PROTECT OUR YOUTH FROM THE PRISON $ MACHINEThe privatization of prisons is like Pac-Man for our youth. The governors of the states are entering into agreements with private corporations like GEO, CCA, and MTC, guaranteeing prison bed capacity payments with our tax dollars while their stockholders profit. If the beds are empty then there is the impetus, the motivation to fill them - waste not, want not! So the threshold is lowered ed on crimes and ages, and the problem for private graft is solved! Hold your Governors, District Attorneys, County Supervidors, Wardens and Police accountable. Make the Attorney General and171 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jami Bolden
Fire Eric HolderHolder has refused in indict, arrest or prosecute a single banker for the financial crisis of 2007-2008 that collapsed the world economy.243 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robert A. Daniel
End SOMMSAccording to Idoc, these sex offenders are put into these programs as part of their Parole or Probation stipulations. The cost for this program is too much for thesr offenders and when they can't pay they get Violated.111 of 200 SignaturesCreated by brandi richardson
Marissa Alexander, An American InjusticeMarissa Alexander The 31-year-old Florida woman who fired a warning shot at her abusive husband, was sentenced Friday morning to 20 years in prison. This is an outrage...20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James
Launch Investigation against Westboro Baptist ChurchFred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas should be investigated in suspect of using tax exempt funds from their Non-Profit Status 501(c)3 , to promote hate and discrimination.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Citizens of America
S.O.L.O. Saving Our Loved OnesMy son, Marc Lee-Purvis, KV 4348, is currently serving a 5-13 year sentence at SCI Camp Hill because he filed a complaint of theft of personal property against 2 officers assigned to the D.A.'s.Violent Gun and Drug Task Force, namely Martin Dietz and James Dougherty. As a result, he was subjected to constant harassment, intimidation, planting of drugs, perjury, false witness, conviction and finally imprisonment.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Lee
LEGALIZE MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN KENTUCKYI have lived in chronic pain and had PTSD and social anxiety for all of my adult life,starting at age 16 and I am 39 now. Had to self Medicate with cannabis for many years!! But after 6 lower back surgeries I have to go to a pain management center and after my psychological doctors company closed their doors I have to get that medication from my PCP. With all the new laws (which I agree with shutting the pill mills down) I have to take a UA regularly and if I come up positive,then they can no longer give me my medications,which is harming my body!!!! With something as natural as cannabis that treats any things and illnesses,is being kelp illegal in Kentucky because the Big Businesses are making to much money that tax payers have to pay!!! With the revenue that Medical Marijuana would generate would do away with our states deficit and and end the taxpayers part as well as the people that have chronic illnesses would get relief and be able to live comfortable without having to take a regiment of medicine that is harming them and having worry about losing their jobs if do consume cannabis. Many states are saying yes to medical cannabis and no to big business,why don't Kentucky do the same????? We need to come together and use our god giving right as well as our constitutional rights,please help everyone have a voice against the politicians that are making alot of $$$ from these big businesses and improve the life of the meek,thank you and god bless, Jeremy Cornish722 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jeremy Cornish
NC Senate: Keep Kids Out of Adult PrisonOn March 5, NC legislators introduced a bill that would allow for children as young as 13 to be placed in the adult criminal justice system. HB 217 would remove judicial discretion and give prosecutors absolute power to prosecute children in the adult criminal justice system. Do you know what this means for kids who are prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system? - Youth are 36 times more likely to commit suicide in an adult facility than a juvenile detention facility; - Kids in the adult system are 34% more likely than youth in the juvenile court system to reoffend; - Kids are at a higher risk of physical and sexual assault when placed in adult facilities; and - African American youth are 9 times more likely and Latino youth are 4 times more likely than white youth to receive an adult prison sentence for the same crime. Currently under North Carolina law, judges weigh the protection of the public and the best interest of the juvenile in determining whether to transfer the case to adult court. Just by a written motion, the Juvenile Transfer section of HB 217 gives prosecutors the power to prosecute kids in the adult criminal justice system and strips juvenile court judges of their decision making power. Youth justice allies, including judges, university professors, attorneys, youth, legislators and advocates, have taken action to strongly oppose this counterproductive policy recommendation. Because of the quick response from advocates, the bill has been amended to only apply to 15 year olds who have allegedly committed certain felonies. But our work is not over. We refuse to allow the removal of judicial discretion and refuse to let this ineffective policy throw more kids into the adult criminal justice system. In a state that is currently trying to evaluate how to most effectively use its limited resources, the North Carolina juvenile transfer section of HB 217 clearly reads as a misinformed and counterproductive policy recommendation. TAKE ACTION! Join judges, university professors, attorneys, youth leaders, and advocates in calling on NC Senators to oppose HB 217!267 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Amy Fisher
Make the child safeIn 2005, Michael Weaver was charged with sexually abusing 4 of my children and was convicted for 2 counts. My 4th child was so young there was no way to get her to tell us. Since that time, I have fought against false charges from CPS that were dismissed. CPS workers put my little girl in the home of the pedophile’s parents, and the court moved the case jurisdiction to Galveston County. I have been fighting for my daughter to come home. Thanks to a loophole in court orders relating to my divorce from Michael, joint custody was granted to his parents. This convicted pedophile now has far more access to my daughter than I do. He visits her daily. His parents see no reason to stop it from happening. She has told me she is alone with him sometimes but since I have no proof, my hands are tied. The pedophile’s parents still have my little girl. They have stated under oath they believe he is only “technically” guilty, meaning they don’t believe my children's testimony, nor the court’s judgement. They have told me off the record they believe he is innocent. Please – sign my petition to bring my daughter back home with myself and her siblings, where she belongs and where she will be safe.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by April Weaver
End labeling to ensure employment once a sentence is servedYes. My father was charged with a felony. Even after he paid time in prison for his mistake, he was kept punished by a system that labels. He couldn't find a job even though he had a graduate degree due to his past mistake. This devastated our family economically and continues to do so. If my dad could have used his degree, I probably would have lived in better neighborhood, not acquired do much debt in college and even gone to a better school. The quality of my families life diminished due to labeling fathers that make mistakes. Once people serve time in jail they should be forgiven by the system rather than punished for eternity.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol
Free Oily Thomas from Stateville Prison he is Innocent!(OILY THOMAS) condemn inside a Illinois State prison!!) (Picture of Oily Thomas-Stateville Website) In The State of Illinois Wrongful Convictions are common in large part because of some Chicago Police officers have been allowed to break procedurals and well settled constitutional safeguards. In the City of Chicago Jon Burge a officer who started with the department in 1972 and earn promotions through his illegal practices of torturing criminal suspects inside interrogation rooms to coerced confessions from suspects and witnesses of serious violate crimes. Oily Thomas was arrested by members of the Chicago Police Department and interrogated by some detectives that were known subordinates of Burge. Despite Burge being fired in 1993 for his act of torture upon criminal suspects Jackie and Andrew Wilson who allegedly shot and killed two southside Chicago police officers. It was settled that Burge and his subordinates beat and tortured confessions from criminal suspects. Detective James Cassidy took part in the framing and coercing confessions from a seven and eight year old. On June 4, 1991 Edward McComb was shot and killed by two gunmen at or nearly 4215 S. Calumet Avenue. Police conducted a flawed and impartial investigation leading to all of the witnesses to allegedly finger Thomas as one of the participates of the murder. The girlfriend of McComb, Lolitha Homles testified to being with him and seeing defendant approach her boyfriend with two additional people. She testified that the three men fired their weapons in their direction while chasing them in different directions. She stated that when she returned that McComb was under a tree in a vacate lot dead. (Pictures of the crime scene taken by investigators of Chicago Police Department) Renard Jackson provided a court reported statement that he lied during his testimony at defendant’s trial. Jackson attested that he was inside his house at the time of the crime and came outside when he heard shots. He also testified that a week after the shooting, the victims brother asked him to testify against defendant and gave him 200 to 250 dollars worth of cocaine in exchange for his testimony. Jackson later said that he did not see the shooting and that he was never given any cocaine by any one. He believes this day that Thomas was framed by the system. Donovan Weathers, who claimed that he had been involved in an intimate relations with HOMLES, testified that Holmes told him that she did not witness the shooting. Jonny Selvie also claimed to have had an intimate relations with HOLMES. Selvie signed an affidavit stating that HOLMES told him that she lied about being an eyewitness to the shooting and that she was picking up her daughter from school at the time of the shooting. Today Thomas sits inside the Stateville Correctional Center serving 75 years for a crime that he never committed. Thomas case is before the Cook County circuit court on appeal pursuant to the Illinois Post Conviction hearing act. A hat was used to convict Thomas in which he is allege to have wore at the time of the crime and abandon at the crime scene. Thomas has moved for DNA testing however that testing have never been granted or denied years after moving for DNA testing. The Cook County State’s Attorney Office was ordered to conduct DNA testing on the hat however it has not yet been done because prosecutors claim to not be able to locate the hat. Thomas attorney is moving the court to dismiss the case, while he challenge the impartiality of the current judge who was a former Cook County State’s Attorney that have been accused of participating with police to commit acts of coercion upon a criminal suspect inside a police station interrogation room. This is a BLOG that is committed toward the innocence and mobilation outreach for Mr. Thomas and others that are affected by injustice. Three days a week postings will be made to this page. For more information on the injustice of Mr. Thomas you can contact Mark A. Clements, [email protected] or by phone 847-276-1382. If you would like to contact Oily Thomas feel free to do so at: Oily Thomas, B-02704 Stateville Correctional Center P.O. Box 112 Joliet, IL 60434397 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Mark A. Clements
PA Adult use ActI have a family member who deals with a debilitating chronic illness everyday. Cannabis helps people in everyday life without the side effects of prescription drugs.It's hard to watch a family member suffer and try to live a normal life when they are in so much pain. Please try to open up your hearts and minds for this could be your Mother,Father,brother,sister,aunt,uncle or god forbid even your child and if it benefits and at least helps their particular situation try to dig inside your hearts to imagine how you would feel if you had to watch them suffer and not be able to enjoy this great country we live in or even have hope for a future! Let Freedom ring this is the city of brotherly love where the Liberty Bell hangs! Bless you All7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ahmed Headerson