• Decriminilize/Legalize Prostitution
    Legalize licensed, regulated, and tax prostitution (safe sex only) for consenting adults in private or in a local brothel setting. Put some of the revenues towards fighting human trafficking, child abuse, domestic violence, therapists for sex workers that wish to get out of the business. Prostitution has been illegal for centuries in this country, but has never been abolished. (Just look at your local Adult classifieds) Many sex workers actually enjoy doing their work or do it out of necessity. Inherently their work does not harm anyone when done safely by two consenting adults. Most countries around the world have legalized or decriminalized prostitution, so why do we want to stay stuck in the past and have a prehistoric viewpoint?. These sex workers have lower risks of STDs as does the
    1,174 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Byron Rogers
  • Reinstate Dr. David Sager and investigate the circumstances of his termination
    Dr. David Sager was terminated without explanation from his position as Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Family Services by Commissioner Randy Parker. The termination followed improvements in procedures, cost-savings, and morale. This is larger than the termination of one stellar public servant. It’s about whether or not we show up to influence and improve the way decisions are made in this county and the processes by which we institute them.
    493 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Bucar
  • Just Say No to the Old Farm Liquor Store
    We had a mini-mart/gas station in Old Farm that closed a couple of years ago. It was recently purchased and is designated to become a liquor store. Please sign this petition to keep the liquor store out of Old Farm. It will generate extra traffic and potentially increase crime in the area. In addition, there are already several liquor stores in close proximity to this area and an additional one is not needed.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Everhart
  • Is President Obama our president legally
    I feel President Obama needs to step up and prove that he is a legal immigrant of the United States and then he has a right and powers to be the president of the United States provide all necessary documents in paperwork required if he is not a legal immigrant of our United States then he is affected all of the Americans in our country
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monique
  • Kennedy Center Honors for The Grateful Dead
    The Grateful Dead are truly an All-American Band. They created an entirely new genre of music. They deserve to be honored for their contributions to music and American life.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Lawrence
  • Stop Stupid Petitions!
    Petitions about social issues like gun control or immigration policies I can understand, but where is the line drawn? I literally laugh out loud at some of the meaningless petitions on the web: Change the Use of the Word "Illegal" to "Undocumented," or Give Homeless Shelters Steel Silverware Instead of Plastic. Only petition things that actually matter, that really will make a difference, because petitions like these hurt your credibility more than they help your cause.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick
  • Save the Wolves and Dogs
    My petition is about saving wolves from being killed and dogs stop being abused. I am one who will not sit back and let these poor creatures suffer.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Marie Caldwell
  • ¡Presenta solicitud para renovar el charter de Anahuacalmecac ahora!
    Fundada por Semillas del Pueblo en 2008, Anahuacalmecac es la única escuela autonoma indígena enfocado en la preparación de jóvenes indígenas en Los Angeles. El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles (LAUSD) está a punto de cerrar Anahuacalmecac debido a una política "Papeles primero" en contra de peticionarios y padres de la escuela "charter" de origen mexicanos indígenas. Deja al Superintendente Deasy y a los miembros de la mesa directiva del LAUSD saber que nuestra comunidad exige renovación del charter de Anahuacalmecac hasta 2018 y exige un paro a la violación de los derechos civiles e derechos indígenas a la educación autonoma inclusive de idiomas maternas, la autonomía de la comunidad, la cultura autóctona indigena y el acceso a todos los niveles de la educación. Si no desea revelar la dirección de su casa, puede usar la dirección de nuestras escuelas: 4736 Huntington Drive South, Los Angeles, CA, 90032. Después de firmar la petición, también puede enviar un correo electrónico, llamar o escribir a los miembros de su representante de la mesa directiva: Distrito 1: [email protected] * 213-241-6382 Distrito 2: [email protected] * 213-241-6180 Distrito 3: [email protected] * 213-241-6386 Distrito 4: [email protected] * 213-241-6387 Distrito 5: [email protected] * 213-241-5555 Distrito 6: [email protected] * 213-241-6388 Distrito 7: [email protected] * 213-241-6385 Superintendente: [email protected] * 213-241-7000 Los Angeles Unified School District BOARD OF EDUCATION 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 24th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Telephone: 213-241-6389 Números de fax general para todos los miembros de la Junta de Directores: 213-241-8953 or 213-481-9023
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fernando Ramirez
  • Disaster relief
    I am a resident of Oklahoma and grew up in Moore. The people of Moore, as with so many other cities, will persevere and rebuild. I am concerned about the kindness that exudes from complete strangers in times like these. Please take a pledge and tell others to keep this kindness going. Lend a hand to a stranger. Say hello and how are you, MEAN IT AND STICK AROUND FOR A REPLY. See the world through someone else's eyes and get outside of yourself. Care for those who can't care for themselves. Love those who have never known love. Pleeeaaase pass it around!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Phillips
  • Please save Regal Forrest aprt in morrow
    Clayton county board of education wants to take our apartment complax and not give the tenants option to live. We were told that they will build a elite high school so the high school students dont have to cross the streets to go to clayton county college. They are allowing the elementary and middle school students to walk distance across busy streets to get to school but not the high school students. We ahve many single parent that have no mode of transportation nor can afford to move. We also have many disabke tenants that are not eligible for the requirements of most apartment complex. Many tenants have been in the area for years due they can afford to move. The board have not done the reserch nor have the funds to build a school if they should take over the aparment complex. There is a empty lot directly across he street from the Regal forrest and next door to the middle school and they wont consider that as a option because elite student can cross the street. They are willing to displace family and make them homless so they can obtain a proprty that will cause mosre taxes forthe county. They need to under stand that there are other location they can build and how this will effect our community. If youare displacing family then that will be less student in the area they are trying to build the school in. Its no fair that government can take your home and not help you find a place to stay becuase they want to spend money. Please help us save our home. Many of us dont have family we work and are trying our best to to keep a roof over our heads. If not fair how you can pay your rent every month for someone who dont even live in the area to say i want your home and you have to get our and not our problem if you can nor have a place to stay. Please help our community to save our home. Many folks like me will be homeless and i have no were to go.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shanika Walker
  • Bring back EQOA, Sony!
    This is a petition for Sony Online Entertainment to bring back the greatest mmorpg that ever existed. Everquest Online Adventures. EQOA is missed greatly. Help spread the word, share this with your friends.
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Levi Fioravanti
  • smart meter's
    Why are we subjuct to something we DO NOT WANT, these thing's are dangerous no matter how better they are why doe's have to be shoved to us GETTING OF HEARING ,WE "KNOW WHAT'S BETTER FOR YOU THAN YOU DO"
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SAM