• 2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby MayMPPP
  • I'm a minion
    I started one petition outside my mega-home. This one is in
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby MayMinion1
  • I am a megapartner
    I'm trying to get over the whole intimidation thing.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby MegaMay
  • Petition for release of suppressed court records
    My case has been in the courts for well over a decade and although I have won I have received no justice because the court records are suppressed, even kept secret from me. Therefore, no court judgments have been carried out against those found guilty. It also means I cannot access my lawfully awarded punitive damages. Even Freedom of the Press has not been allowed. I want all court facts, letters to the court and all resulting judgments made publically available. It is the only way I will ever receive any justice.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Jones
  • Want to check on another petition that's only partially vetted
    Please don't show me a banner. Well, the wrong one, anyway
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby Goldstein
  • Bring Widespread Panic back to Carbondale
    Need signatures to bring WSP back!!!
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Russell
  • Hasbor : bring back old lps
    To bring the old school lps because they are awesome and the others or bad
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kayla
  • Gov. Christie: Jail the Bankers! Release the Money!
    We are Curt & Teresa. Some people might call us “victims” of the foreclosure crisis –but the truth is we’ve become outspoken anti-foreclosure activists and “champions” on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of New Jersey families like ours who were misled by the banks, laid-off during the recession and are now facing foreclosure because Governor Christie refuses to help “people like us”. Just last week we both risked arrest, alongside hundreds of other homeowners from across the country, at the Department of Justice protesting the “too big to fail” banks who created the foreclosure crisis in the first place. We are calling on Governor Christie to join us in that fight and demand that the Wall Street criminals responsible for this mess are held accountable. Last September we published an op-ed in the Newark Star-Ledger pointing out the fact that Gov. Chris Christie took $75 million earmarked for New Jersey homeowners and diverted it to offset tax breaks for the state’s wealthiest residents. He literally robbed the poor and gave to the rich. Just a few weeks after our op-ed was published, Governor Christie attacked a reporter for asking him questions about his mismanagement of an additional $300 million in federal Home Keeper Funds meant to keep struggling homeowners out of foreclosure. Governor Christie has abused, mismanaged and all but refused to properly distribute $375 MILLION DOLLARS in funds meant to help hard-working families like ours. Even more brazen, just last week he asked New Jersey voters to pat him on the back for issuing a lousy $1 million dollars to fund housing counselors to assist families in foreclosure. This is blatant election year rhetoric by a Governor whose record is painfully clear. Please join us and demand that he enact a moratorium on all foreclosures in New Jersey until he does right by the tens of thousands of families in our state struggling to save their homes! Release the money and prosecute the criminals! Sincerely, Curt & Teresa The Hamilton Family Port Reading, NJ Members, New Jersey Communities United
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Trina Scordo
  • Save the Pet Flight Program!
    American Airlines is threatening to ELIMINATE the pet travel program from the Virgin Islands...All because of ONE complaint! This program, started by the humane society, allows for pets to find homes on the mainland. This program HAS to remain open to prevent needless animal deaths. PLEASE SIGN, this will help animals find loving homes!
    1,150 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Whitney McFarlane
  • President Brown Help BU Students: Endorse the Warren Bill
    As an alumna of Boston University (COM '03), I'm asking President Brown to endorse Senator Warren's Bank on Students Bill to keep student rates low and affordable. I depended on student loans to attend and graduate from BU ten years ago and I want to make sure other students from all backgrounds are able to have the same opportunities extended to me as a result.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carinne Luck
  • test title
    test background
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobbie Dowling
  • About HB 21 which discriminates American childhood and old age
