• AUTISM AWARENESS!!! County Attorney Dana Mitchell: Release Autistic child Gianni Griffin-Davis to...
    My son is a 14 year old child with multiple mental health diagnosis Number one being Autism/ADHD/PDD. He is being held in Juvenile Detention general population for an incident which could have been prevented in school, when he should clearly be hospitalized. I have gone above and beyond the call of duty as an advocate and single mother for this child for nearly 15yrs. He has been hospitalized and needs specific care. Autism has no label or legal system in place within the court system. Help us give my son and other Autistic children the appropriate placement,voice and care when being thrust into the legal system by there so called safe environments.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shameka Griffin
  • Call mass shootings what they are: terrorism
    Sandy Hook Elementary School, Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, Aurora, CO, Tucson, AZ, Fort Hood, TX these are all examples of domestic terrorism. Our government needs to start dealing with these tragic events as such.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat
  • medical marijuana
    getting marijuana legal for medical use and there has never been a death from smoking to much marijuana like there is from all these pain killers and i have personaly experence benfits from medical marijuana michigan had it and the states would make money off it
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jason sprague
  • Ohio House Bill 86
    Did you know that if a Juvenile is found incompetent to stand trial, charges are dismissed. My granddaughter and another child are victims of rape by a 16 year old boy that fell into this category, Charges were dismissed!! Where is the justice??????????
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renee Watson Steele
  • Governor Corbett: Stop False Confessions
    Every year, Americans are imprisoned because they confessed to a crime they did not commit because they were coerced by police. Innocent people spend years behind bars. This is a disgrace to the American justice system, and it needs to be fixed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chelsea
    I have seen and experienced Debt collectors violating Federal Laws within the United States. Under Title 18, Rico act, it is made clear that extortion is a crime. Denying people due process as William Howard Taft said in Traux vrs Corrigan, and what Justice Scalia wrote in regards to Debt Collection is in Harmony and set in legal precedence. As a consumer I have had the following happen to myself, Fraud, Fraud in the inducement and execution, making contracts void by the actions of the Companies not myself. However, knowing they have no chance to win in court, they deny me and other American Due Process, they state by saying an item is in 'Dispute" they the collection agencies can report you to the three credit bureau's when in fact, they can not. It violates Federal law and is a strong arm tactic. Destroying a persons credit worthiness and forcing them to pay on a debt they have legal grounds to not pay on.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Dubois
  • Stop Raiding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
    Medical marijuana is legal in several states, including California, while remaining illegal under federal law. As a result, the dispensary where I get my prescribed medication for Trigeminal Neuralgia – a virtually untreatable form of neurolytic pain – was raided by DEA agents on April 16, 2013, one day after the Boston bombings in a shameful waste of federal law enforcement resources needed elsewhere. During the election campaign, President Obama roundly hinted that raiding medical marijuana dispensaries would not be a priority of his administration. Evidently, that wasn't true. All that would be needed to resolve the conflict between federal and state regulations would a reclassification of Marijuana from Schedule One narcotics, such as heroin, to Schedule Two, which recognizes its medical usefulness and allows it to be available by prescription. All that's lacking to make this commonsense reform is the political will.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ira Levine
    I can't afford new tax by the state on installed breathlyzer's in car's. Thirty dollars a month is a lot of money. Soon I probably won't be able to continue to drive my car. I do not make a lot of money. Thirty dollars is a new pair of shoes for my son, food money, gas to get to work. I am not an alcoholic. I had bad lawyering! If I could of walked back into that court room after I signed the paper. i would of. No one would let me ripe it up. I am doing my sentenced because of Melanie's law. So unfair. Maybe someone has a love one you know who just doesn't fit the criteria. I know too many people do drink and drive and lives are lost. Thank the Lord my family has never had that knock at our door. I am just worried about the financial burden, I have put upon my family. I don't know how much longer I can afford the extra $87.00 per month. Like I said gas, electric,food, clothing????????????????????????????????????????????????My pay check doesn't go up, but everything else does. It is hard to survive my rent is $1500.00 per month.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Mangiacotti
  • Make restitution to the Central Park 5!
    The Central Park 5 were convicted of a crime they didn't commit. As boys they didn't have a clue about the process in which they were caught up. They each lost their youth, at least seven years of a normal life, and the view of the world that they were decent people. Now they should be awarded at least some restitution for what they went through.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcia Bailey
  • Justice4TheForgottenIncarcerated
    My father is a victim serving a life sentence for a non violent crime. In 2010 President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which is excellent but it hasn't been made retroactive yet. Therefore, my father and many other inmates along the US are serving unfair sentences. My father hasn't been in my life for 15 years, I'm 19 now. I just need the support of anyone, so my father can come home, as well as your loved ones
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shantey
    The Privatization of prisons is like pac-man for our youth. The governors of the states are entering into agreements with private corporations like GEO, CCA, MCT guaranteeing prison bed capacity payments with our tax dollars while their stockholders profit. If the beds are empty then there is the impetus, the motivation to fill them---waste not, want not, so the threshold is lowered on crimes, ages and the problem for private graft is solved!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bishop Dr. Cynthia King Bolden Gardner, JD., D.Div
  • Legalizing Medical marijuana in Kansas
    So that people that have debilitating illnesses, will have a choice for their treatment other than from the big pharmacies, that want to monopolize their drugs, and control how we treat our sickness.
    1,432 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by John