stop woman abuse!!I'm sick of my ex husband harassing, intimidating and threaten me. He has beaten me in the past and leaves bruises on his own daughter!! But the courts do nothing, cps does nothing and the police do nothing. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD AND JUSTICE SERVED?! I have had charges pressed for domestic violence, I have a ppo he still calls my family harassing them, I have brought the bruises on my child to court. Nothing was done.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sick&tired
Judicial accountabilityThere is actually a law that hides a judges or court commissioners misconduct on the bench from the public, lets change that.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Jason Shirah
hold state police acountable for their actionsfor far too long the rhode island state police have shirked their responsibilities, from issues with writing traffic tickets , not enforcing laws to keep highway workers safe to abuses of power as demonstrated by the indian smoke shop raid. the internal system they have is not working and needs to be reviewed.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by david robitaille
Save the Camden City Police DepartmentCamden City NJ has been one of the top ten worst cities for murders, other crimes and poverty for many years. I feel that to remove this city's police department would be a mistake that the residents of the city and the county will suffer dire consequences for years to come. if the State endorses this idea-maybe NJ State Troopers should be the city's main police enforcement unit.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janie Eager
Bank RegulatorsTo the Bank Regulators the American People entrusted you to protect our interest. Your loyalty it is to us to insure that financial system of the United States of America is sound. You are our eyes and ears and you report to us the American People not to the banks you need to enforce our Laws & Regulations.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jose Colon
IT'S TIME TO LEGALIZE MARIJUANA IN THE BLUEGRASS STATE!It's TIME to remove the injustice and massive hypocrisy over the legal consequences of marijuana for both, medical and recreational use in the state of Kentucky! With Kentucky's rich history of marijuana and hemp cultivation, our state should be at the FOREFRONT of the movement to END PROHIBITION! We can no longer afford the massive costs associated with the double standard that allows for the far more destructive use of alcohol while marijuana users are jailed and alienated from society, at unaffordable enforcement costs, rather than regulating and taxing it!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mitch Harris
Remove felony after 10yearsIf you have served your time for your crime and proven you want to be a productive member of society by remaining out of trouble for 10years. I believe unless the felony is a murder crime or sex offense u should be able to have to non disclosed to potential employers. Crime rates remain high because people make a mistake try and integrate back into society and be productive and no one will give th a chance even after a whole decade of proof that you want to be moral still can't achieve gainful employment. Once an employer sees a criminal record their application goes on the trash. People can and go change and deserve an opportunity to be productive in America. It would benefit everyone. Less repeat offenders if they could get s job and make money to care for their family the old fashioned way instead of bring shunned to a life of destitute or crime.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Maranda brown
Does Justice Exist For Marvin Williams In Lake County, Florida?Florida has a mandatory minimum for gun laws that demands that the accuser must serve a minimum of three years. According to the police report the accuser contacted Florida Highway Patrol to say the accused had waved a weapon at him. However, after reviewing the deposition collected from the accuser, the events surrounding this incident are too convoluted to take seriously, including issues surrounding the fact that the incident took place at 3pm on a Friday afternoon on the Florida Turnpike, with no car accidents or physical damage to speak of. This is just one of MANY discrepancies found in the depositions taken by the three officers on the scene and the accuser. Another example is the incident surrounding identification of the weapon whereas the accuser initially described one type of weapon, but after the FHP officers showed the accuser the alleged weapon the description changed.141 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Carlton Cartwright
END MASS INCARCERATIONS BY JUVENILE CERTIFICATIONSTOO MANY JUVENILES ARE SITIING AS CERTIFIED IN ADULT CORRECTIOAL FACILITIES FOR MYRIADS of Minor offenses just to fill bed quota s for private corporayions like CCA, GEO , aggrandizi.g the few at the expense of minority families and society.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bishop Dr.Cynthia King Bolden Gardner, Jd, D Div
A Bipartisan Way to Actually Reduce Gun ViolenceSince Newtown, as of March 10, 2,574 people have been killed by guns in the US - almost 92 times as many as died at Newtown! The PLUS-15 Rule will reduce gun violence nationally, and it is likely to have broad, bipartisan political support, too. Help to significantly reduce gun violence in America. Sign the petition and support the PLUS-15 Rule.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Greg Smith
Make CDCr stop indeterminate SHU sentencingPelican Bay Prison has been a hot spot of controversy, and the controversy is NOT the prisoners, but those who run the prison itself, namely the BOP and CDCr, CCPOA, Gov. Brown and every staff member for allowing the abuse to perpetuate such practices of human warehousing for profit.120 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Liza Benbow
New Mexico: Hold 'Dona Ana County Jail' officials accountable for severe mistreatment of Stephen ...In August of 2005 Stephen Slevin was pulled over driving through New Mexico and arrested for DWI. Upon arrival to the jail, they think he's suicidal, and they put him in a padded cell for three days, but never give him any treatment. Nor did they give him a trial. Slevin said he never saw a judge during his time in confinement. After three days in the padded cell, jail guards transferred Slevin into solitary confinement with no explanation for 22 months. While in solitary confinement, a prisoner is entitled to one hour per day out of the cell, but often times, Slevin wasn't even granted that. The neglect was so bad that his toenails were growing so long that they curled around his foot, and fungus festered on his skin because he was deprived of showers. By the time Slevin got out of jail, his hair was shaggy and overgrown, his beard long, and his face pale and sunken, a drastic contrast from the clean-shaven booking photo taken of him when he was arrested two years prior. No one should be treated this way. Our nations animal shelters treat its pets better than this human being was. Stephen Slevin has since justifiably been been awarded a $15.5 million settlement, however not one jail official responsible for this appalling behavior has yet to be charged with criminal neglect, fired, or disciplined in any matter what so ever. Lets send a strong message that this type of deplorable treatment will not be tolerated in New Mexico or any other state in our country and abroad. Please sign my petition.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mario H