• Save Willie Jerome Manning from execution today
    The FBI admits that the evidence does not support Mr. Mannings conviction, but that the DNA evidence was never tested. Please ask the Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant and USDOJ Ronald Rodgers to stay Mr. Mannings execution, at 6pm today, while DNA evidence is tested.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Graham
  • URGENT! Stop Mississippi From Executing a Man Who Is Probably Innocent
    Willie Manning has been in death row in Mississippi for almost 20 years, and the only evidence against him was testimony from another inmate, who claims he confessed to the murder of Tiffany Miller and John Steckler. This inmate was already known for unreliable testimony against 2 other people, and has since recanted his testimony. Manning is scheduled to be executed on Tuesday, and the Mississippi supreme court has just found that a DNA test which could prove his innocence is not necessary.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Harpe
  • Cease with Cruel and Unusual Punishment for Non-Violent Crimes...Enforce 8th Amendment (Excessive...
    The reality of the United States having the highest documented incarceration rate in the world, No longer seeks rehabilitation, rather punishment; primarily towards Black males who commit non-violent crimes. The single greatest force behind the growth of the prison population has been the national "War on Drugs."
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maslow's Advocacy Group (M.A.G.)
  • stop the jail
    There is no such thing as a free lunch. The bottom line is: the county pays.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Kostner
  • The drug culture petition for political rights
    Millions of people use drugs, by making drug use illegal makes a lot of unsafe use by giving crime control and makes it so people can't see or know, how, why and what their being use for.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Caswell
  • Governor Abercrombie: Prohibit Wheel Booting
    We were victimized by a boot company on March 30, 2013. We paid the required $4.00 parking fee but were accused of lying and got booted. The payment box did not dispense a receipt so it became our word against theirs. We had no choice but to pay the $160 fee in cash to release our car.
    1,045 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Larry & Cathy Lee
  • Decriminalization of Marijuana
    Remove Marijuana as a Criminal offense. Marijuana falls under a "Inherently Dangerous Felony" which allows the law to "opt" to charge other people with someone else's crime. My Son was charged with "Felony Murder" even though he was shot and didn't shoot anyone and has not ever been convicted of a felony. So since they cant catch the MURDERER my Son is faced with loosing his life at the age of 22.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer
  • Close Guantanamo Congressman Mike Rogers (MI, 8th district)
    Mike Rogers, the 8th district congressman from Michigan wants to keep Guantanamo open. President Obama has said that it is congress which is blocking his ability to close the prison down. We say to Mike Rogers that as his constituents we want Guantanamo shut down immediately.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Jacobson
  • Pardon Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown)
    "We the people of the United States firmly support and request that a pardon be granted to one Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown). That he be released and returned to the people forth with without delay nor malice upon said individual. This we the people request.
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Luqman jahmi Abdullah-ibn
  • Legalize Marijuana in Missouri
    I belive that if this is passed it would provide alot of people good especially since other states around us have passed and it would also provide a great economic rise for the state of Missouri.
    338 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Campanella
    Keep in mind this story involves a 7yr old girl whom was beaten & tortured by her Mother then threatened by both her Mother and Mothers Boyfriend. My petition is for people to recognize that FL is a corporal punishment state... Thus meaning, a parent can beat their child and solong as they refrain from breaking bones, dismembering, disfiguring or leaving permenant physical scaring, THATS ALL "OK" IN THE EYES OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM! Long story short... The Mother of my child had beaten her with a belt and a stick. Leaving extensive bruising and welts on her posterior and thighs. After beating her, the Mother tortured her by making her sit upon a hard stool. Every time my daughter went to reposition her self due to the pain she was in, her mother would smack her again and again thus leaving bruising and welts on her hands as well. After the beating and torture, the Mothers live in boyfriend, WITH FIREARM IN HAND, threatened my daughter not to tell anybody how the marks came to be and that if she were to tell, she would get it worse and he would kill her Daddy (myself). After viewing the marks and going through DCF and local law enforcement, I decided it would be in the best interests for my daughters protection to file an injunction against the Mother and the Mothers live in boyfriend. Upon our recent day in court, The case & the injunction were dismissed due to FL law permitting corporal punishment upon minor children. This petition is here for all those whom oppose CHILD ABUSE and wish for FL state legislatures to vote on a change to modify these laws... For I demand a change and I hope that you demand it along side myself and all the children in the state of FL that DCF and the COURTS refuse to save due to garbage laws & statutes. If someone inflicts physical harm upon another, they are brought up on criminal charges. If someone inflicts physical harm unto an animal, they are brought up on criminal charges. However, in the great state of Florida... If one is to inflict physical harm upon their child, they face little to no repurcusions for their actions! My mission is for a modification of the blanketing laws which in themselves permitt child abuse... Here is the link to the statute itself: http://www.flsenate.gov/laws/statutes/2011/39.01 Here is main part of statute which I demand modification of: 4. Inappropriate or excessively harsh disciplinary action that is likely to result in physical injury, mental injury as defined in this section, or emotional injury. The significance of any injury must be evaluated in light of the following factors: the age of the child; any prior history of injuries to the child; the location of the injury on the body of the child; the multiplicity of the injury; and the type of trauma inflicted. Corporal discipline may be considered excessive or abusive when it results in any of the following or other similar injuries: a. Sprains, dislocations, or cartilage damage. b. Bone or skull fractures. c. Brain or spinal cord damage. d. Intracranial hemorrhage or injury to other internal organs. e. Asphyxiation, suffocation, or drowning. f. Injury resulting from the use of a deadly weapon. g. Burns or scalding. h. Cuts, lacerations, punctures, or bites. i. Permanent or temporary disfigurement. j. Permanent or temporary loss or impairment of a body part or function. k. Significant bruises or welts. (However, what is "significant"? Because my daughters bruises & welts remained for TWO WEEKS...) WHAT IS STATED ABOVE IS WHAT NEEDS TO OCCUR FOR A COURT OF LAW TO ENTERTAIN A HEARING REGARDING CHILD ABUSE. ANYTHING FALLING SHORT OF WHAT IS LISTED ABOVE IS DEEMED AS CHILD DISCIPLINE. If you agree and sign, I request for you to please fwd this petition to as many others as you can and request for them to do the same. BELOW IS A LINK TO REACH YOUR STATE OFFICIALS. I urge you to please email Florida state officials regaurding your concers pertaining to this matter. http://www.commoncause.org/siteapps/advocacy/search.aspx?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=4860375
    1,464 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Mack
  • Appeal for Mathew Aime
    After a horrible boating ACCIDENT Mathew Aime was found guilty and is serving 15 years in Prison. His public defender not only failed to properly represent Mathew Aime, but the justice system failed Mat. All we ask for is an appeal- for a Judge to reevaluate the case file and give Mat a fair chance.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tara Thomas