PA Judiciary Committee: End Police Brutality. Vote Yes to HB420Citizens should feel protected by law enforcement not fearful. Some police officers have falsified police reports costing citizens hundreds of dollars in fines and in some instances jail time. Without police body cameras it's difficult for citizens to prove their testimony is truth over the police officers in the court of law. Citizens have lost careers and even their lives over false testimonies and charges written by police officers. I know that Police Body Cameras will not fix all the brokenness within our Criminal Justice System, but at least it will be an initial first step in the right direction towards reform.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lakeya Whatley
Mandatory Jail Time for anyone Assaulting a Law Enforcement OfficialOur Government established Law Enforcement agencies to protect us and be our first line of defense inside our own borders. It's about time our Government makes this a top priority once again. Lawlessness cannot exist on our soil. We must take back our streets and respect the law and our Justice System for it is the very foundation of our safety here in the U.S. Law Enforcement personnel should be respected. It is not acceptable for individuals to target the very people who are protecting us as citizens. We have to take a stand on their behalf. I support Law Enforcement. Please sign this petition if you believe Blue Lives Matter. Please sign this petition if you want to stop the senseless attacks on all Law Enforcement personnel. Please sign this petition if you want to take back our streets.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tanya Bittenmaster
Penalizing Bullies•I am starting this petition because bully victims will not speak for themselves and are too scared to. •Many issues contribute to suicide risk, including depression, problems at home, and trauma history. •I'm seeing more and more bullying on adults affecting their reputation, business, motivation and encourages others to partake in bullying. •If we start penalizing bullies, we can cut down the number of bullies, suicidal victims, violence, people who partake on it in any way, may stop them from wanting to commit any future abuse and start teaching everyone by force how to stop being aggressive towards one another. • It's a BIGGER problem than what we think. Let's take ACTION!64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michell
"Prison Reform for Non-Violent, 1st-Time Offenders"My family has never been affected by the cruelty and inequality that has grown in the Federal Prison Sentencing. Finally, our day has come. I completely understand how the millions of families faced with the reality of having a loved one placed in incarceration destroys the morale and dignity of the family. 80 billion dollars a year goes to house federal penitentiaries. Most criminals are non-violent, first-time offenders who have been sentenced to extraordinary long-term incarceration that affects our youth more than any group. Let's use our tax paying money on schools and support for the "at risk" families instead of perpetuating the breakdown of the family. I didn't understand, but now I do. In a country, which favors the rich and guilty over the poor and innocent, we need to stand with President Obama on serious prison reform.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Benzer
Petition for the Release of Nancy EzellNancy's case is heartbreaking. We did a compassionate release application for her and she was denied, and her time to the next parole hearing was extended to two years. I am worried that her health will give out with the stress and her inability to breathe well. There is no good reason behind this and the parole board gives no reason except to constantly reiterate her drug crime. Enough--this is not the same woman who went to prison. She has learned what she needs and now we need to release her.579 of 600 SignaturesCreated by FFUP
Deny Early Parole for Dr. William LewekMatthew Straton went missing Oct 28, 2013. All efforts by family,friends and the local authorities were used in efforts to find Matt. On Jan. 15, 2014, Matt's body was found in a shallow grave covered up with lawn furniture and garbage in the backyard of William Lewek, a local psychiatrist who specialized in alcohol/ drug dependence. Lewek admitted to buying and using drugs with Matt. He admitted that Matt died in his presence and instead of calling 911, he dragged his body down 3 flights of stairs and hid his body. Because of the nature and and amount of time Matt's body was hidden, all evidence was compromised. Lewek was charged with Tampering with evidence, which in New York state is only a 1 1/3-4 year sentence. Through the whole ordeal Lewek never showed any remorse for his actions, only self preservation and contempt for the law. He was even arrested again, this time for DUI. May 1, 2015 Lewek was sentenced and he is already up for parole. This is unacceptable. Please help by signing and sharing this petition in hopes he will be denied early release. From all Matthew's family, loved ones, and the community in which he lived, we thank you, from the bottom of our heart. JUSTICE FOR MATT.862 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Cimmaron Norton
Gov. Brown: End Cash Bail in California.On August 27, law enforcement officials across Northern California began arresting more than 30 bail bondsmen from seven different bail bond companies on charges that they illegally rewarded jail inmates with money for providing information about individuals newly entering the jails. The alleged corruption illustrates an important danger of the cash bail system, in which access to money—rather than risk—determines who stays in jail pretrial. No one should ever be held in jail simply because they are too poor to put up an arbitrary amount set by the courts. Jail should be reserved for people who pose a danger to our communities, or are a flight risk. No one should be able to prey on and exploit defendants simply because they are poor. Across America, jurisdictions are moving toward detention decisions based on risk, rather than money. More than 75 percent of voters support risk-based detention and believe it works. Governor Brown: You know California’s bail system is broken, and you have not yet taken action to fix it. End cash bail. -Cherise Fanno Burdeen of the Pretrial Justice Institute135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Cherise Fanno Burdeen
