• Inhumane heat conditions for guards and inmates
    The petition is about inhumane heat levels affecting guards and inmates and their families and friends. There'd be less deaths, less health conditions and less turn key in employees. As well as less law suits. If they can keep conditions at a certain temperature in the other seasons why is the summer any different, When this is the most crucial month in Texas.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christina Yarbrough
  • Free Chelsea Manning
    I believe whistleblowers like Manning should be rewarded, not punished, for exposing crimes, like the unnecessary killing of civilians and journalists. The Obama administration has punished more whistleblowers than any other president. By commuting Manning's sentence, Obama can show he values honesty over suppression of the truth.
    570 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Folzer
  • Convincing OR legislature to Reform Measure 11
    298 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Dickerson
  • MOTHERS JUSTICE MOVEMENT: Stop Minnesota Judges from forcing defenseless children to be harmed by...
    WE ARE PETITIONING FOR A STATEWIDE INVESTIGATION OF FAMILY COURT PRACTICES IN AN EFFORT TO STOP MINNESOTA JUDGES FROM HARMING INNOCENT DEFENSELESS CHILDREN. Minnesota residents are being bled of our most valuable resource, the innocence of a child, and because of which, we are slowly losing our grip on the future of America. Since 1998, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has continued a lengthy investigation into adverse childhood experiences (ACE). ACE is one of the largest medical investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. They found that a child’s exposure to certain traumas, including domestic violence, child sexual abuse, or being separated from their primary care-giving parent, resulted in more illnesses and injuries to children in childhood through adulthood, i.e., social emotional and cognitive impairment; adoption of health-risk behaviors; disease, disability and social problems; and PREMATURE DEATH. This study demonstrates how a child’s exposure to these elements are a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. Yet every year, an estimated 58,000 children are court ordered into custody or unsupervised visitation with a reported abuser. Additionally, current research estimates that false allegations of sexual abuse happens less that 2% of the time, yet 85% of those children are court ordered into shared or sole custody with the parent that is raping them. Inadequately trained professionals tend to believe the myth that mothers frequently make false allegations, contrary to current research. Therefore, in thinking they have the needed expertise, family court professionals don't listen to domestic violence or child abuse evidence, experts, and they don't include current scientific research. Mothers are being forced into bankruptcy and poverty trying to protect their children, and their children are being irreparably harmed. Governor Mark Dayton, House and Senate Representatives, we now have the medical research through the CDC to declare domestic violence, child abuse, and being separated from a primary attachment parent a PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUE. And the U.S. Department of Justice's Saunders report states that the STANDARD and REQUIRED domestic violence training received by judges, lawyers, and evaluators does not adequately prepare them to handle abuse cases. WE ARE PETITIONING FOR A STATEWIDE INVESTIGATION OF FAMILY COURT PRACTICES IN AN EFFORT TO STOP MINNESOTA JUDGES FROM HARMING INNOCENT DEFENSELESS CHILDREN. We would like to see you, our leaders, echo your constituents concerns, and ensure that the HEALTH AND SAFETY OF A CHILD WILL COME FIRST IN DIVORCE AND CUSTODY LITIGATION. We thank you in advance for your support.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Dyer
  • Pres. Obama: Take Action against Violent Policing
    Freddie Gray’s family and the people of Baltimore were denied justice by Judge Barry G. Williams' refusal to hold Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero accountable for Gray’s death. There is an epidemic of racial bias, police violence, and a lack of accountability in our country's police forces. Please join us in calling on President Obama to crack down on violent and discriminatory policing by issuing an executive order to direct the DOJ to enforce our civil rights laws more aggressively.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Pres. Obama: Take Action Against Violent Policing
    Freddie Gray’s family and the people of Baltimore were denied justice by Judge Barry G. Williams' refusal to hold Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero accountable for Gray’s death. There is an epidemic of racial bias, police violence, and a lack of accountability in our country's police forces. Please join us in calling on President Obama to crack down on violent and discriminatory policing by issuing an executive order to direct the DOJ to enforce our civil rights laws more aggressively.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Protect our children from biased courts
    I am fighting for all mothers out there that flee their abusers and then lose the children to biased courts..I lost my 4 children to my physically, verbally and sexually abusive husband. The judge was a family friend. The evaluator Dr. Cuno was a father's rights activist and also worked with my ex father-in-law years ago The sheriff is related to my ex husband...but it don't stop there. Our kids are living our abuse since the protective mother is being abused. No one listens, DCFs turns their heads. Police do nothing because of kinship. These children are helpless to their abuser They fear to tell because he has a hold on them as he did the mother. You ask why do you stay? The answer is clear ....you live in fear...please save our children ..there is funding for father's rights but none for mothers. This is a violation of women's rights
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary frazer
    Let's bring an end to state sanctioned murder! Let's give Life not Death! I propose a 'Give Life Penalty ', whereby, if a condemned inmate agrees to donate non life threatening organs and/or to donate blood regularly; that their sentence be commuted.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CCI
  • Justice for Kionte Spencer
    Roanoke County Police killed Kionte Spencer on February 26, 2016. He was 18 and was walking down Electric Road when he was confronted by police and shot under questionable circumstances. Chief Hall of the Roanoke County Police has been unresponsive to demands from the Roanoke community that he release the dashcam video, open an independent investigation, and release the names of the officers involved in the shooting death of Kionte Spencer.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charles Dickey
  • Deny Russell Stone (H-00697) Parole
    My aunt Deborah, an optometrist, was stabbed to death when I was six, by her husband, Russell Franklin Stone. Her irreplaceable loss has affected me and my family for the past 26 years, and once again, her murderer is up for early parole. Russell has never taken responsibility or apologized for his actions, and to add insult to injury, has taken up optometry in prison, a direct insult to my aunt and her memory. Please join me in signing this petition to help keep this monster in prison.
    726 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Rick Kitagawa
  • Secretary of Defense Carter: Release Mohamedou Slahi
    Mohamedou Slahi has been unlawfully imprisoned for 14 years by the U.S. government. Thirteen of those years have been at Guantánamo Bay prison, where he was subjected to gruesome torture. The U.S. has never charged Slahi with a crime. The U.S. government's justifications for holding Slahi fail because he has never taken part in any hostilities against the United States. And he poses no threat to the United States. A former chief military prosecutor in the Guantánamo military commissions, Colonel Morris Davis, has said he couldn’t find any crime with which to charge Slahi. In 2010, a federal judge ordered Slahi’s release, rejecting the government's arguments since evidence was tainted by torture and coercion or was otherwise not credible. But the government appealed. The U.S. is currently holding him indefinitely despite his innocence. Soon Slahi will have the Periodic Review Board hearing he should have had four years ago, where he can prove he’s not a threat to the United States. Will you urge the Department of Defense to free Slahi?
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ginny Simmons
  • Stop Trying Juvenile Kids As Adults
    I'm personally affected by any child unfairly treated as something they're not. A child is a child not an adult; they do not have the mindset, understanding, comprehension nor self-control as an adult is expected to have. Despite the actions of the juvenile, trying them as adult is an injustice and is unjustifiable.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ranika Moore