• Investgate the death of Sandra Bland
    No indictments were returned in the death of Sandra Bland who died in police custody. I am asking that the DOJ and/or the US Attorney General investigate this death.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Keeling
  • Reform the Law to Handle Mistrials
    The recent trial in Baltimore in the Freddie Gray case, the one related to Sureshbhai Patel in Alabama, and several others have shown that a hung jury inevitably occurs when race issues are involved. The racial divide of juries may be an issue, in addition to the inherent limitations related to juries being easily played on their emotions, not understanding intricacies of the law, and feeling a sense of intimidation. Justice to victims is being thwarted by repeated hung trials.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vaidyanathan Ramaswami
  • Pardon for Tracey Syphax
    My petition is for a pardon of my 27 year old criminal record. I've paid my debt to society in full for what I did as a young man growing up in a tough home situation. Since my release in 1993 I've created three businesses and spent my last 20 years in business being a strong advocate for Returning Citizens. I released a book in 2012 titles "From the Block to the Boardroom" detailing my life story as a blueprint to encourage anyone else going thru a similar situation that change is possible. Last year out of a unprecedented 900 Nominees through out the Country I was selected as one of 16 White House "Champions of Change" for my community work in the Reentry and employment field.
    2,811 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Tracey D. Syphax
  • Justice for Andy Smith
    On December 29, 2001, Andy Smith left a party in Standish, Maine with no shoes, coat or hat on. Shortly after leaving, Cumberland County Deputy Kyle Neugebauer stopped Andy and questioned him. Former County Sheriff Mark Dion said in a news report that someone pulled up and offered to get help to bring Andy home. Dion reports that Neugebauer left to handle another call. Andy would be found dead just a few yards from where he was stopped. There are many questions that have not been answered by the Cumberland County Sherriffs Office and the Maine State Police, so the family is asking for help from the United States Attorney’s Office of Maine to please review the case file and find out what happened to Andy.
    388 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Support Cold Case Squad Maine
  • Stop allowing police to injure or use metal uncomfortable handcuffs on the disabled and provide...
    I and many other people are poor, disabled, and are scared and sic and tied of police and this barbaric justice system that doesn't allow alternatives to jail or any legal help or enough mental health help for anyone who didn't do no wrong and was falsely accused of stuff they didn't do and are being jailed for petty crimes just for saying i love and am sorry to someone i love/d it isn't fair for us to suffer so much from lack of a good system. My life is ruined thanks to Virginia's system! I want it to end now! I WANT MY FREEDOM RESTORED, my health restored, AND WANT EVERYONE TO LOVE ME AND GIVE ME THE LOVE THAT THE CHURCHES PREACH BUT DON'T PRACTICE ESPECIALLY THAT PRES COV IN HBURG, VA that pretends to be prolife and christian, but ar e proeugenic bigoted asinine IDIOTS who don't knwo what durg withdrawal is until they gt dragged into court!! at leatsa few of them broke the law and belong in prison! THE FEDS NEED TO STOP ALL THIS ILLEGAL NEGLECT AND ABUSE OF THE DISABLED AND THE ISOLATION OF THEM TOO. MY POOR TYPING IS THE RESUTL OF INJURY AS A RESULT OF THIS LEGALA BUSE FORM THE POLICE, THE JSUTCIES, A FEW MEMBERS OF A CHURCH, ETC ETC. I WANT MY FREEDOM! THEY LIED ABOUT ME IN COURT AND YOU ALL LET THEM EGT AWYA WITH IT BECUASE YOUW NAT MONEY AND MONEY BUYS HAPPINESS, BUT IT WILL NEVER BUY LOVE. I AM NOT RETARDED OR STUPID I JUST AM INJURED AND AM HURTING. I JUST WANT TO BE FREE! I WANT A LAWYER FOR FREE since i witnesses crime and yet noone will help me, because i am poor and rubbish to you all? so why can;t i be happy like the perosns who hurt me? why are they allwoed to break laws and get away with mapratcice and other stuff that hurt me? because of bigotry and poorness and greediness in the USA? what happened to the CONSTITUTION? why are we not all equal and happy? when will we have the freedom and rights that we are suppsoe dot have? iw a s raped because they took awya my weapons rights without investigating my claims against some crazy mfers and let them go free to mess around w ith sluts! i ahev coem to hate my own coutnry, but will never love another, because this land si the freeest land of all and nothign is better excpet heaven! USA, sotp acting liek this is hell for the poor and heaven for the spoiled evil sinners who fore aboriton ond iasabeld and don't allow marital rights for disabeld women thta prs cov or another chruch is involevd in for logn time!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous
  • Investigate Planned Parenthood attacks as domestic terrorism.
    There is a climate in this country that has come to the crisis point. When someone shoots up a clinic (Planned Parenthood most often, but any women's clinic), they are endangering lives, even as they claim to be Pro-Life. Yet when they head to court, they are given labels such as "mentally unstable" or "lone wolf" and other excuses. Their actions cause people to be afraid to visit those places under fear of being killed, which is the very definition of TERRORISM. High time to call these crimes what they are.
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Barbara
  • Free Ferguson Activist Josh
    Pardon or commute Joshua Williams’ sentence... Josh was charged with arson and was sentenced to 8 years at the Missouri Department of Corrections for trying to set fire to a QuikTrip Gas Station after hearing that a St. Louis County, Berkeley Missouri Police Officer shot and killed an unarmed male. Yet, the QuikTrip was never set on fire, Josh pled guilty under the circumstances. Josh was reacting out of duress due to recent Police Violence that was affecting, and continues to affect, the mental health and well-being of people and communities. Taking away this young man’s freedom because he has been mentally abused is wrong!! The Atlanta Black Star speak more on African-Americans, Race Trauma and PTSD. "Race-based trauma isn’t just inclusive of racist acts, but also the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness one feels during and after the incidents. " https://atlantablackstar.com/2015/09/06/cant-breathe-african-americans-race-trauma-ptsd/ Robert T. Carter, Ph.D. wrote on this in a 2006 Psychiatric Times article: “Race-based traumatic stress injury can be a consequence of emotional pain that a person may feel after encounters with racism, which can be understood in terms of specific types of acts (as distinct types: racial harassment or hostility, racial discrimination or avoidance and/or discriminatory harassment, aversive hostility).
    3,124 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ground Level Support
    I start this petition with great concern for the civil and human rights of persons of color, having witnessed police officers in Minneapolis and Hennepin County commit perjury, lie under oath, in order to convict persons of color with or without prior records. I and other researchers know the shooters of the BLM activists were escorted to the site by police and escaped with MPD help. I also know MPD will continue to stalk persons of color to either pad arrest statistics or to harm or worse murder...with the knowledge they can and will and have gotten away with it. We request that the MPD be placed in federal receivership until the city can produce officer candidates capable of providing equal justice under the law for all.
    886 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by rashard
  • Hold Cops Accountable
    We demand that all county, state, municipal and special police agencies, jails and prisons receiving federally funded grants, loans or, equipment – include individual professional liability insurance as a term or condition of employment for all officers. We Demand the removal of school resource officers in public schools and replacing them with diversity trained counselors and mental health professionals. Visit: www.makepoliceaccountable.blogspot.com
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Lockhart
  • Donald Trump's invitation to Pennsyvania for an address must be withdrawn
    Donald Trump's invitation to Pennsylvania for an address must be withdrawn. His statement about Muslims not being allowed into the United States is like a living in a fool's paradise.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mansoor Sayyed
  • Darrell Johnson
    Darrell Johnson is still participating in the old Law, it is time for him to come home for a non violent crime.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MartiniqueJohnson
  • Darrell Johnson Deserves to be Released
    There is a lot in the statement of the DA at Darrell's Sentencing: “The total the state is asking for is 40 years. I'm asking that because quite frankly, given the conditions of our prisons and Mr.Johnson is probably going to serve about 10 years from today, roughly a little bit more, but I believe a 10 year period where he's in an institution is necessary" SO the judge sentenced knowing that the offender would be out soon after he served 25% of his sentence, in this case 10 years. So he gave long sentences. This was before 2000 when everything changed. So why is Darrell still in after 22 years? he has done all he can to prove himself worthy of release. Please sign his petition and tell the powers that that you too, believe in rehabilitation and that Darrel Johnson deserves a second chance.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP