Outlaw Organized Gang StalkingI'm starting this petition because I am an individual targeted by gang stalkers, so I know what it feels like to live in fear. I know what it is like to feel hopeless and wonder if there is any way to escape all the pain and suffering. Innocent people are being sought after by people who have absolutely no regard to human life and they must be stopped.97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosemeka Williams
Imprison Gov. Snyder for the poisoning of Flint,MIGreed is not paramount to life. Life is sacred. All life. In every form. When money is more important to you than protecting those whom you are charged with protecting, you simply need to be held accountable. The governor of Michigan knowingly supplied poisonous water into every home in Flint,MI. The water is so bad, it leeched lead from the pipes. Lead is poison. It never leaves your body after you have ingested it. It can cause brain damage and other damage, all of which is irrevocable. He ignored the facts given to him by scientists. He allowed data to be manipulated and changed in order to not raise suspicions. He scoffed at residents as the complaints came pouring in immediately after their drinking water source was changed from the great lake of Huron, to one of the most contaminated rivers in America. If this man were anyone else he would be in prison. Let's show politicians that they aren't above the law. Hold this man responsible. Let's give him a one way trip to Jackson prison!!305 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Benjamin Shell
Governor Walker: Exonerate Steven Avery AND Brendan Dassey for their alleged involvement in the m...As an individual, and an American citizen, it's quite scary when you come to the realization that the very nation you were born and raised in has such a greatly flawed judicial system. In these two particular cases (against Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey,) improper methods were used by the Manitowoc County sheriff's department to convict them of crimes that they were never proved to have committed beyond a reasonable doubt. If the American Judicial System, and the state of Wisconsin expect to be respected by the citizens of this nation in any way, shape or form, then these two men will need to be completely exonerated. They at VERY LEAST deserve the chance at new trials. For more information on their cases, and to make an informed decision of your own, please watch the Netflix documentary "Making a Murderer" and visit http://stevenavery.org/15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melissa O.
Remove Gunmen from our Federal Building in OregonFederal land belongs to all of us. Just because ranchers can't capitalize on public property doesn't mean it's "privatized."18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Newman
Charge Bundys in Oregon Siege with SeditionExtreme, armed right-wing individuals and groups increasingly threaten the security of American citizens; they have occupied federal land, attacked Planned Parenthood, and killed worshipers in a church in South Carolina. These groups will continue to threaten our security until they are appropriately prosecuted for their seditious activities before they commit more acts of violence against American citizens. Demand that the Justice Department investigate and prosecute these groups and individuals to the fullest extent of the law.15,148 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Barry
Barbara Daniels: Justice for Abdul Q. DanielsThis petition is about Justice For All, and about the laws signed and passed concerning Wire Taps on US Citizens. The Law concerning -Being Held Without Bail are being flouted and Laws concerning Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Does any of this exist in Today's World? Justice for my son: Abdul Q. M. Daniels.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Daniels
Immediate Release!This fight is about the proper procedures for Healthcare within our prison system! It's about prison reform and health care reform for the forgotten souls that drown within our justice system.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Erica Patteson
Free Larry LangfordFree Former Birmingham Mayor Larry P. Langford!93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Bridgeforth
Free Antonio porterTo help with getting my son free !!!!43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosemary cade
Justice for Tamir RiceToday, yet another Black child's life was rendered disposable, not by a grand jury of his peers, because he was only 12 years old. His peers are not even old enough to serve on a jury. Murdered by law enforcement. His only crime was being a 12 yr old Black male child in a poor neighborhood. Those two factors alone robbed him of his youth, robbed him of protection, robbed him of any benefit of the doubt. And then Prosecutor McGinty robbed him and his family of all due process under the law. If we are a nation of laws, then those laws should apply equally to all citizens. If we are a nation of compassion, then that compassion should not be determined by the color of one's skin. If we are a nation of justice, then that justice must be available to everyone. Even when filmed, the killing of a black child is rendered justifiable. Even in an open carry state, the killing of a black child carrying a pellet gun is rendered justifiable. Even in a playground with no sign of threat, the killing of a black child is rendered justifiable. Within 2 seconds of their arrival, it is acceptable that a 12 year old is dead. We demand a thorough investigation into the killing of Tamir Rice. We demand equal protection of black children, both under the law and, when necessary, from those hired to enforce the law.161,474 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by Rev. Traci D. Blackmon
Justice Now for Bettie and QuintonioEarly Saturday morning, Chicago police were called to respond to a domestic disturbance at an apartment complex. Police shot through an unopened door and killed Ms. Bettie Jones -- who died from a gunshot wound to the neck [1]. Officers then turned their weapons onto a young man suffering from mental illness holding a baseball bat, 19-year-old Quintonio Legrier. The officer's identity has not been released and he has been placed on administrative duties for 30 days. Mayor Rahm Emanuel has announced that the murder will be investigated by the Independent Police Review Authority. But this is not enough. From Rekia Boyd to Laqun McDonald, the violence perpetuated at the hands of the Chicago Police Department continues to claim the lives of Black women and men living in Chicago, and that violence continues to go unchecked by city leaders and officials. The Chicago police were called in order to help with a domestic disturbance. However, instead of providing help to those in need, Chicago police exercised excessive violence and claimed two more Black lives. Recent cases and released videos show a culture of excessive force and a 'shoot first and cover it up' culture within Chicago's police department. They are killing people, mostly Black people whether or not those people cooperate. The state's attorney and mayor's offices seem determined to assist officers that abuse and murder the very citizens they are sworn to protect and serve. We are demanding more than a full and transparent investigation into the murders of Bettie Jones and Quintonio Legrier. We are demanding authentic justice. The entire Chicago Police Department needs to be changed, from the racist, unjust policies to the people who enforce them. Bettie Jones was a member of Action Now and we will not rest until she gets justice. References "Chicago Cop Shoots Dead Teen, 55-Year-Old Woman" The Huffington Post, 12-26-2015 http://huff.to/1JBYAAh8,085 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Katelyn Johnson, Action Now
Matthew's right to liveMy only child just graduated HS working 2 jobs. To make it crime if someone is dying in need of medical attention , and do Nothing but let them die instead. For it to be a crime.135 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lori Vernier