Federal Mandatory Guidelines Sentencing: Help Youthful, Nonviolent, and First Time OffendersThe Petition was created on Move On's Petition site and states, "Pre-Determined Federal Prison Sentencing Guidelines are determined and based solely on the weight of the drug and not on an individual's case, background or morals. The guidelines are creating a "one size fits all" punishment. This means that in thousands of cases every year the punishment does not fit the crime nor the person. " My son, Terry Matthew Hall, was interrogated by Federal Agents, SBI Agents, and other Law Enforcement Agencies as a teenager in September of 2014 in reference to some alleged illegal drug activity that had been going on in Johnston County...Smithfield, NC for quite some time. Law enforcement and citizens in this County are well known as to what these people had been doing for generations.The Federal and State Agents assisted by local Law Enforcement officers ( Narcotic Division in that County) had been doing a two year investigation on some much older, lifetime criminals in this particular County. While being interrogated about any alleged activity my son was very cooperative.. He was scared and highly intimated so he thought if he "told them the truth" that he could come home. He had no lawyer present, and at such a young age wasn't even thinking on that level.This is a trend and happens to so many of young teens and what they don't realize is "they do need an attorney present!" His attorney told me if he had asked for an attorney to be present he would not be where he is sitting today. But, under peer pressure at such a young age they fold, only to incriminate themselves. He did not get to come home and was arrested right there where the interrogation took place.They arrested him on that day for "Conspiracy", simply because he knew what was allegedly going on. At the beginning of the Federal investigation he was only 16 years old and was introduced to a highly addictive drug by older, well known criminals. He now sits in a maximum security jail where he has been for over a year on 20 hours lock down per day due to his addiction and poor decision making. His lawyer states to me that due to Federal guidelines he is facing 30 years to life. Please print this petition on behalf of him and other youthful, nonviolent offenders who may also be affected by this. Federal Prison Bureau Nonviolent Offender Relief Act of 2015 H.R. 71. Our family is devastated by these guidelines.My son was lost in an addiction at 16 years old. He was introduced to this POWERFUL additive drug by a group of notorious criminals. He got involved with some really bad people, made some poor decisions, and violated the law.This case should be reviewed due to the age of this child, No Attorney was representing him and both him and his family have suffered beyond any sentence this child could ever receive. I pray God has mercy on the souls sentencing these children under this Federal requirement. We are losing young souls that can be rehabilitated.Matt was under major peer pressure. He would never physically harm an individual. Matt is a good life long friend of mine, it devastates me to think that I won't get to see his future unfold. Everyone makes bad choices in life, so, shouldn't we be willing to allow some slack for more adolescent offenders? After all, a one size fits all policy is not JUST. Matthew can be a great person, he has great people and family that love and care about him, He can get him a job, and get on the right path. He was working at 14 years old with a workers permit. But, how long will a youthful child stay sane enough to come out and make this change? If you put offenders in the environment and shove them away like nobody cares and they pretty much don't have a shot at "life" you're only making matters worse for a young offender. Help them. Care about them! I know Terry Matthew Hall can and will become a responsible citizen if given a chance. Of course he needs to be punished, but not for his entire life! Sincerely, Regina Morris59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Regina Morris
We demand to hear from President Obama about the WAR on Law Enforcement in America, and demand a ...Time has come to hear from our President128 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Cap
Support Shane Casey's Pardon from a Wrongful ConvictionI was wrongfully convicted after 3 trials and sentenced to 20 years to life in prison over a mere story. That's right, no corroborating evidence. I am not alone, there are many of us. Please sign this petition in support of not only my pardon, but in support of the innocence movement to put an end to wrongful convictions once and for all!15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shane Casey
Wrongful Conviction/ Marilynn "Lynn" MalcomI believe it is time to stand up for the falsely accused. I am one of them and it has been a nightmare that destroyed my family and life. I also advocate for others who are false accused and volunteer for the National Center for Reason and Justice who sponsor cases they investigate and believe in. Please help. Call 360-610-9411 if you want to talk to me. Lynn +38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wrongful Conviction/ Marilynn "Lynn" Malcom
Hazel Park, MI: Reduce Penalty for Failure to Maintain GrassThe current practice of convicting residents who fail to cut their grass as criminals is nearly criminal in and of itself. Opportunities are reduced for those with criminal records. While I believe code enforcement is necessary because I also want to live in a beautiful Hazel Park, the misdemeanor convictions may also affect home values negatively because of a higher rate of residents with criminal records.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenna