FREE CYNTOIA BROWNIn 2004, a 16 year old runaway named Cyntoia Brown was picked up in Nashville, Tennessee, by a forty-three year old man who planned to have sex with her in exchange for money. At the time, Cyntoia was living in a motel room with an adult male pimp, Cut-throat, who had been prostituting her and violently abusing her sexually, mentally, and physically, while also providing her with drugs. Late that night, as Cyntoia was lying naked in the bed with the man who had picked her up for sex, her paranoia growing from the drugs and abuse she had suffered, Cyntoia became convinced that the man intended to cause her bodily harm. She fired one bullet at the man, killing him. She then picked up some items to bring back to her pimp so she would not be beaten. She drove the man's car to a Wal-Mart parking lot and walked back to her pimp's motel room. Cyntoia was quickly arrested, charged as an adult, and convicted of first degree murder. She was sentenced to a life sentence (60 years in prison), and will be required to serve 51 calendar years before she can be considered for parole. Since 2004, Cyntoia has been working diligently to make amends for her crime. Today, Cyntoia is an incredibly intelligent, compassionate, and resilient young woman. She recently graduated with an Associates of Arts degree with a GPA of 4.0 from Lipscomb University's LIFE Program (Lipscomb Initiative For Education), and she will soon earn her Bachelor's degree from Lipscomb. As she has progressed in her rehabilitation, Cyntoia has served as a beacon of light in the prison environment. She has helped other inmates earn their GEDs, worked in various meaningful jobs, and encouraged those around her to be their best selves. She has maintained meaningful relationships with positive mentors in the community, many of whom feel that they have become better people through their friendship with Cyntoia. Watch this video clip: http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/videos/sentencing-children-cyntoias-story/640,141 of 700,000 SignaturesCreated by Gabby C.
Virginia: Give automatic manslaughter charges for failure to call for helpThree times I have been called and informed that a friend has been lost to heroin. Two out of three of these did not have to end in death - the other person or people doing the drugs with them failed to call for help in a timely manner when my friends overdosed. In one of these instances they waited for HOURS. Why were they not arrested at once? Why is an investigation needed? The doctor said this friend would have lived if help was sought after immediately. It seems pretty cut and dry.... intentional negligence is claiming lives when these people could have been saved. It is happening all the time, and those who are not impacted don't even know it. Those who stand by and do nothing should be automatically detained on pending manslaughter charges, and if a homicide investigation is warranted they can sit in custody while the detectives complete that. Stop letting them get away with this. Parents are losing children, children are losing their parents, and we are losing friends, while people who had an opportunity to seek help roam freely.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laura K
Stop Jodi Ann Arias' Book ClubJodi Ann Arias is a convicted felon/murderer who resides at the Estrella Jail in Arizona. She has recently started a book club at this facility. It is unknown if she intends to profit off of this "organization", but we must sign this petition in order to shut down any intentions she may have for personal gain. Please sign this petition if you agree with the above.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelley S.
