Florida Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Shooting Car!See link for full story: http://www.blackcollegian.com/florida-man-gets-20-years-in-state-prison-for-shooting-car/ Joseph Dejoie was attacked on his own front lawn. He shot (wounded) his assailant, and a bullet hit the assailant's car. As a result, Dejoie was sentenced to 20 years in state prison, while his attacker went free! What!? NOT GUILTY for wounding the attacker, but 20 YEARS, under the 10-20-Life Law, for shooting his car! This madness has to END! Please sign the petition to appeal Joseph Dejoie's sentence. He had no prior convictions, and does not belong in prison! His daughter needs her father! FREE JOSEPH DEJOIE!!235 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Ancar
"DON'T LET TWO GANGBANGERS GET AWAY WITH MURDER"My son Alphonza C. Bryant III also know as BeeJay to close friends & family was shot & killed by two gang members. Beejay was not the intended target infact he was an innocent bystander an honor roll student set for h.s. graduation & college. We must send the message to get these illegal guns of our streets and preserve the life of our young men.248 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jenaii van Doten
citizens against vigilante law enforcementLaw enforcement officials not accountable for acts of violence resultiing in the death of a suspects. Accountability when there is no direct threat to you or other innocent people. Manslaughter charges for wreckless negligent behavior resulting in death.66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cassandra. Steen
Standing our Ground Against Stand Your GroundThough Florida already has laws on the books for cases of self-defense, Stand Your Ground went further to remove a person's duty to retreat from an assailant and reaffirmed the use of deadly force in any place the person has a right to be. It was the first law to extend the right to self-defense to firing weapons in public places and since then there has been at least 16 KNOWN cases where someone was injured or murdered with no convictions(Not including Trayvon Martin). Florida is not safer and it needs not to be amended but abolished. We are going to stand our ground and get this changed!124 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jay Noetic
Justice for the Whitehouse Boys (Dozier School for Boys)University of South Florida researchers have been using ground-penetrating radar to map the school's unmarked burial grounds. While many of the graves have been lost, the USF team has identified nearly 50 grave shafts, 19 more than the Florida Department of Law Enforcement found in an earlier, cursory investigation. USF also suspects that another cemetery exists. But on Monday, Secretary of State 7/15/13 Ken Detzner denied USF's request to exhume the bodies, saying his authority was "restricted to the recovery of objects of historical" value only, "absent a danger to the grave site that actually threatens the loss or damage of those remains."341 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Rhonda Lundquist
Justice for Ex offendersSeeking justice for those male or female who have paid there debt to society and still they are knocked down,counted out,looked at like a forever criminal..I personally have countless friends and family affected by what they call seven year felony policy..If they cant work to provide a life not only for themselves but there familys as well how our we expecting them to return to being a productive member of society!!??10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by shauntaevia Day
Call for an Investigation of Head Directors Who don't Investigate and Prosecute White on Black Ha...For too long African Americans have been used as visa cards, ignored, wrongfully convicted, Denied Due Process, denied equal protection under the law, Raped as a people within the systems of the US government, from Courts, Prisons, Schools, Foster Care, Welfare, Medicaid, Underfunded cities and communities. We need to have the Head Directors at State Levels and Federal Levels Investigated for Obstruction of Justice, and Fraud. Complaints are at their highest ever, yet little to no action is being taken at the state or federal levels to Properly Investigate and Prosecute WHITE on black offenders. Little to nothing is being done to enforce the laws against racial discrimination. The US Gov. makes money off of Blacks and the poor with HIGH conviction rates in courts (court cost), high prison population in jails (40k each prisoner a year, 40,000 x 1 Million people), as foster children (20k each child a year, 20,000 x 1 Million children). They close our schools and under fund our communities, leaving more money for their communities and schools. We have to call for an Investigation of Head Directors of Programs who have many complaints but little to no investigation or prosecutions. Most Head directors with the FINAL SAY are White at local, state, and federal levels. Their actions or lack there of is PROOF of Racial Discrimination, Grounds to have them removed with out voting. Each and everyone who failed to prosecute or enforce laws time after time. This has to change for us to get justice. Follow the money you will see the game. We are Visas with no real rights or EQUAL PROTECTIONS.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Telethia Denise Barrett
Stand Your Ground Amendment ProposalThis petition is in response to the recent verdict pronounced in the Zimmerman trial. I was truly disappointed in the jurors' decision to acquit him of all charges because of the wording in the Stand Your Ground law. Because of this, I would like to propose an amendment that would deter others from taking the law into their own hands, then hiding behind this law as a way of getting away with murder.90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by witline theresias
Economic Boycott of Florida until Stand Your Ground is RepealedOur purchasing power is more powerful than we know. What if we signed a petition saying that we would not travel to Florida for any reason, business or pleasure, until the State Legislature repeals Stand Your Ground? What if we made an effort to NOT buy any products exported from Florida? Perhaps other states with Stand Your Ground laws would notice that economic damage and repeal their laws. We must use the power we have - isolate Florida and its barbarian verdict and laws.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Meta Hirschl
Norfolk Mayor Fraim, Council Members & City Mgr. Jones: Order Police Chief to release files on bo...Norfolk police officers are paid by and accountable to the taxpayers of Norfolk. So, when they fail in their duty to protect and serve as in the alleged gross misconduct related to a woman's reported rape by Loredo in the 19th Bay St area in April 2012, we have a right to know, especially since the serial rapist she identified went on to sexually assault two more women and made a thwarted attempt in another one. A female that you or other residents of this city care about could have been a victim due to the careless and unprofessional conduct of the officers involved.544 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Joe Cook
End the publishing of Mark & Sandra Osterman's bookNo one should be able to exploited the death of a young man in order to make a profit20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marnette Todd
Repeal of the "Stand Your Ground Law" in FloridaThis pettion is repeal the Stand your ground law. I think its unfair that you can go looking for trouble in Florida, with a gun and you can find that trouble, and you can act upon that trouble in a way that leaves a person dead, and none of it guarantees that you will be convicted of a crime.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen