Cassie's Law: providing legal protection for children from sexually abusive parentsMy oldest daughter was raped by her step father at the age of four. I called in Child Protective Services, the prosecutor, and took my daughter for counseling. Now I'm learning that the man that raped my oldest daughter may still end up with visitation for the daughter we had together, my youngest. How can this man's parental rights outweigh my innocent child's rights to safety? Please help me protect Cassie and children in positions similar to Cassie's. https://www.facebook.com/cassieslawnj https://twitter.com/cassieslaw69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly S. Spina
Minimum MandatorysMy son who is a first time offender has received a 90 month prison term. 5 years was the minimum mandatory. This is too much for a first time offender who had never been in trouble before.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debbie Shell
Stop Private Detention in IllinoisIllinois law already bars the state and local government from contracting with private companies to build and run correctional facilities. Illinois understands that jailing people is a "uniquely governmental function," and that bringing profit motives into detention leads to mismanagement and abuse. Corrections Corporation of America ("CCA"), is currently trying to build such a center in the Chicagoland area and this is NOT covered by existing law.575 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Torrence
Apprehend and prosecute Sondra Scarber's attacker as a hate-crime perpetrator!Demand justice from the officials involved in catching and prosecuting the man who perpetrated such an obviously hate-motivated attack.1,204 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by John Barrett
NO MORE GUNS !!!!!!!!!YES I LIVE IN NEWTOWN, CT1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by DOCTOR PARVIZ MEHRI
Mandatory Treatment versus Prosecution for First Time Non-violent Sex OffensesI am the Dakota RSOL State Affiliate Organizer and have heard so many sad stories regarding the lack of confidential preventitive treatment and the division of so many families due to our current sex offender laws. As a teacher, I feel I let a student down because she choose to endure the abuse rather than share and have her abuser go to prison and the family be divided. We must demand treatment versus punishment to encourage children to report to STOP the abuse, provide resources, and CURE this epidemic.211 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Georgina Schaff
Stop Gun Violence with a Nationwide Gun Reform PolicyDue to recent events at Sandy Brook Elementary school, the shooting at the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, and the shooting in Arizona where Congress woman Gabby Gifford and many other innocent people were brutally shot and some murdered this country has got to make a change. While some states may have strict laws on purchasing firearms there are those who are not meeting the standard to protect American citizens. By incorporating a nationwide gun policy the people of America will find it safer to walk down the street, send their children to school, and visit their local grocery store.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Angela Brown
Save our Kids post state police in target zoneI lost 2 nephews to gun shootings from 2002 to 2009 , also 1 nephew was shot 3 times 2012 and survived . 3 cousins shoot to death 2008 to 2012 . I ASKED state legislator who talked to other elected officials in 2006 to 2010 to get state police to patrol the mon valley streets ,nothing happened. mon valley has a avg of 19 black on black deaths each year with a 5% close rate. THE police and community need help from the State Legislators and governor that have state police sitting in state police cars just 8 to 10 miles away from these high crime areas.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by al washington sr
Save our Kids post state police in target zoneI lost 2 nephews to gun shootings from 2002 to 2009 , also 1 nephew was shot 3 times 2012 and survived . 3 cousins shoot to death 2008 to 2012 . I ASKED state legis who talked to other elected officials in 2006 to 2010 to get state police to patrol the mon valley streets ,nothing happened. mon valley has a avg of 19 black on black deaths each year 5% close rate. THE police and community need help that is sitting in state police cars just 8 to 10 miles away.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by al washington sr
Decriminalization of MarijuanaThis petition is about stopping the incrimination of citizens using a more natural product than cigarettes and has several medical uses. I have been personally affected by this through many family members turned into criminals threw the use of the war on drugs.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eddie Arnold
Mandatory prison sentences for Bankers laundering illegal drug moneyWells Fargo was fined for laundering profits from illegal drug money laundering but no one went to jail. We have huge numbers of people in prison for selling small amounts of drugs yet the bankers actions helped untold amounts of drugs be sold on our streets. A fine for the bankers is a slap on the wrist and can be written off as a "cost of doing business" expense. A mandatory prison sentence may make them take this issue a little more seriously!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gregg Morris
Legalize hemp and save the world.Legalize hemp in the USA to: Save farms, create jobs, mitigate climate change, replace fossil fuels, balance the budget, bypass Monsanto, feed millions of people. This can be done at almost no cost to the taxpayers. It's an idea embraced by both parties. http://www.hemphasis.net/Fuel-Energy/fuel.htm14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott MacInnis