• 16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria PP test
  • Include bias against gender to federal hate crime legislation
    A hate crime is a criminal offense against a person or property motivated by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.Let’s give communities the resources they need to properly investigate and prosecute hate crimes. Most importantly, let’s give them the resources to prevent these crimes in the first place.
    303 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Susannah Randolph
  • DFL Democrats for Unbiased Law Enforcement
    As Democrats, we live our values.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Elizabeth Wills
  • Hold Those Who Incite Violence Accountable
    Robert Dear Jr. killed three innocent people and injured nine while yelling "no more baby parts". Clearly he was influenced by lies about Planned Parenthood, which suggested falsely that they sell baby body parts illegally for profit. This accusation was spread by Americans United for Life and Rep. Jason Chaffetz. They should be held responsible for their lies which incited the violence in Colorado Springs.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Folzer
  • How do we fix Federal prison reform? #RepealCCCAAct1984
    How Do We Fix Federal Prison Reform? #RepealCCCAAct1984 The CCCA Act of 1984 took away the chance for Parole. Before, if a Citizen got in trouble and ended up in jail, he would serve a portion of his sentence and if he reformed his ways, he could be released early and allowed a second chance to do good. He could reunite with his family and try his hardest at achieving the American dream. Trust me, private prison are not here to reform anyone. They are here to make money and retain slave labor. Regulations that take away the chance of parole should be deemed as cruel and unusual punishment. Please help the children of nonviolent offenders, to have the opportunity, to know their parents and loved ones. Stop the occurrence of generational imprisonment. #2. How Did This Happen? [During Ronald reagan's reign as president, the government passed a law called CCCA Act. (Getting tough on crime and the war on drugs) Implemented: November 1, 1987 to the present. ] CCCA ACT of 1984: This applies to inmates sentenced for an offense committed after November 1, 1987, when the Comprehensive Crime Control Act (CCCA) became law. The two most significant changes in the statutes deal with good time and parole issues. There are no provisions under the new law for parole. Good time available is 54 days per calendar year, and may be awarded in part or in whole, contingent upon behavior during the year. Once awarded, it is vested and may not be forfeited for SRA and VCCLEA sentences. PLRA sentences do not vest GCT until the actual day of release. There is no statutory good time or extra good time for people sentenced for crimes committed after November 1, 1987 #3. What Can We Do? [Prior To The CCCA Act: from 1910-October 31, 1987 these were the guidelines that were humane and focused on reformation instead of punishment.] #4. Reinstate The Following: Parole: Parole is release from incarceration under conditions established by the U.S. Parole Commission. Parole is not a pardon or an act of clemency. A parolee remains under the supervision of a U.S. Probation Officer until the expiration of his full term. Good Time: "Good Time" awarded by the Bureau of Prisons under statutes enacted prior to November 1, 1987, has the effect of reducing the stated term of the sentence; that is, it advances the date when release will be mandatory if the offender is not paroled at an earlier date. The Parole Commission, in setting a parole date, may also consider the behavior for which good time is awarded. Statutory Good Time: Under 18 U.SC. 4161, an offender sentenced to a definite term of six months or more is entitled to a deduction his term, computed as follows, if the offender has faithfully observed the rules of the institution. 6 months to 1 year - 5 days per month More than 1 year, less than 3 years - 6 days per month At least 3 years, less than 5 years - 7 days per month At least 5 years, less than 10 years - 8 days per month 10 years or more - 10 days per month #5. Repeal The CCCA Act: 1984 (Re-instate Reformation Not Punishment.) Call your U.S. Congressman Call your U.S. Senators Demand reinstating parole, good time and statutory good time. Print fliers, educate your friends, stage a rally in front of the Federal courthouse, send out media releases, visit your congressman and senators officers and drop off the flyers, e-mail, snail mail. Start a petition in your state, that includes all 50 states.Tweet/#RepealCCCAAct1984
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Benzer
  • Justice for Kyon Evans
    I demand justice for the death of my stepson, who was shot several times. We don't watn the Chicago Police setting his case to the side. Give me and my family some closure. It's killing us. Thanks for your time. We would appreciate if you could help us get justice by getting a petition for people to sign.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alicia Bethany
  • Release Leslie Merritt Jr. from Jail!
    This petition is about the unjust incarceration of this young man, ripped from his little ones just to justify and satisfy our Governor after receiving heavy criticism for not having caught the I-10 shooter over the summer. Shootings have continued and the "evidence" has been changed so many times that nothing adds up, except Merritt's alibi's, which his lawyers are using to fight for his release as well! **** I have been following this story ever since it started. I am a mother, a wife and creator of http://fightbackandwin.com. I believe in fighting for your rights and helping those who cannot. Justice is not always fair and almost never affordable. We have reached out to all news media locally and some national news agencies as well, in an attempt to get contact info. Myself along with a few others, some even out of the country, have rallied on social media ever since the beginning to try and get Leslie a fair bail as it was obvious to us that this was clearly a huge act of injustice! Our social media page for support for Leslie is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/428023417400072/?ref=bookmarks Please feel free to contact via his Facebook support page or through this platform. Thank you for any act of kindness and empathy as we try to gain support for Leslie so he can be with his family during the holidays!
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christine Davis
  • Call for Mandatory Psychological Evaluation/Treatment for White Cops
    This petition is to underscore the obvious need for white police officers to undergo psychiatric and psychological evaluation and treatment for their unreasonable phobias about Black men, (women), and children. The past four years especially there have been incidents where there was no basis for fear. I am an African American female and am tired of watching the murders by white law enforcers and hearing their same lame justification for murder.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah
  • Reduced sentence for Terry Hines
    The unfairness of the system, the sentence given life/w out parole, enabling the commissioners to keep inmate in prison without justice. No family help, and mental stress to inmate to find help in system
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angelia Young
  • The UNITED STATES Government needs to reduce prison sentences for nonviolent criminal offenses.
    Improve Americas entire judicial system, and impose lighter sentences for nonviolent crimes!
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Barnett Jr.
  • Removal of Statute Of Limitations on child sex abusers.
    Victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse continue to have trauma throughout his/her adulthood. We need to protect our children from known pedophiles and pass a law to remove all statute of limitations that protect the offender and not the victim. Please sign and share this petition so we can help victims and survivors get the justice that they deserve. House Speaker Lee Chatfield information is below. We need you and your friends to call, write or email Speaker of the House, Tom Leonard to let him know you support a change in the law. His contact information is below. Thank you: Lee Chatfield,Speaker of the House [email protected] Ph: 517-373-2629 162 Capitol Building Lansing, MI 48933
    518 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Bryan
  • The Death Penalty
    Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare