• Petition for the Release of Shulbert WIlliams
    My name is Barbara Robinson and I have two sons that are incarcerated in Wisconsin. I am writing this letter in support of their petitions. My sons have been incarcerated for 20 years. They were juveniles when an Armed Robbery crime was committed. They were charged and convicted as Party to A Crime Armed Robbery. They were both sentenced to over 100 years plus. My sons were both high school graduates with jobs, but, made a wrong choice. They both realize that and over the past 20 years have grown into young men with values of life. The crime they were convicted of did not result in any one's death or serious injury. I, along with my parents who are 82 years old and other family members, have always been there for my sons. They come from a loving background, Christian family. My family and I have always been there for them and will continue to be very supportive because they have changed and learned a lot from the consequences they have suffered and paid to society. Lawrence and Shulburt Williams have completed all programs required of them that were offered, along with additional college courses. They both have a very good report with staff workers. My family have been owners of our Bowling Alley for thirty years, and my sons would have no problem with job opportunities. We stand behind them 101%. I am a retired Police Officer as well as a 23 year Veteran in the United States Air Force. My sons are not a threat to the community. They have paid the price to come home. It has been a long 20 years. As a caring mother, wife, daughter, sister and aunt I am requesting my sons be released from prison at this time. My parents' health is not the best, and would like to reunite with their grandsons. Please sign my sons petition as it goes forward. Thank you very much. Barbara
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • Reduced Sentence for Terry Hines
    With the person having served 30 years, the Board of Commissioners has not given him a fair chance because of his sentence of life without parole. The system has convicted him unfairly, and because of past criminal history, he was railroaded.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angelia Young
  • End the Ban on Marijuana in Malheur County
    Malheur County is not thinking about the community with this ban. They are spreading lies and propaganda purposefully to line their pockets with drug convictions.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristy
  • Make the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 Retroactive
    The current rate of incarceration in the US dwarfs that of any country at any time in the world's history. The vast majority of our prisoners were convicted of victimless crimes, affecting only the users themselves. The costs of the current system to prisoners and taxpayers are unjust and unsustainable.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by john graham
  • Unfair Ruling: Free Stephan Galbreath
    Stephen Galbreath has been incarcerated since 2003 for first degree assault and first degree burglary. He was given life plus 235 years for these crimes that he did not commit. Not only did Galbreath get an unfair trail, he was given about double what his supposed accomplice received for the SAME EXACT CHARGES. Stephan Galbreath was stolen away from his children and family whom he loves dearly because of this unjust ruling. Please sign this petition to help us bring Stephan's unfair sentencing to the Governor of Missouri's attention so that we can hopefully receive a trial for re-sentencing.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenni Galbreath
  • Accountability for Sandra Bland
    The investigation of this case was tainted from the start. Sheriff Glenn Smith, who was fired from a previous job for alleged racism and police brutality, appointed an "independent" commission to review his department. This commission is headed by Paul Looney, an attorney with financial ties to the county's top elected official Carbet Duhon III, who would be responsible for payment to Sandra Bland's family if wrong doing was found. There is no chance for Justice here. Sandra and her family deserve better, please sign this petition and let our government know this is unacceptable.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sevgi Fernandez
  • Reinstate Chief Cheryl Wilson
    Chief Cheryl Wilson has been a breath of fresh air to the citizens of Lancaster. She is involved in our community , responsive to our concerns and is an overall improvement on the last administration.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lancaster Voter
  • End the prison pipeline from Collegiate Academies
    During the 2012-2013 school year, the 3 Collegiate Academies charter schools in New Orleans had suspension rates ranging from 40-68% of the student body, often for minor infractions, such as stepping outside of the lines in the walk from one class to the next. That's why we support the Let Kids Be Kids Campaign, conducted by Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children (FFLIC), designed to end the school to prison pipeline and find alternatives to expulsion and suspensions.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Crain
  • NYS Synthetic Drug Legislation
    Synthetic Drug Legislation is severely lacking in New York State, yet hundreds and thousands of our citizens are being negatively affected by these poisons! Deaths and severe disabilities are the results, along with harming friends/families and innocent bystanders and a rise in crime. The new legislation is being drafted BIPARTISAN by NYS Assemblyman William Barclay who is working with New York City Assemblyman Rodriguez. Together a new bill will be drafted, making synthetic compounds a controlled substance ON ITS OWN and not linked with marijuana (which is absolutely different), with penalties for dealers.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Woolson
  • Ban Private Prisons
    With over 2 million inmates, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Higher than any dictatorship, theocracy or persistent violator of human rights. This shameful incarceration rate will never come down so long as there is profit to be made by incarcerating people. End the profit motive for incarceration. Join the fight to ban private for-profit prisons.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Max Rameau
  • Beating woman in iowa
    Because I have been a battered woman on several occasions and they just go to jail and then make bail and back on the street and next thing you know back beating another woman this have to stop we have lost a lot of woman due to domestic relations and (douglas Antoine Rudy haynes)is the prime example of that cause he have been charged but never convicted of domestic and then since the female name Monique Johnson his pose to be Babymama but fail to take a paternity test to prove it was so scared of Douglas aka sipp that he threatened her to go down and drop charges and I didn't know this man from a can of paint and he was nice at first but then turned into the haulk literally and I mean he beat me so badly that he punched me one time before and it knocked me out cold for atleast three minutes this man have to be stopped cause he is gonna kill one of these females and I'm doing this not only for me but for other woman in this world also cause he comes off like he is just this sweet and innocent person and then he turns your life into a living hell please Americans help sign this petition and put a stop to his anger and hating woman
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by latasha jenkins
  • Stand with Pope Francis: Abolish the federal death penalty
    Pope Francis raised many issues and concerns in his address to Congress. But he made one specific demand: global abolition of the death penalty. The fact that the U.S. maintains the death penalty is a huge obstacle to global abolition. China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt can hide behind the U.S.: why shouldn't we have the death penalty? The U.S. has it. The fact that the federal government maintains the death penalty is a big obstacle to state abolition. Why shouldn't we have it, Texas can say. The federal government has it. Conservative columnist George Will has said it's time for the U.S. to quit the death penalty. Many Republican Members of Congress agree. Let's force the issue now, while the Pope's speech to Congress is still fresh in public memory. Urge Congress and President Obama to stand with Pope Francis to abolish the death penalty, by signing our petition.
    808 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman