills A3818 and S2173. We have laws about child car seats. It's time to toughen up the laws about childhood immunization and keep NJ's vaccine rates high. Children have the right to be protected against disease. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41390-019-0354-3 https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/what-christians-should-know-vaccines/
    2,394 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Gabrielle Zdep
  • NP Thyroid by Acella
    Many patients reporting problems at thyroid patient advocate sites and other have experienced return of hypo symptoms (some hyper, some mixed) with batches of NP received in 2019, particularly summer of 2019. In many cases , changes experienced were supported by laboratory evaluation. While some patients have been contacted directly as result of their reporting of problems, the patient community overall would like an explanation and plan of corrective action. We depend on NP Acella a/o other dessicated thyroid meds for life and quality of life.
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Angela Frye
  • Restore Critical Funding For The Disabled!
    We are public servants who provide services to the disabled in Wayne County and are seriously concerned about the disabled not receiving much needed services.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeana Tall
  • NYS HPV vaccine for pre-k/daycare kids
    Saving the lives of children from being vaccinated from a shot for HPV that causes cervical cancer in women! Most vaccines are to prevent contagious illness! HPV is not contagious!
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Tomasino