Fighting for Justice for Darrick WashingtonDarrick Washington was shot in the chest by a sheriff deputy in 2010 but yet he is the one being charged with attempted murder on a law enforcement officer. He was a 16 year old unarmed child at the time whose dreams of continuing to play football was taken away by an officer using excessive force. To view the news report go to http://www.clickorlando.com/news/NAACP-questions-teen-s-attempted-murder-charge/-/1637132/4692220/-/ka9m18z/-/index.html266 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Angelica Catlin
Miami Beach Police: We Demand Accountability for Killing of Unarmed Teen!Israel Hernandez was killed by the Miami Beach Police for scribbling an "R" pictured here on a McDonald's wall. The 18-year-old skater was chased down, pushed up against a wall, and tased, after which he started to show signs of "medical duress." One witness even said the officers were congratulating each other after tasing him. Hernandez might have been fleeing out of fear of deportation. He was a recently documented Columbian immigrant. Regardless of the circumstances, no one should have to die for scribbling an "R" on a wall. Sign and share to tell the Miami Beach Police department that you want the officers who did this to be held accountable and action taken to make sure this never happens again.2,181 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Presente.org
Demand further investigation into the shooting death of Molly Young in Carbondale, IL.Around 3:00 a.m. on March 24, 2012, Molly Young was called to the Carbondale apartment of a former boyfriend, Richie Minton (a dispatcher for the Carbondale Police Dept.) with a plea of "Help me." He had been drinking the night before. She was killed by a gunshot wound to the top left side of her head (Molly was right-handed) shortly afterwards. Her former boyfriend's father and lawyer were at the scene before Illinois State Police were able to arrive on scene, and the Carbondale Police allowed her former boyfriend to wash his hands and change his clothing before evidence was gathered. He also refused to submit to any forensic testing or to even be interviewed. Molly was left to lay in his bedroom floor for 7 hours after the 911 call until search warrants were signed. There are many more inconsistencies and errors in the handling of this case by local police. The Jackson County State's Attorney made no charges after his investigation and a coroner's jury decided the cause of death as undetermined. Information pertaining to this case can be found at the Carbondale Times website. http://carbondaletimes.com/021413young6,250 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Howard Steeley
Innocent people are being wrongly convictedInnocent people are being wrongly convicted without sufficient evidence. This is a big problem in the USA. Not everyone can afford a good attorney and you have your public defenders who are suppose to protect you, but because they are overwhelmed with so many clients they don't even remember your case and will do anything to move on to the next case. We as the people should help the innocent. Why is it so easy for information to be falsified to hurt the innocent? For example football player (Brain Banks) who was innocent, he was convicted and did time in prison. All for what because of a lie. We need to defend the innocent.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon
Clean up the policeOn February 1, 2013, My brother took me out to a bar for my birthday, during which we were accosted by police. They beat my brother unconscious, and wrote on the report that he was hostile and needed to be restrained. My brother suffers from a disorder where he is incapable of violent behavior, and I have notified the FBI about the criminal behavior of the police, but it is not enough. Our story is one of thousands.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Porch
Attorney General Pam Bondi Look InTo Emilia Carr's CaseFree Emilia Carr33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lee Palmer
Texas Parole Reform - NOW is the time for change!It is rumored that the parole board spends 4 minutes or less reviewing each case and with the data presented in the Fiscal Year 2012 and 2013 Statistical Annual Report it is realistic to assume that is close to the reality of their ability. As a result of discriminatory regulation and lack of resources, the current system unjustly binds many inmates who are ready for reintegration to the confines of their unit without merit; specifically with regard to youthful offenders, first-time offenders and other individuals that have proven through their daily choices and actions over a period of time that they can be successful members of society if given the opportunity. We are not asking that you agree with all our points but that legislators look into all areas related to parole which are currently failing or have been identified as concerns. See the attached for full details of our concerns: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2YznLO7rQAiM0o3aXFLN3ZMZk0/edit?usp=sharing Additional parole reform petitions can be found at: 1.Mandatory Short-Way Release for: 3-G Offenders for the State of Texas; Petition by Edna Watts http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/mandatory-short-way-release 2.Reduce the Parole Eligibilit Requirements for Texas Prisons; Petition by Edna Watts http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/reduce-the-parole-eligibilit 3.Mandatory Short-Way Release for All First Time Offenders; Petition by Edna Watts http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/mandatory-short-way-release-1 4.Reform Texas the Texas Parole System Now; Petition by Unknown http://www.petitiononline.com/tcb123/petition.html UPDATE 10/07/2014 Details on recent indictment of Texas Parole Commissioner Pamela Freeman: https://www.texastribune.org/2014/10/03/parole-commissioner-indicted-falsifying-inmate-rec/ http://gritsforbreakfast.blogspot.com/2014/10/parole-commissioner-indictment-points.htmlr More information about our story can be found in the Century Films documentary directed by Nick Leader and broadcast in the U.K. by Channel 4, Married Behind Bars. #MarriedBehindBars #ShawnAndApril https://youtu.be/rSaMeBxxiQQ ________________________________________________________ Reforma de libertad condicional de Texas - ahora es el momento para el cambio! Serán entregados a: la casa del estado de Texas, el Senado del estado de Texas y el gobernador Rick Perry DECLARACIÓN DE LA PETICIÓN Reforma de libertad condicional ha sido un tema de preocupación por un tiempo... el momento de actuar es ahora; estas preocupaciones han sido pasadas por encima y empujadas a un lado por mucho tiempo. Fondo de la petición Se rumorea que la Junta de comisionados que deciden la libertad condicional gastan 4 minutos o menos revisar cada caso y con los datos presentados en el informe estadístico anual de año Fiscal 2012 y 2013 es realista asumir que está cerca de la realidad de su capacidad. Como resultado de la regulación discriminatoria y falta de recursos, el sistema actual une injustamente muchos reclusos que están listos para la reintegración a los confines de su unidad sin mérito; específicamente con respecto a delincuentes juveniles, los delincuentes primerizos y otros individuos que han demostrado a través de sus decisiones diarias y acciones durante un período de tiempo que pueden ser miembros exitosos de la sociedad si se les da la oportunidad. No estamos pidiendo que esten de acuerdo con todos los puntos contenidos en la carta adjunta pero que los legisladores Miren en todas las áreas relacionadas con la libertad condicional que actualmente están fallando o han sido identificadas como preocupaciones. Vea el adjunto para los detalles completos de nuestras preocupaciones: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2YznLO7rQAiM0o3aXFLN3ZMZk0/edit?usp=sharing Las peticiones de reforma condicional adicional pueden encontrarse en: 1.Mandatory Short-Way Release for: 3-G Offenders for the State of Texas; Petition by Edna Watts http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/mandatory-short-way-release 2.Reduce the Parole Eligibilities Requirements for Texas Prisons; Petition by Edna Watts http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/reduce-the-parole-eligibilit 3.Mandatory Short-Way Release for All First Time Offenders; Petition by Edna Watts http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/mandatory-short-way-release-1 4.Reform Texas the Texas Parole System Now; Petition by Unknown http://www.petitiononline.com/tcb123/petition.html ACTUALIZACIÓN 10/07/2014 Detalles sobre la reciente acusación de Tejas Parole Comisionada Pamela Freeman: https://www.texastribune.org/2014/10/03/parole-commissioner-indicted-falsifying-inmate-rec/ http://gritsforbreakfast.blogspot.com/2014/10/parole-commissioner-indictment-points.html Puede encontrarse más información sobre nuestra historia en el siglo películas documental dirigido por Nick Leader y difusión en el Reino Unido por Channel 4, casado tras las rejas. #MarriedBehindBars #ShawnAndApril.https://youtu.be/rSaMeBxxiQQ1,204 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by April W. Hindman
Innocent man behind bars facing homicide charges because of jealous and obsessed ex- friend.This petition is in relation to Bijorn Trent vs. Lehigh county in an alleged homicide that occurred December 4, 2012. The ex- friend (Lourdes Gonzalez) and 3 of her friends went to the defendants house and vandalized his common law wife's car and then jumped the defendant. The defendant hit one of her friends knocking him unconscious and the unconscious man was later pronounced dead. APD was called prior to the incident in relation to the exfriend harassing and threatening the defendants wife for months before the incident. The whole situation was caught on tape and Lehigh County still has not charged the aggressor with a crime. In addition there are 3 other families who were also subject to the same situation caused by no other than Lourdes Gonzalez. All four families have suffered a great deal of loss such as employment, jail time, or having to relocate from their homes because Lourdes Gonzalez has not been charged for her crimes. This is an absolute injustice to these families who have to now live in fear because even with evidence this criminal (Lourdes Gonzalez) is allowed to roam free and victimize someone else. This is an outrage to our community of tax paying citizens who buy into the justice system by being law abiding tax paying citizens. Where is the justice for these families?57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Tracy
Tell Justice Dept. to investigate Texas troopers for “Stop and Probe”Two women were driving their car on the highway when they were pulled over for throwing out a cigarette. The next thing they know, the state trooper claimed to smell marijuana, and the women received a full body cavity search. The female trooper who conducted the cavity search has already been fired, the male trooper is under investigation, and the women are suing for sexual assault. This incident is bad enough, but it isn’t an isolated occurrence among the Texas state Highway Patrol. It has happened before and it might happen again unless something is done. Tell the Department of Justice to investigate the Texas Department of Public Safety for multiple cases of Fourth Amendment rights violations.238 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Chris Bowers