Step Down Colorado Governor Polis for not taxing Oil and Gas #stepdownpolisWe are in a pandemic crisis and the state could have desperately used that money for ventilators, healthcare resources and costs and for relief to the many citizens impacted by our state economy stalled and even collapsing.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Williams
Stop Trump from indefinitely detaining AmericansDonald Trump's Department of Justice wants to use the Coronavirus to get Congress to give him shocking new power to indefinitely detain people and suspend constitutional rights. This is a terrifying request and represents a stunning escalation of Trump's authoritarian tendencies. Rather than go all out to stop the coronavirus and save our ailing economy, Trump wants to instead focus on expanding his powers to harass opponents and throw his enemies in jail. One legal expert on CNN said "Can you imagine being arrested and not brought before a judge indefinitely? This isn’t how America is supposed to work." He's right. Tell Congress right now to stop Trump's awful proposal dead in its tracks.485 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
Cancel the term of leases for college students heading homeIt is important because I have personally witness what my daughter and so many other students have experienced in Athens, GA., where the University of Georgia is located. Because the housing regulations are so lenient in Georgia, the management companies take advantage of student/tenants. In the past, I have notified the Congressman, Jody Hice, but my email was ignored with responses to support his office.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debrrah Laguerre
Congressional Pay Cut During COVID-19 ShutdownsI believe that this would work as an incentive for Congress to pass a reasonable bill to assist Americans who are struggling in the wake of this pandemic. Prioritizing American citizens over corporate bailouts would help to increase the faith lost by the US Federal Government.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Andrus
Stop Rent in New JerseyNumerous families will be affected and it will bring devastating circumstances if not addressed immediately.433 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Santiago
ALL Poor People Must Qualify for Financial Relief During the Coronavirus PandemicAll of us have added expenses during the Coronavirus Pandemic. No one is immune or exempt. Without added income, we cannot pay our rent, stock up on food and supplies, purchase medication, or pay our bills. It is not just those out of work or who make between $12,500 and $75,000 that are suffering. We need to give *all* residents in our country the best chance at survival we can and reduce the potential impact on our economy and healthcare system by continuing to force people to find work and the means to survive, spreading the virus further and prolonging the impact of the pandemic. If we exempt people from government-provided financial relief, then we are putting their lives at risk. Our goal should be to save as many people as possible. NO POOR PERSON SHOULD BE EXEMPT! We should *all* qualify for the government help we need to survive and thrive.175 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Siebe
NEW YORK CITY - COVID-19 Emergency Rent and Debt ForgivenessThe NEW YORK CITY working class has been financially crippled by the critical and necessary measures put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Though the federal or state government may eventually provide relief, the immediate conservation of our limited financial resources is necessary for our own and our family's health and wellbeing. Rentors, Leasors, banks and other relevant institutions can, as a class seek their own relief; the state and federal government is much more responsive and historically more likely to act on their behalf. With containment of the virus no where in sight, we must be able to protect our limited cash flow immediately.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail Mitchell
Release Immigrants in ICE Facilities AMID COVID-19My husband is currently detained at the Yuba County Jail Processing Center. I have not had constant communication with my husband as as this Covid-19 pandemic has increased, we both find myself more concerned and panicked to say the least. I know that living in the borderland they are more susceptible due to the massive amount of immigrants trying to cross looking for a better life. I feel like it is only a matter of time and pretty much inevitable that this virus will outbreak in the center, I mean the conditions are already poor even in their best circumstances. I know that ICE has the discretion to release these people from custody and I feel like there is no better time than now. These people need to be with their families, especially in these dire times. I am asking for your help to be heard for these people in custody. I am asking for a louder voice, I would like to reach the Warden of the Detention Center as well as the Ice field office directors attention to push them to release the detainees. The Country has been declared to be in State of Emergency, Gov. Gavin Newsom on 3/19/20 sent executive orders to prohibited crowds of 10 or more, The housing more than 60-70 people per barrack, making the center contradict orders given by Newsom. The facility has made NO changes in the way they handle possible contact contamination, no hand sanitizer, no antibacterial wipes, no deep cleaning! We are in a crisis and I am begging for the life of my husband and on behalf of the lives of all those other detainees, please help me us be heard. Our country needs to unite and what better way then to have these immigrants unite with their families! Public health agencies around the world are sounding the alarm about COVID-19’s impact as the number of cases in the country rises. Those detained in close quarters are particularly susceptible to contracting and rapidly spreading this highly contagious virus.[1] We know from experience that medical care at ICE facilities in California are inadequate, and that proper measures have not been taken to ensure the safety of detained people, facility staff, and other visitors to the Yuba County Jail Processing Center during this outbreak. Medical professionals recommend strict social distancing as a crucial measure for avoiding transmission, but this is impossible to implement in a detention facility.466 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Carmen M