    Dear Honorable President Mr. Barack Obama! Yes, "We are people", I am a member of Democratic party, American Grandmother, I HAD A TERRIBLE PRACTICE OF COURTS JUST OWING TO MY LOVE TO MY GRANDSONS and THEIR LOVE TO ME, AND TO CRUEL AMERICAN LAW HB 21, BECAUSE I WAS AGAINST HOW SOME PARENTS MAKE THEIR KIDS FUTURE KILLERS. I am writing this letter according to the tragedy in Newtown and to others tragedies because if our grandchildren could get care and education, good breeding from their grandparents, it would be much more kind and clever attention to new generation and it would be less crimes. I watched the tears of Your compassion on the screen of TV and wept with You. Many thanks for Your kind heart, attention and patience which You give me, reading my letter and understanding how old American OLD AGE and CHILDHOOD ARE DISCRIMINATED AND SUFFER OWING TO AMERICAN LAW HB 21 which allows to meet Grandchildren with their Grandparents only WITH PERMISSION OF PARENTS OF KIDS. Unfortunately, some parents ARE NOT GOOD in education of their kids, showing them examples of cruelty, aggressiveness, violence. THE SEVERE AMERICAN LAW HB 21 MAKES CRIMINALS OLD GRANDPARENTS JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR GREAT LOVE TO THEIR GRANDCHILDREN IF THEY APPROACHED TO THE HOUSE WHERE THEIR GRANDCHILDREN LIVE JUST TO SEE THEM EVEN ON A DISTANCE AND POLICE COMES TO ARREST THE OLD SUFFERING PEOPLE and TO CONFINE INTO A JAIL FOR ONE YEAR. In 1 of July, 2013 Representatives of Florida had TO CHANGE HB 21 to HB 19 in order that COURTS could solve this terrible problem. We waited for ABROGATION THIS CRUELTY DURING YEARS like a great God's GIFT, but to our unhappiness they informed us that this problem will be solved IN ONE YEAR it is not money to stop DISCRIMINATION!! It will be in the first of July, 2014!!! We are not sure that MANY OF US WILL LIVE SO LONG IN THESE TERRIBLE SUFFERINGS! WHAT HAPPENED? I sent my letters to You THREE TIMES from January of 2013 till May, by post also, but there are not answers. I SENT 120 LETTERS TO REPRESENTATIVES OF Florida during January till May- BUT NOT ANSWERS, except THREE ones ! I SENT 40 LETTERS TO FL. SENATORS, BUT NOT ANSWERS, except great attention of Senator Marco Rubio and His assistant Mr. Brain! Relationship between three generations is the important element in any society, it is a great construction of a normal psyche of any society and, destroying the greatest value of the family relationship of three generations, humanity GETS MENTAL DEGRADATION OF A STRUCTURE OF ANY SOCIETY. The different generations of people of country living apart do not develop in their union, actions and assistance, in their warm relations for the welfare of the country. Bible says,"A bad society corrupts morals". It is impossible any more to have for the old sick hearts of Grandparents the hearty pain any longer just because of the UNDEMOCRATIC LAW of the USA (in Florida) . I am sure many unhappy grandparents are suffering very much from this cruel Law and they lost a meaning, the sense of their life American President Roosevelt said,"IF I AM NOT POSSESSED OF A TALENT OF CHARITY, COMPASSION, I AM - NOTHING ". CAPABILITY FOR COMPASSION IS A BASIS FOR THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. The basic principle in the Declaration of Independence proclaims: " ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL ". But in Florida there is NOT a DEMOCRATIC LAW concerning grandparents IT LOOKS LIKE A DOUBLE STANDARD in American Constitution.I think it is immorality and cruelty concerning to American old age. Each child of the USA is a future citizen and a builder of the American society, and from his physical and mental health, DEPENDS HEALTH, MORALS and SPIRIT of American NATION. Сhildren have to accept from their parents the general human values. Ancient wise men warned:" Youth have to give birth to children because of its health. And the old age should help them to bring up children healthy,spiritual,intellectual because of its wisdom". Old age is God's PRIVILEGE to share wisdom and a great information of life with young generations. Just in this way new BEST CIVILIZATION CAN BE BORN! Alas, many of us, American grandmothers and grandfathers, cannot participate in education of their beloved grandchildren, meet them even if from time to time, OWING TO difference of religion, nationality, color of skin or owing to the forcible cruel aggressive character of parental, their acts or their MENTAL SICKNESS, that's why unhappy grandparents and grandchildren suffer very much, and IT GOES TO DESTRUCTION OF THE HOLY CONNECTION OF GENERATIONS, in which any country needs very much,because the family of THREE or MORE friendly generations is a CELL of a healthy society! "Children are not a thing and not a property of their parents; children given to us like on hire by Heaven",-writes the famous author and pedagogue of the best seller about children John Gray,-"And each of us is RESPONSIBLE for child's education and child's soul". It looks like a hell, when lonely old people for whom just THEIR GRANDCHILDREN ARE SENSE OF LIFE IN THEIR TERRIBLE LONELINESS cannot meet with their beloved angels because of aggression and cruelty of their parents , who teach kids during hours to kill people in terrible games on bloody screens of television sets or computers transforming children's hearts to MENTAL DISEASE of PARENTAL BRAIN. Kids ANIMATE DOLLS AND PEOPLE IN THE GAMES. WHETHER SUCH PARENTS WHO SHOW THEIR KIDS THE EXAMPLES OF THE VIOLENCE HAVE THE RIGHT TO RAISE KIDS IF THEY KILL KIDS MORALLY AND IN THIS CONNECTION PHYSICALLY UNPROTECTED OLD PEOPLE LOSE THEIR AUTHORITY, RESPECT, HEALTH AND THE GOD'S RIGHT TO SURVIVE BY CHILDREN'S ATTENTION, BY THEIR TENDERNESS AND LOVE. THE MEDICINE SAYS," PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE DOES NOT DIFFER FROM PHYSICAL VIOLENCE AND KILL PEOPLE". OUR CONGRESS HAVE TO DESTROY THIS DISCRIMINATION IN AMERICAN SOCIETY, GRANDCHILDREN AND GRANDPARENTS ARE GOD'S GIFT AND DESTI...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zarema Bickbau