• keisean Ellis
    Hello! My name is Cassandra Nelson and I am writting on behalf of keisean Ellis who is my son. On December 30,2011 keisean Ellis was forced at gun point into his car (while other gun man was lefted at his home waiting to kill his 2 daughters )and forced to put on a mask and gave a crow bar, the gun man took the gun from his head and put the gun in the lower part of his back before entering a cassey gas station were keisean had put in a application for a second job. After the robbery keisean drove were he knew police sat on a daily base, keisean kept turning off and on the 1 head light he had and kept swirving to get the police attention, finally the cop pulled him over. Wen after the cop pulled him over for a traffic stop keisean try to tell the cop what was going on the cop from normal turned them both over Bloomington police, after questioning keisean was took in a different room from the camera were he was beat and charge. Keisean Ellis has been beat by guards and they allowed other inmates to attack him. I have repeatedly called the public defender who was a pointed to keisean I called the judge I wrote the white house and contacted the naacp alone with the civil right the sheriff department and the FBI. Keisean heard about attorney Patrick fagan , he asked me to call him, after word we verbally agreed to him being keisean attorney, I explain how my son had been beat how I contacted the NAACP and the fbi and the whitehouse. I told him I wanted a discovery and a report on keisean being beat that I could here it on the phone and how record it and me and my son and the guards the nurse (who refused to give him medical attention) conversation over the phone, how he was not giving phone cards or conversery until 1 to weeks later. Keisean was put in the whole he was on 23 hours lock down he was threatened and put were other blocks were men who threatened to rape him were he was put around raicist white men who called him niggers and who would attack him, false reports were put on him a guy who threat him over the phone wen he called his so called girlfriend she would give him different phone numbers to call her then she would have another guy answer and threaten him, this same guy so happens to get locked up with keisean after I file complaints on the guards. Naacp member has a death in his family therefore did not go to check on keisean until after his face had healed , the gun man writes a letter staying keisean girlfriend and her cuisine set the whole thing up, he was then beating, (letter never went before the judge, in fact I sat in the court room and here the judge repeatedly say/forced keisean having the gun)( in the discovery which I was told I can read and was not allowed to leave the states attorney office with, it states police saw the other guy place the gun on the back seat of the floor of the car.) These people refused to acknowledge a crime was committed against keisean and he was forced against his will. The attorney first told keisean not to discuss this case with me, then I explain I am his mother the one paying him. Then he told keisean nigger if I don't my money you are going to jail , he went on vacation sent his father to court to tell the judge to give keisean 3 to 5 years (keisean is currently Severn 6 years) (double jeopardy) the girlfriend or ex girlfriend bragged about how her family is friends with alot of the guards/and cops there how some of them her and her aunt serve at the bar, how the guards tell her who visit keisean and every thing else she wants to know. She said that she hated him and that she told him she was going to get him. Keisean Ellis is currently in Robinson illinois department of correctional. Were he is still currently still going thru the same treatment, keisean been beating to the point he was forced to lie, even on himself. He has lack of funds and support. I am currently not able to work I am waiting on disability. Keisean worked at Myers store in Bloomington normal,Illinois before this happen to him. Keisean Ellis and his family took care of his children and helped the mother by taking her off the streets of Bloomington normal , Illinois. Were here family left her, while keisean Ellis worked at burger king were he met her, keisean is a heart patient. Keisean Ellis m31993 13423 east 1150the ave Robinson, Illinois 62454 States attorney stated to keisean Ellis after the trail that he would only given keisean Ellis 1year of boot camp because he's never been in trouble before.(keisean is currently on depression medication that is causing suicide thoughts, due to the abuse and mistreatment and not being able to father and be there with his children) ( I am very concerned about him . that guards/white or other inmates may harm him if not himself. Keisean was told after they moved him all over the jail for white inmates to attack him and call him racial names that he won't get good time and may even be shipped out to another facility.)
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cassandra Nelson
  • Corporation Criminal Responsibility
    It's time to make Chef Executive Officers of all corporations criminally responsible for any illegal act perpetrated by the company they are in charge of.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul & Virginia Shanabarger
  • File Gas Gate Charges
    We the people demand that DA Salavantis file charges against those who stole gas from the taxpayers of Wilkes Barre City.
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Frank Sorick
    7 of 100 Signatures
  • Keep Michael Doporto in Prison
    We need to stand for the victims and demand justice, Michael Doporto should never get out of prison.
    2,398 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Phil Sherwood
  • Fire these two officers.
    These two officers should be fired. Their racism and sexism directly reflect on the Minneapolis Police.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Roberts
  • End Juvenile LWOP
    Juveniles are sentenced to life without parole for class A felonies in our state. This gives them no hope for their futures no matter if they rehabilitate themselves or not. The judicial system does not take into consideration their culpability factors or what role they may have taken in the crime. Now our Gov. wants to keep them in for life by forcing them to serve many years with no credit for time served before giving them the chance at parole. What sort of meaningful opportunity is that considering most people don't make it past their 60s or 70s. The Gov. is still handing down life sentences. We must end this NOW! Juveniles are NOT adults, give them a chance to prove individually that they are worth a 2nd chance in life. Someone very close to my heart has been serving a life sentence since the age of 15. He is now 34 years old. He was at the scene of a murder though did not partake in the murder what so ever. He is currently working toward his business degree and is a model inmate. He has so much to offer society. He certainly deserves a 2nd chance at his life.
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Monica Jordan
  • Anderson University officer gropes minor boy, without introducing himself as a police officer.
    This young 17 year old boy was jogging and the university officer pulled behind him, slammed him on the hood and groped his private area for a few minutes. Without introducing himself as a officer. The young adult thought he was a sexual preditor and protected himself and ran away to saftey. He did not know he was a officer. He was only protecting himself as we have the right to. How would you feel if this was you or your little brother, son, nephew etc ? What would you have done? Don't let the police get away with another crime. This is not right.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany Jackson
  • Remove Kelly Gross From Public Office and Call Upon the DA To Arrest Her and Bernie O'Hare For th...
    We have an unfortunate miscarriage of justice in Northampton County that is spreading from the Easton Police Department , to The Sherriff's Department, to the Office of the District Attorney. 2 criminals are consistently never prosecuted for their crimes.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tricia Mezzacappa
  • End the"Stand Your Ground" law
    This is a very confusing law, and it should not be carried out by the population, but by police officers only. What does "Stand Your Ground" mean anyway? The law should be abolished in every state in which it exists.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy Ashway
  • President Obama: Justice for the Late Pfc. LaVena Johnson
    The Army’s account of what happened to LaVena was riddled with contradictions, from the alleged self-inflicted wound to where the body was found. Every piece of information uncovered was a painful and laborious act because of the Army’s refusal to cooperate.
    2,574 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Diane Sweet
    'Stand Your Ground" self-defense law is cruel and unjust. La ley "Defiende tu posición” derecho de autodefensa" es cruel e injusta.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbra Ann Jackson