For Markim Summers RecoveryUnarmed Black Man shot down by Philadelphia Police Officers.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stacey Brown
BOYCOTT FLORIDA UNTIL SYG DIESTHis petition is geared to let Florida's powers that be know, that we are not going to spend our tourism dollars in a state that devalues the lives of minorities.69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kai Bond
Justice for Marissa Alexander: Call for her releaseMs. Alexander was sentenced to 20 years for firing a weapon in the air (hurting no one) against her abuser. She argued that she acted in self-defense, but she was found guilty. For more information, please go to: http://justiceformarissa.blogspot.com/ http://www.forharriet.com/2013/07/who-will-march-for-marissa-alexander.html Please sign the petition for her release.547 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Evy Trezvant
Jurors should not be able to profit from performing jury dutyOne of the jurors in the George Zimmerman case has already made a book deal. Nobody should profit from the tragedy of another. I am not sure whether a different verdict would have made her book less saleable, but knowing you can make money could create a bias.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth Riddell
Free Marissa Alexander!Marissa Alexander is a woman from Jacksonville who was sentenced to 20 years in jail for shooting a bullet above her abusive husband's head. She was trying to scare him off, and she was denied protection under the "stand your ground" law! If Zimmerman is walking free, so should she!464 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Patrice Benjamin
Free - Marissa Alexander!Marissa Alexander was sentenced to 20 tears in Florida for firing a warning shot to keep from been assaulted by her husband. Prior to this incident she had never been arrested before. *********************** George Zimmerman shot and killed a UNARMED 17yr old boy and was not sentenced to 1 day in jail.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ernest Simons
Justice for TRAYVON MARTINThis petition is to get as many people as possible to sign that we will receive justice for the murder of 17 yr old TRAYVON MARTIN.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Juanakee Jackson aka Model Jayi
Justice: Don't allow Zimmerman to get retriedGeorge Zimmerman had his day in court and he won. Stop the government from trying him for civil rights violations.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Mitchell
I am Trayvon MartinTrayvon is dead, no matter how his character was, he was still a child that acted out as any normal teenager going through puberty ( like ME). The person responsible for his death needs to take the consequences for his actions of taking Trayvons life. Dont be a coward now!...Zimmerman is a racist looking for trouble, check back in the past of all his call ins, about black young boys hanging outside. He is sad......if i run a light i get a ticket...if u are in security, there are many places in the body that u can shoot & not kill. (Its a sin to kill- so,do whats right in Gods eyes!)18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karshana Clark
Georgia PrisonsMy grandson Terry has been in the Georgia's prison since 2004 for being in a car with someone who committed a crime. Sentenced to 25 years, no murder involved, I feel the crime does not match the time. It's time to free Terry!25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Sullivan
Stop persecuting George ZimmermanThe Department of Justice continues its lynching of this man33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Hanson
The American Children Anti-Stalking Law La Ley Estadounidense contra el acecho de niñosOur children are under attack by adult strangers who feel safe stalking children because there is no law against it. We need a Trayvon Martin law that would make it a federal offense for an adult stranger to stalk a child under 18 years of age. Only adult people the child is familiar with—parents, law enforcement, teachers, relatives, and people with official business or parental permission—should be able to legally pursue a child. 1. If a stranger frightens a child to the point that they run away or hide, the stranger should have to retreat. 2. A stranger with a concealed weapon should never be able to follow a child 3. A strange that follows a child and the child attempts to defend themselves, the stranger cannot plead self-defense Nuestros niños son acechados por adultos desconocidos que se sienten seguros acechar niños porque no existe una ley en su contra. Necesitamos una ley Trayvon Martin que haga que sea un Delito Federal que un adulto desconocido aceche a un niño menor de 18 años de edad. Solamente personas adultos que el niño conoce - Padres, cuerpos policiales, maestros, parientes y personas con asuntos oficiales o con permiso de padres - podrían legalmente perseguir a un niño. 1. Si un desconocido asusta al niño hasta el punto de hacerlo correr o esconderse, el desconocido tendrá que alejarse. 2. Un desconocido con un arma oculta, no debe en ningún momento seguir a un niño 3. Un desconocido que persigue a un niño y luego el niño intenta de defenderse, el desconocido no puede declarar la defensa propia.1,329 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Renee Neal