Free Cody BakerHello, My name is Paula. I used to think that the worst thing imaginable I could have happen is a knock on the door by the highway patrol in the middle of the night telling me about the death of one of my children. But, I never imagined that the next to the worst thing would be seeing my child broadcast on local television as a murderer. My son had dated a young lady for 8 weeks. After 3 weeks, she invited him to move into her parents home with her and her baby. After 6 weeks he was asking me if we would help with him adopting this beautiful, sweet, delightful little girl. To which I reflexively replied, "Of course, we will." It was all happening so fast. He told everyone in our family he was marrying the young lady and adopting this amazing child. At 8 weeks after he started dating the baby's mother, he awoke to the sound of the baby gurgling. His CPR attempts were unsuccessful. He yelled immediately for his girlfriend to call 911. She took her phone to an adjacent room and calmly and quietly spoke to the 911 operator. After 1 min and 19 seconds the operator asked if she was in the same room with the baby and my son administering CPR. She told her no. The dispatcher asked if he knew infant CPR, she said she didn't know. The dispatcher told her to go to the room where he was doing CPR and talk him through it. You could hear my son sobbing in between breaths and the mother remained calm and emotionless. The ambulance driver asked the mother if she wanted to ride to the hospital with them, she said no. The ER DR asked if she wanted to come into the bay where they were making efforts to revive her, she said no. After the Dr pronounced the sweet baby girl dead, the Dr asked the mom if she'd like some time with her to say goodbye, she said no. Upon returning home, she asked her brother and my son to pick up all her belongings and take them out of her sight and close the door of the baby's nusery. They did as she asked. At this point the Dr had told her and my son it was likely SIDS. My son was wrongly accused, convicted and though the mom spent 7 of her 11 hour interrogation saying my son "NEVER HURT HER BABY!" She is free on probation and he received 30 years. There was no DNA, NO Witnesses, NO sounds!! NO signs he'd ever been anything other than loving and doting to this precious baby, the prosecutor suborned perjury from the mother. She admitted to that during the trial. It's in the transcript! For her proffer "she had to say whatever the prosecutor told her to." 36 people wrote or testified to my sons love and commitment to children and especially this baby. All saying it was impossible that he did this. Yet, the day of sentencing- an uncle who left my daughter a voice message and told her that the prosecutor was forcing him to testify and it was "all lies". The sentencing hearing was made up of the underbelly of the most detestable likes. One mother who had already had her child removed from her for abuse and was charged again, was now claiming my son had something to do with her son's injuries. And the best part- her attorney was my son's attorney! She told her dad and stepmom and the doctor that the injuries were from another child on the playground! The lady forewoman was a former friend and student attending William Woods Business Administration at the same time as the baby's grandfather. Another juror was good friends for over a decade with the aunt and sister in law of the grandparents (she sat in the courtroom making eye contact with the the friend) the grandma- a licensed clinical social worker never came to the trial or sentencing hearing. Her daughter, the baby's mother suffered from rage disorder and depression and was drinking the day of the death. She told her mom that she dropped her little girl. A mandatory reporter did not take the baby to a hospital. The mandatory reporter did not seek medical attention. The mandatory reporter knows my son is innocent! Please help us to get my son out of prison. Please show that you want the courts to be right and not throw people's lives away because it isn't your son. Please Jeremiah, do what you know is right. Sincerely, Paula Wilson29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula Wilson
Stop the 3 strike law against non violent felony offendersHelp keep non violent offenders and their families from doing a life sentence. Put our tax dollars to better use. Reform prisoners that are non violent by offering GED's classes or training for a job. I am a wife of a man who faces a life sentence for 3 non violent felonies. I am a mother of 3 grade school children who are going to loose their father for the rest of our lives. Let's make a change for the better, help by signing this petition to support the crime must fit the punishment. Stop the 3 strike law for non violent offenders154 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Tonya Harrison
Justice for Corey JonesWhereas, On October 18th, Corey was shot by officer Nouman Raja while Corey was waiting for a tow truck. Corey, who is a churchgoing man, had just finished a band gig when plain clothed Officer Nouman Raja pulled up in his unmarked car and murdered Corey. We demand the arrest of Nouman Raja. We demand a full investigation. We demand that Nouman Raja be brought to trial for justice for the murder of Corey Jones.370 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Janette Swanson
Justice 4 Marcus Merritt Sr.From start to finish, nothing in this case was handled correctly, from securing the scene, preserving evidence, taking photos, taking X-rays, checking for gunshot residue, toxicology reports, or performing an autopsy. Nothing was done by the book, and a mother has been left grieving with no real answers to why her son died. When Calcasieu Parish Coroner Terry Welke was asked about protocol for suicide by gunshot, he stated: “If the bullet is inside of the body, we take X-rays, no matter what, where the gunshot wound of entrance is located to see if there is a bullet that is still in there or not. If the bullet is in there, I will do an autopsy to retrieve the bullet so it can be examined and compared to the weapon if there is one found at the scene,” said Welke. He says they also draw blood for possible toxicology tests, though they don’t necessarily run analyses if the cause of death is apparent. But he says sometimes, in a suicide, family members wish to pay the cost of testing. The coroner in Marcus' case never even saw the body! His body went straight from the site of death to the funeral home. The mattress he supposedly died on was taken and burned by his estranged wife and family the next day! Please join Royce Eckley ( Marcus's mother) and Together We Stand, an organization that advocates for victims of racism, discrimination and police brutality, in demanding his body be exhumed and an autopsy performed so a PROPER investigation can be done.262 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Together We Stand
Governor Rauner: Change Your Mind About Medical MarijuanaOur older daughter has severe cerebral palsy, and she has seizures. She could benefit from medical marijuana. I have been through cancer treatment. I could benefit from medical marijuana, too, as I still suffer from neuropathy. Governor Rauner just rejected the findings of the Medical Cannibis Advisory Board which is made up of doctors, nurses and patients who know what the benefits could be.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debra Gleason
Pennyslvania's Felony Murder Rule is unjust and needs to be eliminated.There are 5,371 inmates who are currently serving life sentences in Pennsylvaniia without any chance for parole. Approximately 400 of the 5,371 “lifers” were convicted of second-degree murder but did not commit the actual killings. Accomplices to murder are treated the same as a killer, even if they themselves did not cause the death. Lifers account for one-10th of the Pennsylvania state prison population, cost taxpayers on average more than $870,000 over their lifetimes, and are under a punishment just as definitive as the death penalty. PA Senator Daylin Leach said, “80 people are facing the death penalty across the U.S. who didn't murder anyone.” In many cases, he contends, those convicted of felony murder end up with more severe punishments than the people who actually committed the murder. The felony murder rule is unjust punishment and “is not in line with punishing people for crimes they commit or intend to commit in a way commensurate with the crimes." Senator Leach, hopes to get legislation passed that will get rid of the felony murder rule for second-degree murder. PLEASE SIGN TO GET RID OF PA’S FELONY MURDER RULE!184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Manilla Gorham
Eliminate Habitual Offenders laws.Habitual Offender (Three Strikes You’re Out) laws are affecting both state and federal sentencing policies. They require judges to sentence offenders with three convictions to long prison terms. These laws disproportionately affect African Americans, many for minor crimes, the third time. These laws tend to limit judicial discretion while widening prosecutorial discretion. Too often, persons who may have been convicted of crimes earlier in their life face the possibility of long-term incarceration for minor infractions later in life, as in the case of Abdurrahim Muslim, who has a criminal background that goes back 17 years and a mistake that stems from a legalized name change used on a firearm application, is currently charged with "Armed Habitual Criminal" and faces a prison sentence of from 6 to 30 years.220 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Abdul Rahim
Defining RapeOne out of every three women is sexually assaulted in their lives. I am one of them. We need to help victims of rape and sexual assault and not blame them for what has happened.262 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Bobby Wiggins
TRAFFIC TICKETS & WARRANTS PRICES & PROCESSI was personally effected by this before but managed to crawl out. I know several people that are afraid to drive their cars because they don't have jobs and terrified of getting their cars taken and can't afford to get them back and face jail time.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lolita Smith
A truthful real investigation of 9/11Every human in our world is being affected by this heinous act. False reason wars have killed & maimed thousands of innocent people based on the lies of 9/11.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard A. (Dick) Kennedy
SHOW ME THE FOOTAGE, DASH CAMERA BODY CAMERAMotorist have the right to challenge a traffic ticket, and law enforcement dash cameras and body cameras should be viewed first to see if a traffic infraction or speeding violation happened exactly the way law enforcement claims before any plea deals or points being issued against a motorist license.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Brownlee
RapeWe are starting this petition because a lot of times some people aren't punished equally or punished at all for raping someone because of the fact that some sexual assaults aren't considered as rape and the perpetrator isn't punished. We haven't personally been affected by this issue but if it was someone close to us or even us ourselves we would want punishment for the perpetrator.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amy Edmondson