• Cannabis Don't KILL!
    Hello, My Name is Cierra Walker and I'm starting this petition so Florida could legalize and/or decriminalize cannabis. Many people suffer from diseases that cause alot of pain. Which can be treated with cannabis. Nobody have ever died from cannabis,but many have from alcohol,cigarettes uses,and prescription drugs! They are still legal.Why? When cannabis have many medical uses and NO harm to the body. I say they just want us to kill ourselves. Also send alot of people to jail for non-violent crimes. So help me help those who can't or to scared to help themselves.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cierra Walker
  • Regulate marijuana like alcohol
    Allow the state to regulate marijuana like alcohol.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Calvin H. Price JR.
  • Legalize Industrial Hemp
    Now is the time for California to lead the way. Sign this petition to show our legislators where you stand.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay Bedingfield
  • 5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Acuna
  • Industrial Hemp Industry
    Developing Industrial Hemp industry in California.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Caudill
  • U.S. Government: Prosecute ALL Responsible for Financial Crisis
    It's unconscionable that bankers, responsible for the largest financial crisis in recent history, continue holding their jobs, earning millions, with no visible consequences for their actions, while hard-working people are left homeless. Homeowners are being held accountable for their actions, bankers should be too.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elvia Rubald
  • Medical Marijuana
    I believe marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes.I have neuropathy and take many medications.I rather stop taking the medications because they don't work .I have read many articles which show Marijuana works to help the pain from neuropathy.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by maria
  • Statute of Limitations of Debt.
    I represent Veterans all over the globe via the FVA - Freedom Veterans of America as COO of the organization. It's been brought to my attention that city and state municipalities are going back into the traffic records, sometimes 30 or more years and suspending licenses of citizens and Veterans all over the country for things like an unpaid parking ticket in 1974. In all cases of the Veterans I've dealt with, $18 tickets have exploded into $1000 plus fines as states and municipalities and on an endless list of addition fines. Nearly all the Veterans I deal with have some form of physical disability, homelessness, PTSD or other condition. Many of them are returning Veterans from the Iraq and Afghan conflicts. After completing their tours, they come back to a state or city municipality which presents them with fines of hundreds and many times thousand of dollars for simple traffic tickets or moving violations. States and municipalities have taken advantage of a loophole in the statue of limitations laws concerning debt to further burden both Veterans and citizens on offenses that are many times decades old. If a murderer, a thief of $500 million dollars of art or other can be removed from any type of civil action, collection or criminal charges after 7-20 years, there is no reason private citizens and Veterans should be burden with fines that seriously burden their lives, employment abilities and other daily "Pursuit of Happiness" activities. I would like to start a petition to introduce legislation that limits ALL debt collection, whether government, civil or somehow criminal to 7 years, period, in all cases. Let us force the state and municipalities pass laws that streamline the collection of debt and remove all the roadblocks large corporation have introduced via lobbyist legislation that keeps them safe from collection. The same laws that burden the average citizen and Veterans alike.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Cole
  • Governor Quinn and IL State House and Senators please legalize and tax marijuana in the state of ...
    Marijuana needs to be legalized and taxed in the state of Illinois, because it could be used for medical purposes, if people want to sell it or grow it would generate tax revenue for the state and get the state out of its debt problem.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Scherdin
  • Leagalize marijuana
    Marijuana should be legal because its a natural plant and can be used for medical reasons such as treating a patient from (ADD) and also even cancer in some cases.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfredo Gonzalez
  • Legalize Marijuana Now
    Marijuana is a harmless herb that is being used to punish people from all walks of life and to help make money for "For Profit Prisons." It is time for governments both Federal and Local to reap the benefits of legal growing, sales, and marketing of Marijuana.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by eddy landstrom
  • Stop Media Support of Rape Culture
    Poppy Harlow from CNN should be fired for her sympathy towards the Steubenville RAPISTS and disregard for the victim. Rapists are not victims. CNN's portrayal of the Steubenville conviction encourages the already prevalent tendency of this country to blame the victim for both the assault and for "ruining" the criminal's life.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KLM