• Joseph Selby II: Create programs for criminals with misdemeanors.
    I am concerned about the state at which my city, (Wilmington, NC) has programs for felons, yet as of my knowledge, there are no programs for those with misdemeanors. As a citizen with misdemeanors and a family to support, I feel as though there could be plenty of more jobs created for those such as myself, (whether it be violent or non- violent). I feel as though my generation along with today's youth in the southern portions of North Carolina could benefit from such programs other than work- first, job rehabilitation, etc.. Some of us don't have what it takes to go into business for ourselves, as this seems to be the only outlet in my case with schooling. My record wont allow me to have a job in some of the smallest places and lowest paying jobs here in Wilmington. This is how I am affected everyday when applying for employment. It's just my personal opinion that even misdemeanor violent offenders still have the right to work in support of their families as well as themselves. In my opinion, everyone deserves a chance to better themselves by bringing home the bacon. There is no deadline for this petition, but I am requesting that anyone with troubled youth or a record with violent or non- violent misdemeanors please consider this as it could lead to new and improved behaviors for the benefit of our city which will in turn lower the crime rate because these type of criminals may see a way out instead of hustling back to the block or just hanging out because there are no real outlets here in Wilmington.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Selby II
    Pedestrians cannot cross streets in Manhattan.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Granville
  • STOP The War On Drugs
    The war on drugs is literally a street war. Smugglers, drug dealers, and street gangs—who make their money selling drugs—are armed to the teeth with high-powered weapons. The police counter with machine guns, bullet-proof vests and helmets, and even tanks. The collateral damage to innocent people has been enormous.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by K R SCHRADER
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DON DRUMMOND
  • Reduce Violence - Support Crime Stoppers
    To increase the award money available for Crime Stoppers to use in Michigan to get violent criminals off the streets, reduce violence and get justice for the victims of violent crimes by giving them some closure. More Financial support will allow for larger rewards to be offered, which will generate more witness input.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Sellers
  • Enough Cuts to the Court
    law abiding citizens are getting punished by long delays in scheduling cases in civil court. We waited almost one year to have a non paying tenant ejected from our rental property. what about our rights to a speedy hearing? No more cuts to the court, enough is enough!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nita D. McGee
  • Fraudulent, Forged and Intentionally Altered Documents"
    All Court Records of Proceedings and County Recorders Office Records reflect the written History of our Great State of California for future generations to review, enjoy and to provide educational tools for future generations. These records are the true History of the Great State of California and as such, are a valuable and irreplacable State treasure. Whereas, there have been multiple Fraudulent, Forged and Intentionally Altered documents (such as robo-signing among various others) placed in the Court and County Recorders Offices for the purpose of manipulating the records in order to further there efforts to illegally foreclose on California Citizens Real Estate.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald O'Donnell
  • Bring War Criminals to Justice
    I would like to see The Bush Administration brought to trial for the crime of lying to the American Cingress, the American People, The United Nations, and the World. To gain justice for all those who died in a needless war.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Kunkle Jr.
  • Protection against Marijuana Abusers
    Currently there are bills in the Hawaii State Legislature proposing to decriminalize and make it easier to use Marijuana recreationally. Passing such a law would endanger the general public due to increased use and abuse of Marijuana. The potential for the increase of drivers under the influence of Marijuana causing accident with serious injuries or death is likely occur. Any bill or law passed to allow decriminalization of Marijuana must include strict penalties for those who abuse Marijuana to the point where their judgement and senses are impaired. Standards as to how to determine when a person is physically or judgementally impaired must be established, simular to that of Intoxicated driver by alcoholic beverages. Before any laws are passed there should be clear and exact guidelines as to levels of THC in blood that would cause impairment, testing procedure and standards of evidence collection and strict penalties for those convicted of impairment.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Coloma
  • Statute of limitations on reporting sexual abuse in NH
    The state of NH has a statute of limitations on when a victim can report sexual abuse. I would like the statute removed so their is not time limit on when victims can report abuse.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Wiesman
  • Cathy jordan medical cannibis act
    Since being diagnosed with LUO GERHIGS DESEASE last year I have read an amazing amount of good resonse by using medical marijuana. Even at some Government websites. Lets get together and approved quickly, I'm afraid the desease moves quicker than you can in move on this. It also helps with Parkinsons,MS etc. Lets get this done so we can have some ray of hope and quality of life longer.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Brinker
  • Get the WI Supreme Court
    The conservatives control the Assembly, Senate, and the Mansion the only part that can be won is the Judicial/Supreme Court. I promise to work hard to remove the conservative candidate and get a good judge in.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Waser