End Canned Hunting in South AfricaWe Must Put An End To This Madness264 of 300 SignaturesCreated by jon jovi
End Horse SlaughterI have had 2 young horses stolen so I believe that they went to slaughter. Don't let this happen to anyone else!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katherine Kurylas
Stop The Teen Tan Ban in MassachusettsMassachusetts currently has a parental consent law in place for those who want their teens to tan. Many teens tan before vacations to avoid sunburn, for acne, psoriases, eczyma, depression, etc. There is a lot of scientific data supporting the health benefits of moderate gradual tanning. The government should not ban something that MIGHT or COULD be harmful.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Glen Asaro
Rescue The Norwich Soup KitchenThere is a soup kitchen, that is well placed, in Norwich. Which i go to. The neiborhood around it wants it out of their neiborhood.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aurora Ackley
49ers, take out "San Francisco" from the team nameSanta Clara is not only the new location of the 49ers stadium, it's also home to the 49ers headquarters. Santa Clara is roughly 44 miles from San Francisco. I started this petition because as a Santa Clara resident, I feel it's a slap in the face the 49ers would remain the San Francisco 49ers once the move to Santa Clara is complete. Why not name the team the Santa Clara 49ers, Bay Area 49ers, California 49ers, etc. After all, if the 49ers organization wanted to keep the San Francisco 49ers name intact, they should have stayed in the San Francisco area.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Randolph Knackstedt
David Foster Wallace Literary Trust: Please let the world see "This Is Water"!The short film "This Is Water," adapted from David Foster Wallace's 2005 commencement speech at Kenyon College, was a beautiful, moving, even life-changing illumination of a profound piece of writing. And it has personal meaning to me: an excerpt from that speech was read at my friend Aaron Swartz's memorial service. The video, and the speech it draws upon, articulated a way of looking at the world—fully present, generous with imaginative empathy—that I aspire to live by. But an hour and a half ago, the video was removed from YouTube and Vimeo because of an alleged copyright infringement, at the request of the David Foster Wallace Literary Trust. This video has already inspired millions of people. And in the decades to come, it could—should—inspire millions more. It's a video I've imagined showing to my own son, now a baby, once he's old enough to understand it. There is no public interest served in removing it from the Internet. I can't even think of an interest that this could serve for the DFW Literary Trust: the video is making more people aware of his work, drawing people to his legacy. And at a personal level, there's a particular irony for me. Aaron fought against the abuse of copyright law. He and Larry Lessig argued that everyone benefits when pieces of culture can be remixed into new works of art—this video; Aaron's own eulogy. Now, one of those works of art has been removed from public view, based on the very laws Aaron sought to change. Please sign on this petition and help spread the word. We can hope that the DFW Literary Trust will change its mind. If it doesn't, let's change the law.2,823 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Ben Wikler
Gang Violence as Domestic TerrorismHave we reached the limit yet in seeing our cities overtaken by gun toting thugs? How many more 'drive-by" shootings and inner city gun battles are we willing to put up with?6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher Taylor
Demand that MIcrosoft not block xbox live gamesMy petition is to demand that Microsoft include current Xbox live games that we the Xbox live consumers have paid for Exp: If you have purchased "Castle Crashers" you should have a right to bring this game with your account to Xbox one. We do not just pay 60$ membership to just connect to the internet and a gamer tag but for access to these digital games they offer us and to keep them. Please get sign my petition if you believe that you should be able to keep what you paid for.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jose Hernandez
sourced petition testThis is a sourced petition. Which needs to be tested.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Manny Herrmann
This is a custom petitionThis is a custom petition, and I want to see if it's always marked as "suspicious," or something. Because that's what seems to have been happening.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Manny Herrmann
Change Flickr Back!Recently Flickr did a remodel of the site and it was VERY poorly done. I am hoping to get at least 10,000 signatures to turn into Marissa Mayer. Please share this with all your friends! We need this to go viral.12,589 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Toby Tenma
HUMAN Healthy Vending Machines in Allen High SchoolWe are proposing that Allen High School remove the junk food machines from campus and replace them with HUMAN Healthy Vending Machines. Having healthy vending machines on campus would provide nutritious healthy snack options vs. junk food for the staff and students. It also will help the school make more money to better fund student programs and staff support. HUMAN also donates 10% of profits to charities that fight the causes of childhood obesity – a rapidly growing national epidemic that negatively affects kids’ learning, health and (unfortunately) self-esteems.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amy Coplen