• Medical marijuana for Kansas
    I am a disabled veteran with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. Also suffer from chronic pain due to military injury. Unfortunately, the state of Kansas still views marijuana as a criminal entity. And for this, I face charges currently for possessing this alternative medicine. Please sign this petition and let's step forward and not backwards in Kansas
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brad
  • Healthcare for all New Yorkers
    Now that all NYS government branches have Democratic majorities, they must put Single Payer Healthcare on the 2019 legislative agenda. They should not avoid this opportunity!
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Lieberman
  • Saving Social Security
    The attack on Social Security must stop, and be improved on with cost of living rises every year. Sooner rather then later more people will be over the age of 60. It is time to address the countries population, and take care of our elderly and infirmed.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne White
  • Stop Paying Outrageous Prices for Prescription Drugs
    My petition is about stopping the advertising of prescription drugs.
    538 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Denn
  • Organ Donation Education Policy
    To help educate the youth about organ donation before the day comes when they check yes or no to becoming an organ donor at the DMV. People are unaware of how just by checking yes it could save the lives of up to 8 people and take many off the organ donation waiting list. By requiring this program in all high schools, it will allow students to be informed on an important topic such as this one.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lissette Marquez
  • California: Increase your cigarette tax now!
    A higher cigarette tax would not only convince more people to stay off cigarettes, but it would also give more money to the state government. California, being one of the largest and economically successful states in the nation, could convince smaller states to raise their cigarette tax.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gilad Evans
  • Nature-throid and WP Thyroid Patients Want Answers!
    Faithful customers and patients of RLC laboratories have contacted the company repeatedly, by phone and email, regarding a host of problems experienced. Many patients, including myself, have experienced the usual constellation of hypothyroid symptoms: fatigue, weight gain, fluid retention, heavy hair loss, mood changes, cold intolerance, etc; which have been supported by lab results documenting plummeting FT3 and FT4 levels and increased TSH. Patients also have experienced backorder and fill problems with both medications. As longtime customers and purchasers of your product, we respectfully request acknowledgment of the problems experienced and the company plan to address same.
    412 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Angela Frye
  • Petition to Recognize Reflexology as a Complementary Therapy Separate from Massage and Other Hand...
    BACKGROUND: Reflexologists in Texas, and national and state associations, have been active for over three decades to separate the Reflexology profession from massage. 33 U.S. states exempt Reflexology from the massage law and many countries worldwide recognize the difference between the two. Reflexology has 5 state laws of its own, and the National Institute of Health lists Reflexology as a separate discipline. In Texas, there is no reason why this separation should not be formally recognized NOW. You can assist this endeavor by signing this petition in support of Reflexology in Texas - whether you are a client or practitioner. You can also sign the petition if you do not live in Texas or the USA - the more voices heard, the better. Please share far and wide. Reflexology as a stand-alone profession is in the best interest of us all. THANK YOU!
    930 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Diana Foley
  • Governor Whitmer, We need Single Payer.
    We need Single Payer. But Gretchen Whitmer has appointed to her transition team the CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Dan Loepp. She has deep ties to BCBS. So we need to let Whitmer know right now that we need Single Payer.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Eby
  • Chronic pain sufferers have no voice. This is a human rights violation. Please listen president T...
