Get our tax money backThe Times documented that the County's Homeless paid millions of dollars for years to house the homeless in crime-ridden slums. The refrain of the county is the county should be run as a business. When a business pays for a service that they do not receive , the business takes steps to obtain a refund. It is time that the county commission takes steps to obtain refunds of our tax money that was wasted on substandard housing/service.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Belcher
Protect Net NeutralityI am able to provide my second language students with affordable tutoring and free supplementary information through my personal web page. I also use that space to schedule appointments and answer immediate student questions; we would be greatly hindered by price-driven limited access, especially given that we try to maintain affordability.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alexandra Cannady
Human Overpopulation on Planet Earth!Does a truly Intelligent species overpopulate, pollute, poison, rape and murder their own Planet, committing its own destruction as a species in the process? No, a truly intelligent species does not. Let us try not to be a footnote in Galactic History as a species stupid enough to commit both Suicide and Planetary Biocide at the same time.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by STEPHEN J. JACOBS
Save the Skate Park!This petition is to save a well known and well loved skate park. The Harrison County Skate Park is in jeopardy of being shut down and turned into a film studio. The skate park is pretty much the only place kids can go to do what they love. Not only Harrison county, but people from across the South depend on the skate park being up and running. People who play Roller Derby, hockey, skate board, and BMX there. It is a place worth saving. It is a place with history. Plenty of people have been going there since they were younger and hundreds of people are wanting it to stay.472 of 500 SignaturesCreated by CG
Creation of elevated maglev train system that creates a countrywide Greenbelt system around it un...We need transport that is above collision, flood, and fire lines; that is energy producing in its design such as maglev, this elevated system will network, power, gas, water, and communications both beneath the elevated railbed and in addition hidden below the surface of the ground on which the pylons stand as extra backup for vital resources in any type emergency. There are 50,000 U.S. cities that currently have less than half of their original human populations; this system needs to incorporate this fact strategically in redesigning such municipalities for the Space Age that can only benefit the entire country from such a new North American Transport System that incorporates the Greenbelt concept of terraforming to enhance nature as well as natures role in protecting our vital and strategic new infrastructure design such as this elevated electromagnetic transport system. This one foundational project will recreate a New America for the next two centuries!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anton Christopher McInerney
Stop poisoning our planet and Humanity with ChemtrailsAs we have got enough of project Haarp, that destroy the planet and Humanity, then we must stop Chemtrails all over the world.3,533 of 4,000 Signatures
Protect small farms in Michigan!Protecting small farms in Michigan should be a top priority. Many farmers' markets are a consortium of small farms producing local produce. This is a vital part of local economies in many areas in Michigan and around the country. Michigan lawmakers should support the rights of individuals not just the interest of big business.42,420 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by George John Thompson
Petition to Department Of Consumer Affairs, California State Athletic Commission, for re-sanction...PRO-1 is professional limited rules Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”) bouts and AM-1 is amateur limited rules kickboxing bouts. Both PRO-1 and AM-1 utilize MMA and kickboxing rules already approved by CSAC. PRO-1 and AM-1 simply limit the types of offensive moves allowed by each fighter based on round. PRO-1’s limited MMA rules are: (1st Rd) Limited striking with fists; (2nd Rd) Open striking; and (3rd Rd) Unlimited MMA. AM-1’s limited kickboxing rules are: (1st Rd) Limited striking with fists; (2nd Rd) Limited striking with fists & kicks; and (3rd Rd) Full striking. In November 2011, CSAC Executive Officer George Dodd approved PRO-1/AM-1. IFS held PRO-1 and AM-1 fights, all of which were sanctioned by CSAC over the course of four events from 3/4/12 through 2/10/13. Then, new CSAC executive officer Andy Foster suddenly informed IFS that CSAC would no longer sanction PRO-1 and AM-1 fights. IFS went before CSAC and presented information on why CSAC has the authority under Business and Professions code section 18640 to continue to sanction PRO-1/AM-1 fights promoted and held by IFS. To date, CSAC has still not given its approval to re-sanction PRO-1/AM-1 fights. The events held by the IFS in 2012 and 2013 with PRO-1/AM-1 fights were successful, with large fan and fighter support and brought needed revenue to California and attention to the local Southern California fight world. We hereby respectfully demand Department of Consumer Affairs, California State Athletic Commission, re-sanction PRO-1 and AM-1 and immediately approve the IFS to promote and hold future sanctioned PRO-1 and Am-1 fights in California59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shawn Shilati
Get your right to farm backWe need to get our right to farm back!5,153 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Rainey Eddy
Ban Gas-Powered Leaf Blower UseThis petition is about banning the use of a highly-polluting and largely unnecessary groundskeeping device, gas-powered leaf blowers. It is accountable for all manner of ill health in people, animals & plantlife. I personally know of a groundskeeper who died in 2002 as a result of using this device daily at his job. We are all negatively impacted by this.134 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Phillip Mitchell
CLEAN GREEN STATE SCENIC BYWAYWe live in a wonderfully scenic area of the coast of Washington state. Our coastal forests and ocean vistas are unique in the world. To have these obnoxious (or even those less so) signs blocking or interfering with enjoyment of the lovely Washington State Highway 103 is a real shame.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Chasse`
Convert Sunset Golf into a Botanical, Community Garden and Learning LabTo create a living learning legacy for Agriscience/Horticulture students and their community so that all can benefit from the best use of the green space of which there is very little left in the City of Hollywood, Florida.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Newman