• Eliminate criminal charges for women for acts of violence male partners committed
    A woman was jailed for 30 years for an act of a man, who served only 2 years for the same act. This needs to stop. This is currently the law in too many (29) states and they are called "Failure to Protect" laws. In 7 states, LIFE IN PRISON can be a sentence for a woman for a man's violence.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Galit Ronen
  • Gov. Mary Fallin: End Executions Now!
    Oklahoma needs to be more progressive and not be seen as a buffoon state. With all the botched executions lately, another botched execution will seal our reputation in the world. Let us step forward and end executions in our state for good.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MaryGrace Berkowitz
  • Sonic: Help stop the Richard Glossip execution!
    If a person's guilt is in doubt, he should not be executed. As an iconic Oklahoma business, Sonic should join citizens across the state, country, and world, including the Pope, in urging Gov. Mary Fallin not to execute Richard Glossip. Mr. Hudson, please speak out publicly and help convince Gov. Fallin to commute his death sentence.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Crawford
  • Time does not fit the crime
    Prison is not the answer to all crimes. M11 was voted into law to impose longer and stricter sentencing for violent and repeat felons in prison. First-time offenders with no criminal background are being given the same sentencing as repeat and violent felons. Measure 11 in Oregon has turned into a "one strike, you're out" state. Oregonians spend over $200 million a year to house first-time offenders in prisons throughout Oregon. This measure needs to be reformed to not include first-time offenders and get the power of the court room back into the judges' hands.
    2,271 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Barb Dickerson
  • SanGolden Gilbert Deserves a Second Chance
    SanGolden has served his time for the robbery he committed 16 years ago. No one was hurt - he has learned the gravity of his act and has been a model prisoner. It seems he is only kept in for revenge purposes. But we are a changing society and know that revenge only does not work. His family is suffering greatly with his absence, as is our whole society because overcrowding in our prisons and no resources for training and treatment for prisoners now coming in makes everything less safe. The DOC has left its rehabilitative mission and we want that to change. Start the process toward sanity by releasing SanGolden Gilbert. .
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • Old Law Prisoners
    The Old Law Prisoners are being held unnecessarily after long periods of confinement. It's wrong to the previous offender and costly to the taxpayers, and they're long overdue for release.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Dicks
  • Petition for a Second Chance for Hayes Jackson; Waived in...
    Jackson was waived into adult court at the age of 16- party to the crime of felony murder and armed robbery and was given 100 years; a bunch of kids in a robbery that went horribly wrong. Hayes was in the next room when the fatal shot was fired. Many heartless sentences like this were given to youngsters at the time and it is now 25 years later. We have learned of the undeveloped juvenile brain. Hayes Jackson explains how he was a follower and easily led into the wrong situations. That is the way most kids are. He is not so today- this is a mature man ready to give back to society and well deserving of a second chance. Please help.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • Petition for Release of Jose Fuentes so he can be deported back to his family in Mexico
    This is an absurd problem. We are holding this man when he has family in Mexico and is ordered deported. FFUP has about twenty names of inmates in the same predicament but there are more so held. Jose is sorely needed at home, we need the bed space and money and morally, we need to stop wasting this man’s life. The policy of holding deportable inmates after they are eligible for release and rehabilitated is not defensible. Please release Jose Fuentes.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • petition for release and deportation of Jose Garcia
    Jose Garcia , a citizen of Colombia, has served 20 years, has been eligible for parole since 2013 and can legally be deported at any time. why don’t we take advantage of this when our prisons are so dangerously overcrowded. The irony is we are releasing many truth in sentencing prisoners , those sentenced after 2000, without any treatment even though many are begging for it. There is no doubt drug addicted youths are a danger to society and we are afraid your policies are one of the reasons for the uptick in violence on the streets of Milwaukee. The elderly, old law prisoners like Jose Garcia can prove themselves rehabilitated and are statistically very unlikely to commit crimes. in this petition we ask that the parole board think about adopting a new priority. We do not want to waste money and resources holding people who are not dangerous. Treatment and programming is so important and should be the DOC's main purpose- yet there is a woeful shortage of both. Release rehabilitated old law prisoners like Jose and put the saved funds into healing. Let him go home to Colombia and be with his family again.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • DA Kunzweiler: Don't Make A Deal with Reserve Deputy Bates
    Former Reserve Deputy Bates is a personal friend and frequent donor to Former Sheriff Stanley Glanz's reelection campaign. His close relationship to Tulsa County via his relationship with the sheriff makes it that much more likely he will receive a dramatically reduced sentence. It is imperative that he be tried in front of a jury of citizens to ensure justice is served.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacy kamau
  • Petition for the release of James Schuman
    James Schuman is in his 60s and has parents in their 80s whose most profound need is to see their son finally home before they die. James himself has multiple health problems, and the prison is not built to handle the health problem of aging inmates. Statistics show people of this age have a 0 to 1 % chance of breaking the law. What is the sense of keeping this man? The prison is dangerously overcrowded. James has applied for compassionate release so he can be home for his parents and he was denied. Where is the humanity?
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • Petition for the Release of Shulbert WIlliams
    My name is Barbara Robinson and I have two sons that are incarcerated in Wisconsin. I am writing this letter in support of their petitions. My sons have been incarcerated for 20 years. They were juveniles when an Armed Robbery crime was committed. They were charged and convicted as Party to a Crime Armed Robbery. They were both sentenced to over 100 years plus. My sons were both high school graduates with jobs but made a wrong choice. They both realize that and over the past 20 years have grown into young men with values of life. The crime they were convicted of did not result in any one's death or serious injury. I, along with my parents who are 82 years old and other family members, have always been there for my sons. They come from a loving background, Christian family. My family and I have always been there for them and will continue to be very supportive because they have changed and learned a lot from the consequences they have suffered and paid to society. Lawrence and Shulburt Williams have completed all programs required of them that were offered, along with additional college courses. They both have a very good report with staff workers. My family have been owners of our Bowling Alley for thirty years, and my sons would have no problem with job opportunities. We stand behind them 101%. I am a retired Police Officer as well as a 23 year Veteran in the United States Air Force. My sons are not a threat to the community. They have paid the price to come home. It has been a long 20 years. As a caring mother, wife, daughter, sister and aunt I am requesting my sons be released from prison at this time. My parents' health is not the best, and they would like to reunite with their grandsons. Please sign my sons petition as it goes forward. Thank you very much. Barbara
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by FFUP