Legalize Marijuana in IndianaAbout legalizing a plant that helps people with all kinds of problems. I have used opioids for the severe pain that I am in all the time. They do not work, they are very expensive, very addicting, and they kill. People can get off of these deadly meds if they could use cannabis. Big Pharma and the people that buy into it are killing us. Please Free the cannabis.1,062 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by glenda miller
Senator Cortez Masto: Support Medicare for AllI am one of the millions of Americans that does not have healthcare.218 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Autumn Zemke
Support Guaranteed Healthcare for AllHealthcare is a human right and access to quality care should not be restricted by economic status or other factors used by profit mongering insurance companies to lock out many of the most vulnerable. Enough is enough in debating the details of our demise. Support Guaranteed Healthcare for All now!213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Don Kusler
Medicare for All Instead of a WallHealthcare is the one issue that effects everyone. No one should ever have to experience the daily anxiety and worry of becoming sick or injured and not being able to pay for it.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrice Hatch
Trump: Formally Declare the Opioid Crisis a National EmergencyOpioids claim the lives of 91 individuals every day. With nearly 60,000 overdose deaths in 2016, 60% of which were related to prescription opioids, it is clear that there is a major public health crisis in our country.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Americans for Safe Access
Dear Mr. President-Help Chronic Pain PatientsPeople are dying because of this "opioid crisis". But it's not what you think! The CRISIS is that legitimate pain patients are not getting the medications they need. This is because Opioids are being taken away from legitimate patients who truly need them! Only 1% of pain patients ever become addicted to their medications!422 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Suzanne Stewart
Don't Sabotage Our Health CareWe are children's advocates deeply concerned about the political attacks on children, people with disabilities, low-income people, seniors and minorities. When Congress tried to dismantle the ACA, the American people stood up and put a stop to it. The Trump Administration must get the message. #ProtectOurCare347 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Renee Coe
YES Lower Ohio Drug PricesGreedy drug companies keep recklessly raising drug prices. We must have laws to stop this OUTRAGEOUS price gauging. Issue 2 is a law will save Ohio taxpayers $400 million dollars per year... right off the bat!! It will also serve to lower drug prices for more than 4 million Ohioans.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tristan Rader
Help Chronic Pancreatitis SufferersChronic Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that does not heal and gets worse over time leading to irreversible damage of the pancreas. Individuals with Chronic Pancreatitis can suffer from an acute attack of pancreatitis at any time. During an acute attack the enzymes created by the pancreas to digest food stays inside of the pancreas causing the organ to digest itself resulting in significant and often debilitating pain. Repeated episodes of acute and/or chronic inflammation can cause irreversible damage to the pancreas further progressing the disease and pain relief becomes less effective often times requiring invasive treatments, including pain pumps and surgery. Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis are facing an ever increasing threat to their quality of life as a result of the Opioid Epidemic with laws being enacted restricting and/or prohibiting access to narcotic pain medication. While the Opioid Epidemic must be addressed there needs to be a balance to ensure patients with serious conditions are protected and afforded access to narcotic pain medication they rely on to simply get through the day and to remain active participants in the workplace as well as to maintain quality of life.775 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Deluca
Medicare for allThere's a health care crises in this country. It seems like the medical system is about to collapse. I don't trust it; its corrupt inside and out.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by carol kuhn
Call upon President Trump to stop destabilizing the Affordable Care Act.From his first days in office, Trump has worked to sabotage the ACA. At the start of his presidency, Trump signed an executive order weakening the individual mandate that is central to functioning ACA marketplaces. Now that the Senate rejected his repeal plan, he is looking to punish the most vulnerable Americans by ending ACA cost-sharing subsidies. These subsidies are not, as the president likes to say, insurance bailouts. They provide vital assistance to people at or near the poverty level, allowing them to afford out-of-pocket costs like copays and deductibles. And the uncertainty about whether the subsidies are going to continue from month to month is clearly contributing to the destabilization of the insurance markets. This needs to end. People must understand that ending the subsidies would make health insurance unaffordable for millions of low-income Americans.18,679 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Asher Huey
Restrict Medical Debt From Damaging Citizens CreditMedical bills that wind up in collections hurt your credit scores more than they should. That was the conclusion the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reached after studying 5 million credit reports earlier this year. The federal regulator tracked how well credit scores predicted people's future creditworthiness after medical bills. The answer: Not that well. The C F P B says people with medical collections generally paid their other obligations on par with those whose credit scores were 10 points higher. And those who paid off their medical collections should have received scores 16 to 22 points higher on average. Remove the Medical Debt of Tens Of Millions of American Citizens and the country will flourish. With regard to wanting a change to OUR healthcare system, START HERE31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nathan B.