• The Sachs Firearms ill
    Gut ownership is a constitutional right, but it is also a responsibility that incurs liability, for which all owners must have insurance.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harley Sachs
  • Justice for Torture Victims
    The Guardian just exposed how the top commanders in Iraq ordered and condoned torture in Iraq, why do they still roam free? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/mar/06/pentagon-iraqi-torture-centres-link
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Thompson
  • Big Banks Are Stealing Homes: End Fraudulent Foreclosures!
    Because laws are not being followed, the Mendocino County tax base is being diminished and services impacted. Banks are not in compliance with the Homeowners Bill of Rights enacted in Jan 2013. There is evidence of foreclosure fraud and Mendocino County is losing money.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessie VanSant
  • Non custodial threats to remove a child w/o probable cause should be a crime
    A threat of violence is punishable by law and so should the threat to remove a child from a custodial parent without cause.Freedom of speech is often abused and can lead to negligence and abuse of simple laws. Often these threats are deliberate and repetitive and often lead to abuse of law, its enforcement and many other departments that help the community to remain civil. I call for action on those that threaten to remove a child from a home without cause. The documented offense should be punishable at different levels of law according to how often and any other actions taken behind it. Lets protect our texas children
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keva Scott
  • legalize marijuana
    we should legalize pot, the state can make alot of money, taxing, and oregon has always been a forerunner about alot of things. please help us with this
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by julia bajovich
  • Gun Laws
    Guns SHOULD be banned to protect society from the violence in our world. Our children need to learn that guns are for sport and hunting animals for meat...not killing other human beings. Thats all they see in this day and age. From violent games to war, we sensationalize killing.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S. B. Smith
  • Tompkins County Supports SAFE Act
    Governor Cuomo's SAFE Act strengthen's NY's gun safety laws and provides for background checks for all gun purchases, closing the gun show loophole. Every day, nearly 34 Americans are murdered with guns. According to Mayors Against Illegal Guns, 74 percent of NRA members support common sense restrictions like criminal background checks for anyone buying a gun. Residents of Tompkins County care about reasonable public safety measures and not special interest groups to help stop gun violence.
    872 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Pam Gueldner
  • 85% of Missourians support universal background checks for gun purchases. I do too.
    Background checks are the only systematic way to stop felons, domestic abusers and other dangerous people from buying firearms. But federal law only requires background checks for gun sales at licensed dealers. In the U.S., an estimated 40% of gun transfers take place without going through a licensed dealer, including online and at gun shows. That means that in 2012, 6.6 million guns were sold with no background check for the buyer. Criminals and other prohibited gun buyers know how to exploit this loophole, and they do. A national survey of inmates found that nearly 80% of those who used a handgun in a crime acquired it in a private transfer. Background checks take a couple minutes to complete, and they save lives. Since the system was created, it has blocked more than 2 million criminals, domestic abusers, seriously mentally ill people and other dangerous people from buying guns at licensed dealers. Congress should pass The Fix Gun Checks Act (H.R. 137), which would require a criminal background check for every gun sale and take steps to get all of the names of felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill into NICS. Gun owners nationwide strongly support this common sense proposal: a 2012 survey by Douglas Schoen found that 88% of gun owners -- including 86% of NRA members -- support criminal background checks for all gun sales. Eighty-five percent of Missourians support mandatory background checks for all gun buyers. Please join us to reduce gun violence.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sean Soendker Nicholson
  • Oppose H.B. 875 in the Georgia State Legislature
    The "Safe Carry Protection Act", S.B. 101 was successfully curtailed for this past legislative session but has come up again as HB875. The "Act" would allow guns to be carried , in k-12 schools, in churches in bars and certain government buildings. The premise being it would make people "safer". If you do not believe it will make you safer, please sign this petition. It is after all a matter of life or death. More guns in more places carried by more people will not make it safer for people, it will in fact make it more dangerous. This is a "public safety" issue, not a 2nd Amendment issue.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charles O. Hendrix Jr.
  • Lessen the punishment of teens who commit sex crimes
    I know numerous teenagers from age 18 and under who have had consensual sex with people under their age and have been involved in "sext messages". These are teenagers who are just begining their lives and make mistakes they will later frown upon in their later years. They should not be punished with a Felony or a lifetime registration as a "Sex Offender". All teenagers make mistakes and deserve a second chance.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonas
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by COLIN STRINGER
  • Parole board: Please Do Not Grant Parole to Russell Stone (H-00697)
    When I was 6 years old, my aunt, Dr. Deborah Saiki, was brutally murdered by her husband, Russell Franklin Stone. While I can't do anything about the past, I can prevent this dangerous man from hurting anyone every again, and that's why I'm asking you to sign this petition. Please urge the Board of Parole Hearings to deny Russell Stone (CDC #H-00697) parole. He has never shown any signs of remorse or responsibility in my aunt's brutal murder and is a continued threat to the public safety.
    274 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rick Kitagawa