• Ban Texting While Driving
    As this Legislative session to ban texting while driving. There are plenty of other distractions that cannot be avoided. Stop texting while driving can help.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Wiley
  • Stricter,more discriminating Guncontrol laws. sting Guncontrol laws.
    To provide tigher,more discerning controls for who should really have guns,and also to ban,outlaw the indscriminate sale of assault weapons which truly should only be in the possession of military personnel on a conventional battleground,not in the hands of regular civilians,for good GOD's stake. @f kd
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mr.Derlin Gerard Clair
  • Gov. Beshear: Amend KY's Expungement Statutes
    In today's struggling economy, we all know how challenging it is to gain employment, even more so if your criminal background check does not return spotless to HR. KRS 431.078 has made it increasingly difficult for citizens to expunge misdemeanor charges by increasing processing fees and prohibiting the expungement of a misdemeanor even if you only have minor traffic violations 5 years prior to or anytime after the conviction sought to have expunged.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russell
  • Amendd IC 35-42-3.5
    This law needs to be re-examined. First, the statue of limitations is two years for victims to seek retribution. There should be no statute of limitations. Secondly, victims of human trafficking should not have a felony on their record, a fact the state of Michigan has just supported. Felons will not be able to get a well-paying job and will have no choice but to go back to their pimp and face unspeakable punishment/s from him/her.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by stephanie polito
  • Ban Cell phones while driving
    Study after study has demonstrated that talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous. This practice should be banned. It would also make it easier to enforce the no texting law if any cell phone use while driving is illegal.
    400 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nancy
  • National Gun Buy Back
    Reduce death and destruction from firearms with a Federal buyback of weapons in every county in America. Take two million weapons off the street. Use the services of local law enforcement to administer the program and collect the weapons. Pay fair market value.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven L. Yarbrough
  • National Gun Buy Back
    Reduce death and destruction from firearms with a Federal buyback of weapons in every county in the America. Take two million weapons off the street. Use the services of local law enforcement to administer the program and collect the weapons. Pay fair market value.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven L. Yarbrough
  • Sensible Marijuana Laws for Maryland
    Del. Curt Anderson has filed legislation — HB 1453 — that would remove all criminal penalties for the use and possession of up to an ounce of marijuana by adults and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Little
  • To prevent hiring discrimination aganist rehabilated ex-convicts to be hired
    My sister have been rejected when she applies for a job due to a MISDEMEANOR that she committed SEVEN YEARS AGO!!. She has not committed any crimes since. She has been unemployed for almost two due to this form of discrimination. We should not allow corporations to prevent able-bodied citizens who have the ability and desire to work: therefore this process should end.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Whidbee
  • GRANDparents for Guns (not bullets)
    GRAND is a digital magazine that serves grandparents, grandchildren, and their families. Our goal is to protect people against gun violence.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demitria Maldonado
  • Grandparents Against Guns
    Guns have affected our nation. There needs to be a major change in order to protect our children. The Sandy Hook tragedy should have been prevented. GRAND is a digital magazine that targets grandparents and grandchildren. Our goal is to protect people against gun violence.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demitria Maldonado
  • Tell California lawmakers no more new gun control legislation
    New efforts of these 10 new anti constitutional legislation will infringe on the rights of the law abiding and does nothing to stop the criminals and mentally ill. these bill consist of laws From registration,a complete ban on semi-automatic rifles, banning the bullet button,gun insurance, background checks for ammo and permits, to confiscation. There is already enough laws on the books restricting ownership. Enforce those laws DO NOT CREATE MORE!! Enough is enough!!
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sean McVey