    Let's keep this going. Really share it up on Facebook and twitter. I will be sending this to the president with some other info. If nothing else he does read the petitions that come to him. At least he will hear the other side. Up to this point the president has had to go on the STATICS from the CDC. Let us info him about the other side. As pain sufferers, DOCTORS, caregivers and more, do your part to help us change the minds of those who are not first hand witnesses to the pain we face and the loss of lives due to the lack of treatment. Thank you. If you don't want to sign at least read what the AMA house of delegates have said. Finally siding with us. As chronic pain sufferers, we have had no voice even before the CDC guidelines. We have been ignored and abused. We have not been given the chance to tell our stories, the truth. Doctors are afraid to treat us and pharmacies turn us away. We have become the casualties of the war on drugs. We are asking that President Trump gives this petition direct attention and takes it seriously. We are good citizens of the United States of America and wish to live productive lives in this great nation. Update: 11/16/18 https://www.ama-assn.org/sites/default/files/media-browser/public/hod/i18-refcomm-b-annotated.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0fZa0zzrZmDHLNb-7iYh-f-vbqqN43P2VXsNGYbP6w5mdXY4hflbdAQWE Two and a half years after the release of the CDC’s opioid prescribing guideline, the American Medical Association has finally taken a stand against the “misapplication” and “inappropriate use” of the guideline by insurers, pharmacists, federal regulators and state governments. At its interim meeting in Maryland this week, the AMA House of Delegates adopted a series of resolutions that call for restraint in implementing the CDC guideline – particularly as it applies to the agency’s maximum recommend dose of 90mg MME (morphine equivalent units). RESOLVED that our AMA affirms that some patients with acute or chronic pain can benefit from taking opioids at greater dosages than recommended by the CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for chronic pain and that such care may be medically necessary and appropriate. RESOLVED that our AMA advocate against the misapplication of the CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids by pharmacists, health insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, legislatures, and governmental and private regulatory bodies in ways that prevent or limit access to opioid analgesia. RESOLVED that our AMA advocate that no entity should use MME thresholds as anything more than guidance, and physicians should not be subject to professional discipline, loss of board certification, loss of clinical privileges, criminal prosecution, civil liability, or other penalties or practice limitations solely for prescribing opioids at a quantitative level above the MME thresholds found in the CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids. LET'S KEEP THIS GOING AND SEND IT TO THE PRESIDENT.
    659 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Anita Spero
  • Jason Steed
    Suicide, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, BI-Polar, Dementia, ADHD, ADD, Schizophrenia, Obsessive compulsive disorder, and Autism are all forms of mental illness. Mental illness is a clear disease that can not be seen.It touches all ages, race, sex, religion, weight, height, Educational status, and finical status. It effects millions each day as well as their loved ones. If you do not know any one with any of the above illnesses you are either blessed beyond belief or you need to pay more attention. But let’s be honest we all do and it’s time to start helping bring our loved ones back to life. Back to smiling. Back to helping our friends. I’m asking for you to help me,help them. My goal is to bring awareness and be a voice of those who need it most. All I am asking is for you to sign with me. Sign in the name of Jason and all those who took their lives. Let me fight for them. Let me fight for you. Time for change in our mental health system #CLEARNATION#mentalawearness#fightforthem My husband recently took his life after years of battling bipolar disorder and depression. The true life of mental illness affects every one In some way or another. Our government needs to step in and make some changes so the lost can be saved. I will walk on October 22, 2019, in my husband's name to the state capital so he and all who have died by suicide can be an example of our government's failure in mental health.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Steed
  • Abuse of NY Justice Center
    My petition is about restoring the right of direct care worker in the field of nursing homes and residential homes for people with disabilities by ensuring proper investigative means for case of allegations of abuse and neglect.Such investigative means should be objective not subjective in order to protect bith direct care worker's right and the residence dignity.For, in most cases, the housing agency uses the allegations against direct care worker or custodian to cover up an agency-based bad management or the inabilities of the agency to operate within the frame of their licensure.An issue of conflict of interest does exist for the agency.I and many coworker are victim of such practices and an investigative documentary interviewing of direct care workers anonymously-because of fear of losing their jobs- should validate these statements.Workers insurance in those agencies require a no fault accident _the likelyhood of which is impossible because the direct care worker duties designed by the housing agency leave no room for such things as no fault accident - for compensation of injured worker.The existing procedures and the vey low paying of direct care workers make it impossible for proper justice thereby allows housing agency to abuse of direct care worker 's right as a citizen in cases of abuse or neglect allegations.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isidore Amani