End the COVID-19 Public Health Hazard in Federal PrisonsLike people across the U.S., I have a loved one who is incarcerated in federal prison. We miss him. And with the spread of COVID-19, we worry. Whatever view you have of prisons, no one should be sentenced to die from COVID-19. Our loved one, like other inmates, can't practice COVID-19 safety protocols, such as social distancing, regular hand washing, and rigorous hygiene. He shares a cell that is 7 X 8 feet, with bunk bed and lockers taking up much of that space. In his unit, 130 people share 6 showers, 4 toilets, 4 urinals, and 9 bathroom sinks. When prisoners' risk of exposure increases, so do the risks for staff, who come and go from the prison, and the wider community who interacts with those staff. Financial pressures also increase for families, prisons, the healthcare system, and the economy at large. Because of these credible risks, state and county facilities, as well as correctional institutions in other countries, are reducing their prison populations. It's time for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons to do the same. Please tell our U.S. Senators and Representatives to direct the BOP to adopt comprehensive safety protocols immediately. The protocols should release inmates who have limited time remaining on their sentences and have a minimum Recidivism Risk Level assessment; if need be, they could be placed on home confinement via GPS monitoring and could shelter in place. Bringing inmates, like our loved one, home right now would reduce the risks to everyone. It would also bring our family together during this stressful time. In times like these, we need each other. Will you sign this petition and help us all?267 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Karen VanFossan
Immediate Release of National Protective Equipment Stockpiles to HospitalsIf the health care providers get sick the capacity to deliver medical care collapses and many thousands will die. IMMEDIATE release of supplies is required as hospitals are already facing large numbers of infected patients and are running out of protective equipment. Staff exposures now means loss of health care capacity later when then the patient numbers will be even higher. Releasing equipment after medical care providers have been exposed is too late; then the future loss of medical care providers will be imminent.1,663 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Kenneth Schaefle
Senator Richard Burr Must Go!The public has the right to trust its public servants are serving the public and not themselves. Senator Burr used non-public information to better his personal financial interests and he shared that information with a few wealthy elites while he told the general public not to worry. I am running to represent North Carolina's 11th Congressional District because restoring integrity and accountability in Washington is vital to pull our democracy out of the nosedive it's in now. I pledge that if I am elected, I will put my assets in a true blind trust and I challenge other candidates from all parties to take the same pledge. If elected, I will introduce legislation that requires every member of Congress, the President and the Vice President to put their assets into blind trusts. That will give meaning to the phrase "government ethics" rather than making it a punchline for a bad joke.1,779 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Moe Davis
FREE Sean O'BrienSean has spent 18 long years in prison; that's over half his life! He was taken from his family at age 16, sentenced to life in prison, and forced to grow up behind bars. The state of California has no physical evidence against Sean, he was wrongfully convicted based solely on the testimony of so-called witnesses who were cooperating with the police and took a plea deal in order to avoid the death penalty. Sean was interrogated at age 16 without being read his Miranda rights and without an adult present on his behalf, but has always maintained his innocence. In 2015, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Sean's favor based on Ineffective Assistance of Counsel and granted him an Evidentiary Hearing. In January 2017, Sean proved his innocence in Federal Court at his Evidentiary Hearing; including the fact that the state's key witness lied under oath at Sean's trial. The State of California does not dispute the evidence Sean has proving his innocence. Yet, he is still behind bars. Sean is a hard working college student with a 4.0 GPA, two classes away from obtaining two Associates degrees. He made the 2018 Bakersfield College Dean's list and was accepted into Project Rebound at Sacramento State University so he can continue his education upon re-entry. He is actively involved in many positive programs and is Parliamentarian of the Men's Advisory Council. Sean is an Inside Organizer for Initiate Justice and he is an advocate with Anti-Recidivism Coalition. He tutors and mentors other inmates and was recommended for resentencing by California Department of Corrections in 2019. He has hundreds of letters of recommendation from officers, college professors, prison staff, advocacy groups, and family. He has remained disciplinary free for 17 years and he had no priors. Sean has worked hard to prove he is not only innocent, but deserves to life a life outside the prison walls. He has proven he does not deserve to be incarcerated, and his rightful freedom should be restored. https://youtu.be/z_ZW-dq1zoY Www.innocentat16.com Please visit our website for more information. Thank you!404 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Eiam OBrien