• Make CDCr stop indeterminate SHU sentencing
    Pelican Bay Prison has been a hot spot of controversy, and the controversy is NOT the prisoners, but those who run the prison itself, namely the BOP and CDCr, CCPOA, Gov. Brown and every staff member for allowing the abuse to perpetuate such practices of human warehousing for profit.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Liza Benbow
  • New Mexico: Hold 'Dona Ana County Jail' officials accountable for severe mistreatment of Stephen ...
    In August of 2005 Stephen Slevin was pulled over driving through New Mexico and arrested for DWI. Upon arrival to the jail, they think he's suicidal, and they put him in a padded cell for three days, but never give him any treatment. Nor did they give him a trial. Slevin said he never saw a judge during his time in confinement. After three days in the padded cell, jail guards transferred Slevin into solitary confinement with no explanation for 22 months. While in solitary confinement, a prisoner is entitled to one hour per day out of the cell, but often times, Slevin wasn't even granted that. The neglect was so bad that his toenails were growing so long that they curled around his foot, and fungus festered on his skin because he was deprived of showers. By the time Slevin got out of jail, his hair was shaggy and overgrown, his beard long, and his face pale and sunken, a drastic contrast from the clean-shaven booking photo taken of him when he was arrested two years prior. No one should be treated this way. Our nations animal shelters treat its pets better than this human being was. Stephen Slevin has since justifiably been been awarded a $15.5 million settlement, however not one jail official responsible for this appalling behavior has yet to be charged with criminal neglect, fired, or disciplined in any matter what so ever. Lets send a strong message that this type of deplorable treatment will not be tolerated in New Mexico or any other state in our country and abroad. Please sign my petition.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mario H
  • Spread the word, stop the killing.
    Stopping gun violence, fighting the drug gangs and drug cartels.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Jaudzemis
    GUN control: If we come to the point where the only way to keep our children safe is to post armed teachers in schools, then we as a society have all lost. Society should be evolving in a direction that teaches our children to resolve conflict without weapons....
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by margaritarademacher
  • Guns and Orderly Soceity
    Dangerous jobs made more dangerous.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AL LINGENFELTER
  • Secure Our Parks: Stop the Random Acts of Violence
    After myself being robbed and threaten, after being told by the Phoenix Police Department that there is a "daily rash of break in's, robberies and assaults in these popular parks" I and my community members want to put a stop to the thefts and violence taking place at many popular hiking and recreation sites in Maricopa county. While stronger messages to thieves and attackers may "scare off" some tourists, nothing shouts "we don't care" like unprotected and unsecured parking lots and entrances. Join us in demanding on-site police officers and vehicles during peak hours (3PM to 7PM) as well as increased budget for park rangers to walk the grounds daily. Support volunteer action committees to patrol the parks with the police officers insuring a safe park experience for tax payers as well as AZ tourism.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Pool, cc101 Productions
  • 8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M.A. Whelan
  • Regulation of sale, possession and use of firearms
    In the past week, CNN, MSNBC and USA Today have publicized the results of a new study that found that tougher gun laws CAN and DO have an effect on homicide rates. The study found that states with the strictest gun laws did in fact experience a lower overall mortality rate from firearms than states with the least or weakest gun laws. Average citizens have no need for guns with a capacity for more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The assertion that it is their 'right' to own such weapons conflicts with the rights of other ordinary citizens to live without fear of violence against themselves, their family members, and their society as a whole. While thorough background checks are necessary, they are far from resolving the problem. The assumption that mental illness is the culprit rather than firearms does nothing more than further stigmatize an already marginalized group. The NRA pushes to blame the 'mentally ill' in order to further their own agenda. Reality is, the average killer is not mentally ill. The average killer is experiencing rage, seeking revenge or enjoys feeling 'entitled'. The issue is not gun ownership. The issue is the ownership of assault type firearms by ordinary citizens who have no 'need' of such weapons. If the Sandy Hook shooter was armed with a handgun with a 10 shot magazine rather than an assault rifle capable of firing 4 rounds per second, the outcome would have been dramatically different.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Allison-Walton
  • Legalize Marijuana
    Legalize Marijuana
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Johnston
  • 2013 Public Safety Act
    Require the Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation to truly implement vocationaland other rehabilitational programs so that inmates who will be released have the possibility of finding employment rather than having to depend upon crime for shelter & sustenance.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vic Abrunzo
  • Erie County Legislature: Support the NY SAFE Act
    Just like many of us, I was deeply affected by the tragedy in Newton, CT. After Governor Cuomo passed the NY SAFE act, I was incredibly proud to be a resident of NY state. However, recently, I was troubled to learn that our Erie County Legislators do NOT support the NY SAFE act. Please join me in letting them know how we feel.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Moms Demand Action/NY Buffalo
  • Compassionate use of Marijuana
    My petition is about giving patients access to the medicine they need. Many of these people already get their medication from the black market. This means that already sick people who need marijuana to help them eat or to relieve pain, may be receiving mold and pests with their medication. This helps to ensure the quality of medicine that these people most likely already receive.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David