• Stop persecuting George Zimmerman
    The Department of Justice continues its lynching of this man
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hanson
  • The American Children Anti-Stalking Law La Ley Estadounidense contra el acecho de niños
    Our children are under attack by adult strangers who feel safe stalking children because there is no law against it. We need a Trayvon Martin law that would make it a federal offense for an adult stranger to stalk a child under 18 years of age. Only adult people the child is familiar with—parents, law enforcement, teachers, relatives, and people with official business or parental permission—should be able to legally pursue a child. 1. If a stranger frightens a child to the point that they run away or hide, the stranger should have to retreat. 2. A stranger with a concealed weapon should never be able to follow a child 3. A strange that follows a child and the child attempts to defend themselves, the stranger cannot plead self-defense Nuestros niños son acechados por adultos desconocidos que se sienten seguros acechar niños porque no existe una ley en su contra. Necesitamos una ley Trayvon Martin que haga que sea un Delito Federal que un adulto desconocido aceche a un niño menor de 18 años de edad. Solamente personas adultos que el niño conoce - Padres, cuerpos policiales, maestros, parientes y personas con asuntos oficiales o con permiso de padres - podrían legalmente perseguir a un niño. 1. Si un desconocido asusta al niño hasta el punto de hacerlo correr o esconderse, el desconocido tendrá que alejarse. 2. Un desconocido con un arma oculta, no debe en ningún momento seguir a un niño 3. Un desconocido que persigue a un niño y luego el niño intenta de defenderse, el desconocido no puede declarar la defensa propia.
    1,329 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Renee Neal
    This petition is in response to Florida’s Racist Justice System! Until ALL of our demands are met, it is our full intention to prevent as much tourism dollars as possible from ever reaching the State of Florida. This will be a protracted struggle and we the undersigned are fully committed for life.
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by kymone freeman
  • Petition for the immediate firing and prosecution of Angela Corey
    Corey's politically motivated prosecution of George Zimmerman and failure to take the case to a Grand Jury before proceeding, has cost tax payers of Florida a great deal of money and the extreme likelihood of more to come. She should be fired immediately and prosecuted for damages
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tell
  • Carrying a weapon whilst on crime-watch, or neighborhood watch should be a crime
    This petition is in response to the Trayvon Martin's verdict. I do crime-watch for Marion County Sheriff's Office (mcso), and we are forbidden to take weapons on patrol
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dorrick nurse
  • Amend the Florida "Stand Your Ground" and "Self-Defense" Laws: You can't pursue someone and claim...
    The Trayvon Martin case blatantly highlights the current loopholes that are present with current "Self-Defense" and "Stand Your Ground Laws". Whether using "Self-Defense" or "Stand Your Ground" a person should not be able to pursue someone and claim "Self-Defense". A situation should be looked at entirely when a person is claiming "Self-Defense" or "Stand Your Ground". Language must be included in our laws that guards against a person being able to pursue another person but then claim "Self-Defense" or "Stand Your Ground".
    11,552 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Julius Denson II
  • Free Marissa Alexander
    Marissa Alexander a mother of three was sentence to 20 years in jail by the state of Florida for firing a warning shot in her kitchen ceiling to keep her abusive husband from beating her. Despite the fact that Marissa has never been in any kind of trouble she sits in a Florida jail. Marissa cited the Stand Your Ground law as her defense but was still convicted, when she harmed No one. George Zimmerman walked free after killing and unarmed child Trayvon Martin and was found not guilty by a jury using the same Florida Stand Your Ground Law. I asked you is this fair, does justice allow Stand Your Ground to some and not to others? Please sign your name to this petition to be sent to Florida legislature to urge them to reopen this case and exonerate Marisa of this sentenced.
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alysha Riley
  • Release Marissa Alexander immediately
    Miss Alexander fired a WARNING shot in the state of Florida in self defense to keep her abusive husband away from her, and was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years after 12 minutes of deliberation. Her right to use this defense and be found not guilty was violated because she was protecting herself from harm. Spousal abuse should never be tolerated on any level.
    15,707 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Shanita Logan
  • Jail the Banksters, not the victims!
    The government is spending thousands of taxpayer dollars to prosecute and imprison Mary Mcculley for allegedly acting as a banking investigator to uncover the truth behind the forged deeds. What about the forger? He's the one making the accusations! Enough is enough. Jail the crooks, not the victims.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by mary mcculley
  • Tell Mark O'Mara To Put George Zimmerman On The Witness Stand!!!
    Sign the petition if you agree that George Zimmerman should take the witness stand and tell the jury that it's his voice. We have heard all of George Zimmerman's family and friends testify that it is his voice on the 911 tape.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Felicia Hill
  • One Law, One Limit
    If your child is coerced or seduced by an Adult Sexual Predator into agreeing to have sex, the current legal statutes leave you no legal means to address the issue The statutes on sexual contact with minors in Ohio designate that it is legal for a child age 16 or older to agree to have sexual intercourse. While it is illegal in Ohio for people under the age of 18 to purchase tobacco or to vote and, a person needs to be 21 to purchase alcohol, and photos or videos of naked people of either sex under the age of 18 are designated "child pornography"....Yet, the age of sexual consent in Ohio is 16 years of age with no qualifying statements regarding the age difference of the participants. Sex between 16 year olds is a far different social issue than sexual contact between an older Adult of more than 5 years of age difference and a more than 16 but still under 18 year old teen. This leads to not only confusion and distress on the part of Teens and their Parents, it complicates legal proceedings unnecessarily. If your child is coerced or seduced by an Adult Sexual Predator into agreeing to have sex, the current legal statutes leave you no legal means to address the issue.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dana Ferbrache-Darr
  • JUSTICE for Archie "Artie" Elliott, III
    FROM: Dorothy Copp Elliott - mother of slain Archie “Artie” Elliott, III TO: THE OFFICE OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY STATE’S ATTORNEY On January 19, 1994 the grand jury in Prince George’s County released its report of no indictment against Officer Jason Leavitt of District Heights and Officer Wayne Cheney of Prince George’s County Police Department for fatally shooting Archie Elliott, III on June 18, 1993. Archie Elliott, III was acutely intoxicated, had failed simple sobriety tests, was frisked, handcuffed with his hands behind his back, secured by a seat belt and placed in the front seat of a police patrol car. Archie Elliott, III was shot 14 times for allegedly “POINTING” a handgun at the officers. Whereas, the grand jury found no criminal charges against the officers, YET the grand jury recommended standard training and additional training of municipal officers. Whereas, the Prince George’s County Police Department simultaneously declared the officers’ actions were justified; HOWEVER, the Internal Affairs Division stated “an improper search precipitated the events” in the fatal shooting of Archie Elliott, III. We, the undersigned citizens, formally register our strong protest because justice was denied in the police killing of this handcuffed 24-year old young black male who was in no condition to lethally or otherwise harm the police officers or anyone else. We petition the State’s Attorney to reconsider this case on the merits of all the facts. We further petition the State’s Attorney to thoroughly examine the guidelines the lead prosecutor used in presenting the information and evidence to the grand jury for their deliberations. We demand accountability from the police department and the grand jury for the use of unwarranted and excessive force in the death of Archie Elliott, III. The public is entitled to expedient, aggressive and professional scrutiny by the police department and by the grand jury in police related killings the same as they would in violent deaths that are not police related.
    4,546 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Copp Elliott