Hasbro: Bring back the old school LpsThese are NOT Lps they are BARBIE DOLL toys !!!!! Stand up for what's right! Theese new Lps r CRAP. Ya I said it CRAP!! We need the 2005-20012 not the 2013 barbies !!!79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liv
Mayoral Candidate Weiner: Take a Stand for NYC Animals!Thousands of cats and dogs entering the NYC Animal Care & Control Shelter System are killed in a broken, archaic, money wasting system. Taxpayers and animal loving New Yorkers deserve better! The No Kill Equation is sweeping the country, saving upwards of 95% of the precious lives in shelters that formerly killed our pets. New York should be a model for the country, saving lives and money with a new paradigm. It's time to take killing off the table! Time to get the poor, abused carriage horses out of traffic, heat, snow and car fumes. That's what we want from the next Mayor of New York!680 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Zelda Penzel
Let's partyIn ancient Roman law, ambitus was a crime of political corruption, mainly a candidate's attempt to influence the outcome of an election through bribery or other forms of soft power. The Latin word ambitus is the origin of the English word "ambition," which is another of its original meanings; ambitus was the process of "going around and commending oneself or one's protégés to the people," an activity liable to unethical excesses.[1] In practice, bringing a charge of ambitus against a public figure became a favored tactic for undermining a political opponent. -- Wikipedia13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tim CB
Make HARRY POTTER America’s National Book of HeritageThis is a petition to legitimize our nation’s association with HARRY POTTER. Our nation has a national anthem and a national past time, but we do not have a national text of heritage. HARRY POTTER is the one book that has unified our faith as a nation in the living WIZARD. HARRY POTTER has been historically attached to our nation, from the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock, to educating Slaves on America’s Underground Railroad and even so today. HARRY POTTER's place throughout American history is that inheritance and our nation’s legacy should be to acknowledge this text with such an honorable title and declaration.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harry Potter
Philippines immigrants deserve parity with illegal LatinoesThousands of Philippine American families are forced to wait over 20 years to reunite siblings. Uncles and Aunts are often never given the opportunity of consideration for immigration to join families in the US. It is unfair and inhumane to give Latinos that entered in the US illegally to become legal immigrants cutting in line ahead of Philippine immigrants that have followed the rules. The average wait for my brother to be considered for US immigration is 23 years, why should ALL illegal Latinos be allowed to jump ahead in 13 years?6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James McPherson
Demand NICE to Adjust Last N26 Bus to Jamaican26 which only has three trips in AM from Jamaica Bus Terminal to Great Neck Station, and while PM trip with last bus ending at 5pm heading from Great Neck Station to Jamaica. This is problem for many businesses in Great Neck, where people want last 5pm n26 to Jamaica to leave at 5:15pm or add one more trip like 5:15 or 5:20pm as last bus.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yuki Endo
Tell Senator Burr: Quit Standing in the Way of Students!Senator Burr is effectively standing in the way of students who will see their student loan interest rates double on July 1st if Congress doesn't act to keep them low. In a floor debate with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) objected to voting on a proposal that would keep interest rates low for the next two years. Instead, he's in favor of a "fix" that could see student loan interest rates skyrocket and create more debt for Americans -- much more than if student loan interest rates were allowed to double.305 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Iris Maria Chavez
Senator Leahy, Convene a Senate Select Committee on US/Corporate Intelligence activitiesAt a time when nearly three-quarters of all U.S. intelligence gathering and analysis are being conducted by private corporations, we as a country have approached perilously close to what Franklin D. Roosevelt described as "the essence of fascism." In light of recent disturbing public disclosures concerning the extent of intelligence gathering activities undertaken by U.S. governmental agencies hand-in-hand with corporate partners, both at home and abroad, it is clear that the time has come for us, as citizens and elected representatives, to take a cold, hard look at the behavior and practices that have developed from that partnership.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Victor Ialeggio
Testthis is a test1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Lundy
Paul Simon/Andrew CuomoPlease, Governor Cuomo, don't try to raise money from he Paul Simon concert. it offends me. I have always held you in high regard. Nona Young New Portland, ME 049611 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nona Young
Paul Simon/Andrew CuomoPlease, Governor Cuomo, don't try to raise money from he Paul Simon concert. it offends me. I have always held you in high regard. Nona Young New Portland, ME 049611 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nona Young
Stop shut down the whistleblowers!World peace I have never been working on this issue before, I work as regrested nurse in Sweden. To create a world without nuclear weapons. The countries who suggest other countries to lay down there nueclear weapons, have to have systems that stick to all ethical and high moral , the principles from old times. All systems should by my opinion follow the norms. They doesnt do that´today. Today "wistleblowers" like Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden is shut down becaurse they point on the systems who is failing.They did not do anything more than used there courage to put the light on failures the system done.To make them to the problems is wrong way. If the world shall have a change, all countries need to admit the omission and make a change so the other countries can se with trust on the vestworld and understand there is a good intention behind the messages. How should it be possible to get a solution fast as the situation demands? To accapt that people in the system did thing's as was not so good for the human race.Instead of trying to hide it. There is always a caurse for everything and we are all under some kind of influence, so the rest of the world have to learn to forgive people that did wrong. We have to create a 0-leavel for blame in the same time clean all systems to the better and work with the principals as we know from oldtimes. Sorry for my broken enghish and thank you for reading. Have a nice day all of you and thank you for working for a better planet.6 of 100 Signatures