• Release Terrance Shaw and allow him to get treatment for his PTSD and become a mentor for others.
    Terrance Shaw is one of the hardest workers I know. He has an opportunity with the Veteran's Hospital to get treatment for the first time for his PTSD and then to take their training to become a mentor for other Viet Nam veterans who are also suffering from this malady. He was one of our compassionate release candidates but was denied. This is another example of the DOC's refusal to take into account the fact that people change.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • Petition for a Second Chance for WIsconsin's Old Law Prisoners
    I have been working with prisoners and their families for 15 years and know many of the Old Law Prisoners and their families personally. The heartbreak and suffering caused by our present policies is hard to communicate in words. I have come to greatly admire many of these man and women forever entombed for they have become mature and wise despite incredible abuse and neglect and many want nothing more then to give back to their communities. It is also hard to understand WHY we do not adopt a wise policy since our state is in serious debt and the DOC is strangling in health care bills for 60, 70 and 80 years olds. We hope that this petition drive will help families and concerned citizens coalesce into a real movement.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FFUP
  • Freedom for Ramsey Muniz
    Mr. Muniz should not have to spend the rest of his life, in prison for the non-violent drug offenses he was convicted of.
    1,461 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruben Botello, Esq.
  • We ask for Justice after 88 years of combined false imprisonment! Reverse the sentences of the Ya...
    The Yankton Sioux Desmond Rouse is one of four Native American Men whom have had their lives shattered for the past 22 years and their hopes, spirits and souls eviscerated. They have lost everything they love in life and have wrongfully spent the past 20 years of their lives imprisoned, for egregious offenses they are innocent of. I am no attorney or crime analyst, but the reason that so many are falsely convicted of sex offenses seems painfully clear. First, this is the only category of offenses on which charges can be brought without a shred of physical or often even circumstantial evidence. Secondly, this is the only category of offenses where the accused is consistently assumed to be guilty from the outset. "Innocent until proven guilty" has no meaning and no application at all when one is accused of a sexual crime, especially against a child. It is "guilty until proven innocent," and with no evidence to refute or disprove, and with prosecutors salivating with the assurance of another victory, being proven innocent is as unlikely as flying around the world blindfolded and landing safely. New evidence consisting of significant recantations and expert witnesses has recently evolved that will prove their innocence and exonerate them. The medical evidence and opinions were based on 1994 technology and untested opinions. With the advent of modern medical research, we are now in a much better position to prove that the government's "expert" witnesses opinions were inherently wrong. Mongolian spots are birth marks and aren't bruises. "Bruises" start the entire case off with fallacious reasoning based upon negative racial bias. "The consensus is now that the abnormal findings described are nothing more than anatomical structures and normal variations. The use of Toludine blue dye on mucosal surfaces such as the vaginal vestibule and vagina was totally inappropriate and descriptions of dye uptake should not have been given any weight in determining whether there were signs of trauma to the genital and anal area tissues." concludes Professor Joyce Adams Racial or ethnic discrimination rampant throughout the case. There was no real evidence in this case. What was purported to be evidence by the prosecution was not reliable evidence. Manipulated testimony, purchased testimony phony and manufactured evidence, evidence resulting from people having a conflict of interest (a social worker who was also a foster parent of the alleged victims), children who said NOTHING HAPPENED were not believed by the court and were threatened with not to be able to see their mothers again if they did not testify the way the prosecutors instructed them to testify. Everything I say here is in certified transcripts. The first appellate panel (2-1) vacated the decision and remanded the case for a new trial. BUT the new trial never happened. The dissenter then wrote a new decision denying the new trial. Absolutely outrageous miscarriage of justice! A blight on our judicial system. If you wish to read further, see more, and educate yourself in detail about this terrible injustice, I welcome you to contact me. Alternatively we invite you to google Freedom4Yankton4 and learn from numerous sources about this prominent case. All help and interest is very welcome. Desmond has two 501 c fiscal sponsors in VetsNiteOut and the National Center for Reason and Justice, NCRJ. Thank you and God bless you, Freedom4Yankton4 Desmond Rouse Garfield Feather Russell Hubbeling Jesse Rouse
    51 of 100 Signatures
  • Parents Against CPS
    My daughter lost her rights to her 4 children and has taken 275 Drug Tests and they have been Negative for drugs and alcohol . She has an Appeal in with The Supreme Court that shows all the errors that The Court and DHHR made. The Supreme Court Law states that The DHHR Mandates in their adoption Policy, That a Child be Placed with a Blood Relative over a Non Blood. I am The Maternal Grandmother and have had NO Contact Direct or Indirect in almost 3 years.I am fighting for Guardianship of these 4 children.
    534 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Susie Ayscue
  • Adrianna's Hope: Finding justice for those who can no longer speak.
    In 1998 my daughter was violently beaten and shaken to death. The person accused was charged with 2nd degree murder and was found "not-guilty" due to reasonable doubt. Her autopsy, as well as the evidence provided to the court, clearly showed that she was abused. And the results of her autopsy were ruled as a homicide. Her life was taken, and the accused is living as if nothing happened because of a technicality. THIS MUST STOP as our lives have when she was taken from us.
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by LeeAnn Gauthier
  • Have George Bush and Dick Cheney tried for war crimes
    George Bush and Dick Cheney started a war in Iraq based upon the lie that they were hiding weapons of mass destruction. Men, women, and children died in that war, and now ISIS is thriving in the region, in addition to costing an insane amount of taxpayer money, we should hold these two accountable and have them tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Doe
  • All children matter
    I want to protect children nation wide from physical and mental abuse.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda romano
  • 415 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Amie Shalom
  • Extradite Walter J. Palmer to Zimbabwe for Illegally Killing Cecil the Lion
    The sport killing of rare or endangered species is a concern for everyone. It is disgusting that an American with money can pay to kill an endangered animal. There should be laws in the US that do not allow this to ever happen again.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Clemons
  • Extradite Lion Killer
    I am outraged by this heinous act. It is offensive and should be banned. The dentist's lack of remorse and entitled demeanor makes this case even more intolerable. The guides are being charged and have to face justice, I think it is fair to bring the man who pulled the trigger to justice. He is blaming someone else. Let the courts decide. These animals don't belong to one person, they belong to all of us.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura A. Ramirez
  • Federal Police Report Falsification Act
    Due to recent events in the media involving the police, which have the potential of slowly eroding the legitimacy of law enforcement.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Grantham