• No Taxpayer Bailouts for Airline Shareholders
    Over the last few years, airlines in the United States have made huge windfall profits by packing planes like sardines and adding fees to checked bags and other amenities that used to to be included in the prices of a ticket. Then, rather than saving for a rainy day, Delta, American, Southwest and United collectively spent about $39 billion over the last five years buying back shares. These share buybacks benefitted wealthy shareholders, not workers, and now that times are suddenly tough these same airlines are asking for free money from the government to bail them out so that their shareholders don't lose money. Meanwhile, workers' paychecks are at risk. Government action during a time of crisis should focus on actions that benefit our country broadly, rather than a special interest group. We need to stand up and make our voices heard when any industry tries to use a time of crisis to use public funds for their own benefit.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Goodman
    During the COVID-19 crisis, we all have a responsibility towards our communities to keep ourselves healthy and avoid situations that can spread the virus. As of March 17th, the state of Florida will close all bars, nightclubs and restaurants in order to help us uphold that responsibility. While this is a step in the right direction regarding public health, the effects of these sweeping business closures affect the livelihood of thousands of Florida residents that rely on front-of-house restaurant, club/bar work or tips to make ends meet. Without a plan in place to supplement the income of these workers, and with no guarantee that unemployment benefits will provide the relief people need in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the country, we demand a moratorium on rent collection NOW. Hard-working people are going to suffer at the expense of the greater good. While we don't deny the importance of instituting these closures, we would be ashamed and heartbroken to watch our government let people who rely on restaurant work, work in the entertainment industry (clubs/bars) face evictions, blows to their credit, or be backed into a corner financially through no fault of their own. As a full-time waitress in the nightlife industry this is my sole source of income. For so many of my friends and family in the industry, as well, tips are their MAIN source of income. Simply providing people with an unemployment payment or temporary paid leave at minimum wage would not be enough to cover their typical expenses. We need Miami and Florida as a whole to put a moratorium on rent NOW in order to preserve the livelihood of so many hardworking people both in the restaurant industry and in other affected industries during this time of crisis.
    24,811 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Medina Alijagic
  • Immediate Resignation of Vijay Kapoor
    Vijay has resigned from City Council on his own terms and has stated that he will stay through the budget session. We need someone on City Council who is FOR the people. He will no longer be an active member of this community. We demand representation by someone who will actively be living in our community in the coming years. We also demand Vijay step down immediately and not be a part of this budget session!
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adrienne Sigmon
  • COVID-19 Universal Emergency (CUE)
    We need to reclaim our humanity, together, right now, once and for all in the history of our species! Universalist Emergency across the planet is being applied. The USA has the means and ability to show the planet how we begin the new world - we do not need another war against each other to come together against full economic collapse or even extinction. As our world is changing, the most creative thinkers on the planet are immediately influenced by this planetary crisis. It is now a revelation what humanity must do to handle the tidal wave of events to come and forever in the future. 10 years of this should help the whole species on every continent will have its’ first chance to design the world we all wanted as children and for our children. Allowing for these horrific world conditions to resonate psychologically, is horrific but with compassion through our very tight communication-information infrastructures of 2020, the economic relationships we have now, do not require us to repeat the history of the 1930's. I personally work in the corporate trade-show ballroom audio-video industry in Manhattan, NY, USA and all my part time scheduled work has been cancelled due to COVID19 terror. However, many people in my field have helped me draft this petition. We are the solution to this confusion: COVID-19 UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY [NOW] !
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by one8five6 six8two3two Picture
  • Governor Gavin Newsom: Close the Bars and Restaurants (and make workers and businesses whole)
    A dangerous new coronavirus (COVID-19) is at its early stages of spreading in the U.S., and appears to be spreading rapidly, with new cases increasing at an exponential rate. The California Department of Public Health has established that the virus is present and spreading within California. Public health experts agree that more than a million lives are at risk nationwide — as the virus can cause severe respiratory distress and lung failure. The oldest among us and those with chronic health conditions are most at risk, but everyone can be sickened, and people who aren't exhibiting any symptoms can carry and spread the virus. We have seen in China and are seeing now in Europe what happens when hospitals become overwhelmed -- it is a terrible scene. We must act aggressively or we will be in the same place. Forcing businesses to temporarily close may not be an easy political choice, but it is the morally clear one, in the best interest of the people of California. Governor Gavin Newsom and the California government should heed the advice of public health experts and do all they can to #flattenthecurve at which this virus spreads. If the federal government will not take decisive action, state and local governments must. Governor Newsom, please close non-essential businesses, especially those such as bars and restaurants where large groups may congregate, to prevent unnecessary contagion and save lives. And please recognize the impacts this will have on workers and small businesses, and use the resources of California to ensure workers continue to get pay and that businesses forced to temporarily close are made whole. There is no reason we can't both act to prevent public health while also taking care of the workers and local businesses being asked to sacrifice so we can do so.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Changadveja
  • Emergency-Healthcare workers need N95masks
    Doctors in clinics cannot test for Covid-19 with personal protective equipment (PPE) even if the test kits arrive one day. We cannot see sick patients without N95 masks. Some offices are shutting down and only doing telehealth because they don’t have PPE. This should be the priority.
    508 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Lowen
  • Mayor Bowser: Close the Bars and Restaurants (and make workers and businesses whole)
    A dangerous new coronavirus (COVID-19) is at its early stages of spreading in the U.S., and appears to be spreading rapidly, with new cases increasing at an exponential rate. The DC Department of Health has established that the virus is present and spreading within Washington. Public health experts agree that more than a million lives are at risk nationwide — as the virus can cause severe respiratory distress and lung failure. The oldest among us and those with chronic health conditions are most at risk, but everyone can be sickened, and people who aren't exhibiting any symptoms can carry and spread the virus. We have seen in China and are seeing now in Europe what happens when hospitals become overwhelmed -- it is a terrible scene. We must act aggressively or we will be in the same place. Forcing businesses to temporarily close may not be an easy political choice, but it is the morally clear one, in the best interest of the people of Washington. Mayor Bowser and the DC government should heed the advice of public health experts and do all they can to #flattenthecurve at which this virus spreads. If the federal government will not take decisive action, state and local governments must. Mayor Bowser, please close non-essential businesses, especially those such as bars and restaurants where large groups may congregate, to prevent unnecessary contagion and save lives. And please recognize the impacts this will have on workers and small businesses, and use the resources of the District to ensure workers continue to get pay and that businesses forced to temporarily close are made whole. This is one of the wealthiest cities in the world, with a strong tax base and progressive council. There is no reason we can't both act to prevent public health while also taking care of the workers and local businesses being asked to sacrifice so we can do so.
    1,976 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nick Berning
  • Save Lives in Hudson County: Stop Evictions & Foreclosures During COVID-19
    Shelter matters during a disaster. As the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, and public health experts around the world plead with people to stay home during the pandemic, sheltering in safe housing empowers us to save lives by slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing preserves precious hospital and public safety resources, but it also means hardworking families are suffering lost wages and layoffs. If you do not act to stop evictions and foreclosures, some of our neighbors’ ability to stay in their homes will be in jeopardy. Their loss puts every one of us at risk. That’s why, in previous times of great crisis, lawmakers have moved quickly to stop evictions and foreclosures. Ending them will also preserve judicial and law enforcement resources for the vital work of keeping us all safe. So please: join lawmakers across the United States, including Miami-Dade, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Philadelphia, New York State, and New Jersey’s own Essex County, by putting an immediate stop to evictions and foreclosures throughout Hudson County. Resources: https://www.citylab.com/equity/2020/03/coronavirus-income-loss-paying-rent-eviction-housing-covid19/607426/ https://www.merkley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/20.03.12%20National%20moratorium%20on%20evictions%20and%20foreclosures%20COVID-19.pdf
    359 of 400 Signatures
    Created by James Solomon Picture
  • Coronavirus: Reopen Pawtucket's Memorial Hospital Now!
    Older folks and folks with medical conditions are likely going to die without emergency medical care at a hospital. Tell Mayor Donald Grebien and Governor Gina Raimondo to reopen Pawtucket's Memorial Hosptial immediately.
    1,420 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Norton Picture
  • Eviction Moratorium in Cleveland
    An astounding number of people in this city do not have enough savings to cover food and basic supplies for one to two weeks in the case that they are out of work. In light of the current spread of Coronavirus and resulting economic effects, many people in Cleveland are understandably nervous about the insecurities they may be facing if they are unable to work. Many low-income residents in Cleveland are in a tenuous situation due to the spread of Coronavirus and resulting workplace shutdowns. We've crafted a thoughtful and collaborative approach to the crisis in the hopes that landlords adopt these practices to avoid any undue displacement or hardship on their tenants: 1. Proactively reach out to tenants to explain the landlord's plans and expectations on this issue and to ask them to provide updates about any changes in their financial status. We ask that landlords assure tenants that they are committed to working with them on a case by case basis to accommodate their needs. 2. During the course of this epidemic and its resulting economic outcomes, we ask that landlords put a moratorium on any financial-related evictions. 3. We ask that landlords utilize deferrals, loans, or temporary rent reductions/forgiveness as necessary to help those who have been laid off, prevented from working, or otherwise unable to make their rent rely on the safety and security of their home. Here is a message template to share with tenants: “Dear _, we hope this message finds you and your family well. We understand that the unfolding Coronovirus epidemic will impact a number of our tenants and are monitoring the situation closely. We do not want to add housing insecurity to the stresses that everyone is already experiencing, and are committed to ensuring that all of our tenants can stay in their homes through the duration of the present crisis. We are willing to work with each tenant on a case by case basis to address problems, financial or otherwise. We are asking that everyone promptly inform us of any developing problem as soon as new information is available so that we can work together to make accommodations. Please keep us posted, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns, and in the meantime, take care of yourselves." * * * * * * * * We must work together to find solutions that meet the needs of many. To anyone worried about the ramifications of this crisis, whether landlords or tenants: Let's put our heads together to discuss how to get through it while protecting our most vulnerable residents. Contact: [email protected] to get involved.
    3,590 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna Perlmutter
  • Sign Our Letter to Vice President Biden: We Have Some Plans for That
    Inclusion We first urge you to approach the problems that face our country using an intersectional equity lens. Challenges compounded by race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ability are present at every level from health care to housing to climate change to education. Addressing these needs must be at the center, not the sidelines, of our government’s policy goals. We also point to Senator Warren’s—and Secretary Castro’s—practice of bringing activists with direct knowledge of and experience with these needs to the table. We ask that you not only follow that example and use these on-the-ground experts to help shape your policies, but also that you appoint them to key roles in your administration. Personnel is policy. Corruption Senator Warren framed her campaign around dismantling the corrupt channels that perpetuate structural inequity and prevent any meaningful reform. Your plan to establish the Commission on Federal Ethics aligns with Senator Warren’s proposed U.S. Office of Public Integrity, which would oversee efforts to restore transparency to our government. We ask that you go further: support a ban on professional lobbying by any former president, vice president, cabinet secretary, federal judge, or member of Congress. We ask also that you make passage of a constitutional amendment to limit campaign contributions—nullifying Citizens United—a top priority. We must have trust in our government, and that begins with ensuring our officials and elections cannot be bought. Immigration We applaud your commitment to a moratorium on deportations during your first 100 days as president, but further action is needed to eliminate the cruelty and abuse perpetrated in the name of immigration enforcement. We need comprehensive reform of our immigration justice system, and we must start with decriminalizing immigration. To prevent future abuses, we urge you to commit to the establishment of professional, independent Article I immigration courts, and to provide access to counsel in all immigration courts. You have condemned the horrific actions of the Trump administration at the border. We urge you to adopt Senator Warren’s plan for a Department of Justice task force to investigate and prosecute all reported crimes committed against detained immigrants. Student Loan Debt The rising cost of tuition across the country means that many students are crushed by student loan debt—and it’s impacting our entire economy. Black students are particularly affected: they are more likely to have federal student loans and owe more than their original debt 12 years after finishing college. We are supportive of public service, but strongly believe that across-the-board college loan debt reduction is the best approach, especially for those with increased barriers (poor and working-class students, students with family obligations, and working students). We ask you to adopt Senator Warren's approach and cancel student loan debt through executive action, immediately enabling 95% of student loan debt holders to pursue their dreams. Universal Child Care Universal child care is an investment in working parents. It provides millions of children with access to quality care and early learning. It also creates millions of well-paying jobs for child care workers and early education teachers, many of whom are women of color. Research shows that every dollar spent on quality early education saves seven dollars in the long run. We encourage you to adopt Senator Warren’s plan, which mandates that universal child care be free to any family that earns less than 200% of the federal poverty line. Crucially, the plan also establishes a partnership between the federal government and local providers to offer a network of early childhood options—including child care and preschool centers—to every family. Equality for Americans with Disabilities You have a strong history advocating for Americans with disabilities through your work on the ADA, the ADAAA, IDEA, and VAWA. It is critical that you collaborate with disability rights leaders and advocates moving forward to form a comprehensive disability rights plan. We ask that you use Senator Warren’s plan for Protecting the Rights and Equality of Americans With Disabilities as a model. This includes our ask that you to commit to combating discrimination in the labor market and workplace, ending the subminimum wage, fully funding the Office of Disability Employment Policy, improving SSI and SSDI programs, breaking down barriers to marriage, providing national paid family and medical leave, improving critical elements of the long-term services, and supporting coverage to enable the right to live in the community. We also urge you to protect the civil rights of all Americans with disabilities, including decriminalizing poverty, addressing language deprivation for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and enforcing the ADA everywhere that it is applicable. We urge you to work with the disability rights community to incorporate key priorities relating to employment, housing, opioid medications, disaster preparedness, healthcare, education, equity in criminal justice, deinstitutionalization, and other key civil rights issues into your platform. Wealth Tax These plans have a price tag. We believe in fiscal responsibility—every American should pay their fair share. We believe ultra-millionaires, who benefit most from our country’s infrastructure, should invest a little more in our country. Therefore, we ask you to adopt Senator Warren’s two cent wealth tax, which requires those Americans lucky enough to have vast fortunes to pay a two cent tax on every dollar of net worth above $50 million. Over 10 years, this tax will raise an estimated $3.75 trillion that we can reinvest in working families by supporting education, childcare, family leave, and more. --- We invite you to join us in signing this letter to Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden.
    3,266 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Elise Goldstein Picture
  • Close Wake County Schools
    Students' Health Should Be WCPSS #1 Goal and with the coronavirus spreading and infecting 7 individuals in North Carolina, we shouldn’t be taking any chances.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by silly guse 🥵 Picture