• 6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John p. Idema
  • Home team audiences should have access to the game without paying.
    It's the fans and their money that support the team through good times and bad. They shouldn't have to pay out more of their hard earned cash to watch their team on t.v. If your city's team is playing it needs to be broadcast on a local station.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tam Lindquist
  • Just Label It!
    The majority of Americas want the same rights as people from other countries, namely the right to know what we ingest. We want all food to include labeling stating whether or not the product was manufactured using GMO's or GE's.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Gatz
  • Save the DIA!
    The emergency financial manager in Detroit now indicates, if Detroit goes into bankruptcy, the art in our 130 year old internationally renowned Detroit Institute of Art could be sold to pay debts!
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tamara Smith
  • Veto Lake County Election Commision
    The Illinois Legistlature has passed a huge bill to update election laws. Included in that bill is a requirement that Lake County create an Election commision. This unfunded requirement will cost Lake County taxpayers $600,000 that we do not have. The text of the paragraph relating to the creation of the election reads: "any county with a population of more than 700,000 persons … that borders another state and borders no more than 2 other Illinois counties." Lake County is the only county inthe State of Illinois that meets that specific criteria.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Daly
  • Ban Noisy Smelly Foodtrucks from NYC Streets
    Food trucks are everywhere in NYC and their noises and fumes are destroying the quality of life and unfairly competing with stores that pay rent and respect their neighbors.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Fuhrer
  • JESUS CHRIST presents racism not in our town
    JESUS CHRIST PLUS NOTHING EVERYONE who is the aggresors and the ones on the receiving end, and no one wants to talk about it. Plus being black i no longer want to be in the positons of when pelo's se us and think that we are fine with being profiled for the prision sysmtem like that's we are supposed to be ok with this.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jason hosea
  • Respect Fannie Mae Common Shareholders
    Two Senators, Tennessee Republican Bob Corker and Virginia Democrat Mark Warner, want to abolish Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and appropriate/abolish all common shares. There are many small investors affected. Why are common shares even being traded if they will have no value under these Senators plan?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jorge Romano
  • Save The Pets With Wings Program!
    The Humane Society of St. Thomas' Pets With Wings Program, a shining partnership with American Airlines, has been responsible for the safe travel and adoption of over a hundred animals since its inception. Unfortunately, this wonderful program is in jeopardy of being discontinued by AA Corporate due to a single complaint in the last month! Locals, Visitors, and Friends of the Virgin Islands— Add your voice to this message and help us secure a future for all of our animal companions! All signatures and letters will be presented to the Humane Society and sent to American Airlines Corporate Headquarters.
    1,420 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Griffin McFarlane
  • cannabis
    Legalize cannabis and tax like alcohol or cigarettes
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Meagher
  • Economic Fairness: End Plutocracy
    In order to provide a plentiful supply of money, Congress needs to stop borrowing every dollar into existence and stop allowing banks to create and control the money supply. The interest we pay on the debt from borrowing this fictitious money is enough to feed the hungry and reduce poverty, crime and homelessness. The borrowing of money from banks puts We The People in a position where Congress will never pass a law that's in OUR favor, let alone jail any bankers like Iceland did. This plutocratic system is the primary cause of rising prices, high unemployment, foreclosures and eroding civil liberties. Monetary reform now!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chuck Muldoon
  • Stop the Commercials in Movie Theaters
    Why is it that the price of a movie ticket continues to rise while the quality of the the theater experience is losing its value? What happened to showing newsreels, cartoons or short films before the feature presentation? When did it become acceptable to pay $12.50 for a movie and then have to watch Coke, Verizon, and Progressive bombard us with their corporate Message. How did this happen? When and why did this become commonplace? Either lower the price of the movie ticket for the American public and make the advertisers subsidize the difference or prohibit advertising altogether. Those of us who pay for a premium movie channel at home are not subjected to commercials so then why should we, the movie goers, have to sit there and watch tons of commercials instead of getting what we paid for - pure entertainment.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer