• Expanding Corrections' Capacities for Medium and Max Security Beds
    There was a day in the not recent past where most state and county governments coordinated the planning for (including establishing the need for) building new cells for additional prisoners with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee in the state or that county that the new space would serve. These CJCC's were sponsored by federal government who also supplied along with the Council of State Governors the methodologies and list of consultants who were approved to provide technical assistance. Members of the various CJS (Corrections, Courts, Probation and Parole, and Police got together along with these Councils to produce Projections Reports for Incarcerated Populations on a yearly basis whether or not any plan for expansion was being. Reports were part of Public Information. Now, it seems, a few states have ignored this procedure and governors have felt free to lobby for passage of facility expansion without any reports being issued to inform public opinion. Arizona, a state with the second highest per capita incarceration rate, is one of these states. Whereas, in 2001 it was reported that an average of 5.3% of the prisoners (across all states) were being held in Private facilities, while some states including Louisiana had 50% of their prisoners in Private facilities. Currently Arizona is fifth (at close to 50%) while Louisiana has backed off to 11th. Arizona has not put out a population Projection Report for several years even though the department was staffed with people who were more than competent to do so. Meanwhile, there are well known accusations that the governor has accepted multiple contributions to her campaigns and according to CBS 5 "two of Brewer's top advisers have connections to CCA" All states, especially those with significant contracts with Private Prison Companies, need, to maintain public confidence, to issue Corrections Projection Reports either annually or in association with efforts to obtain more public money for prison expansion.and these reports need to be developed with local criminal justice coordinating councils and use recognized methods for conducting their analyses.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Stollmack
  • Mr. President, US Senate and House. Legalize Cannabis
    Legalizing cannabis Will solve a lot of our economic problems, Cannabis has been outlawed because the Medical/Pharmaceutical and Textile/Oil Giants. want the TRUTH about Cannabis suppressed. Research has proven its' Medicinal value. The oils can be used as fuel. the fiber can be used the same as cotton and it is a lot stronger. It is time to allow the creative minds of those who work with Cannabis the freedom to create. Federal cannabis Law is making criminals out of otherwise Peaceful productive citizens. THAT IS NOT RIGHT, and it is not in the best interest of AMERICA.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malek Mansour
  • No Lifetime Movie about the Alexander Murder by Jodi Arias
    Lifetime should not be showing a film about this murder until the entire trial including the penalty phase is completed. It will possibly taint the new jury for the penalty phase and it is disrespectful to the Alexander family to show it before justice has been completely served
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dodi Nolly
  • Warrens Law
    My brother ( Warren L. Griffin), was murdered and robbed, February 3, 2013. By people that should have already been in prison, but they think they are invincible CI'S, for Connersville Indiana. Fayette County, they think that they can get away with murder. The police in this small town just keep making things worse, by letting drug addicts that get into trouble right back out to tell on people so they will stay out of trouble. Well in this case and many others these CI'S killed my brother, and no telling how many others. This has got to stop! Cops should do their jobs without putting drug addicts back out on the street to do their jobs for them. This has gotten way out of control. No informant should be a drug addict. There is no boundaries for a drug addicted informant. There is no ending to this process, because snitches/ci's keep snitching on one another to feed their own addiction. Also at the same time innocent people are getting hurt, hospitalized or in my brothers case killed. Only keeping drug addicted snitches/ci's on the streets instead of in prison where they belong. Which is only making society plus their addiction beyond control. Making them think they can get away with anything. Please sign, and help me put a stop to this. We Are The People. We have to stand united to put a stop to this nonsense. Is there JUSTICE or is it JUST US??
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by April
  • Wayne County: Find Officer Weekley Guilty and Apologize for the Death of Aiyana Stanley-Jones
    It is unacceptable that a sleeping child be murdered in her home while police disregard information that a raid should not take place because children are present. It is especially abhorrent and regrettable that the raid took place at the wrong address, that a film crew was present, and that noise and light explosives were used presumably to create a theatrical environment. We demand the conviction of Officer Joseph Weekley and a formal apology from the State of Michigan for these actions that lead to the shooting death of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones.
    4,696 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna-Marie Rhodes
  • Free Joshua Now! ¡Liberar a Joshua ahora!
    Due to a conspiracy theory, my son Joshua Thorpe has lost 8 years out of his life do to unjust sentencing, as well as many other African American youths in the state of Nebraska. My son was getting more time then murderers based on hear say (a total of 23 years). The courts are allowing two, three, and some times four time offenders to be let out of prison in exchange for false information. We need help! As Martin Luther King Jr. stated "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". Debido a una teoría de la conspiración, mi hijo Joshua Thorpe ha perdido 8 años de su vida por una sentencia injustas, así como muchos otros jóvenes afroamericanos en el estado de Nebraska. Mi hijo recibió una sentencia más alta que asesinos basados en testimonio de oídas (un total de 23 años). Los tribunales están permitiendo que delincuentes con dos, tres y cuatro delitos salgan de la cárcel a cambio de información falsa. ¡Necesitamos ayuda! Como Martin Luther King Jr. declaró "una injusticia en cualquier parte es una amenaza a la justicia en todas partes".
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Darlene Thorpe
  • Free Joshua Now!
    Due to a conspiracy theory, my nephew Joshua Thorpe has lost 8 years out of his life do to unjust sentencing, as well as many other African American youths in the state of Nebraska. My nephew was getting more time then murderers based on hear say (a total of 23 years). The courts are allowing two, three, and some times four time offenders to be let out of prison in exchange for false information. We need help! As Martin Luther King Jr. stated "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darlene Thorpe
  • Free Joshua Now!
    Due to a conspiracy theory, my son Joshua Thorpe has lost 8 years out of his life do to unjust sentencing, as well as many other African American youths in the state of Nebraska. My son was getting more time then murderers based on hear say (a total of 23 years). The courts are allowing two, three, and some times four time offenders to be let out of prison in exchange for false information. We need help! As Martin Luther King Jr. stated "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darlene Thorpe
  • School should not be the gateway to jail.
    Stop sending children to the juvenile justice system for non violent offenses. A child should not be arrested for doodling on a desk, for being disruptive in class, or any other non violent offense. Bring back detention, 1,000 sentences, etc. but stop throwing the children in jail!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy Tenan
  • Higher IQ's for Cops
    As Michael Moore made entertaining in "The Awful Truth" (tho thousands of innocents incarcerated in prison and their families aren't laughing) cops are not that bright. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqvijdxnHxI] And when we promote from within with an iq cap of 120, who's competent enough to run our police departments? To quote Mark Bowers [http://www.policeprocedure.net/police-employment-why-we-need-to-change-our-standards/], "To understand why our nation’s police departments are riddled with lawsuits one need look no further than the hiring process. Character traits such as a short temper, rush to judgment and lack of empathy are not learned AFTER being hired. They were there the whole time but nobody bothered to look for them. Until we get serious about hiring the RIGHT people for this job we will continue to see police abuse our citizens’ constitutional rights. It’s up to us to push for positive change in our law enforcement agencies."
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Roberts
  • Rape is a Hate Crime
    Rape is not and has never been an act of "sex." It is an act of hatred toward the victim and should be treated as such according to the laws of the state of Minnesota. Victims and the families of victims of rape deserve the same justice and protection under the law that any victims of hate-crimes do in the state of Minnesota. Rape is a HATE CRIME.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Laff
  • Don’t Let Predatory Bail Bonding Industry Stand in the Way of Fair and Effective Pretrial Justice...
    The pending motion #999 in the Wisconsin budget bill includes a provision to reinstate bail bonding for profit. This legislation is written by a corporate bail bond company that sits on the board of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Wisconsin didn't ask for this, Wisconsin doesn't need it, and Wisconsin doesn't want it. It's another example of how members of ALEC are selling Wisconsin out to corporate America. The people of Wisconsin want representation by elected officials who get educated, review data and research, and do informed legislative work - not elected officials who are buying canned versions of laws.
    863 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by MJ Walczak