• Get Rid Sen. Tom Coburn
    He wants to play politics with the lives of the people of Okalahoma
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia C Tompkins
  • Say No to the Republican "Fix" for Student Loan Interest Rates
    The Smarter Solutions for Students Act (HR 1911) is a Republican plan that is the classic bait and switch. Worse yet, it could be voted on as soon as Wednesday, May 22. According to estimates provided by Congressional Budget Office, under the proposal, federal student interest rates will be higher than current fixed rates for millions of borrowers seven of the next ten years. The bill will make attending college more expensive for students and families, and deepen the student debt crisis. We must act now to make sure our members of Congress oppose this bill!
    398 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mahwish
  • Stop the Bristol's House of Harmony - Honky Tonk
    This facility is located in the center of a residential neighborhood, and the additional traffic late at night by people that have been drinking is a detriment to our neighborhood and community. This facility, calling itself a "music venue" is simply a night club/honky tonk featuring live local bands and the service of alcohol and brown bagging of alcohol. This type of facility is not conducive to a residential area. There are additional environmental quality issues with the interior of the building that need to be addressed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A. Dodson
  • Make Mortgage Relief available for families in crisis who can't live together
    I have a brain tumor, a divorce pending and share ownership of a house that I had to leave with our 3 kids because my husband refused to move out. We tried to refinance our mortgage so we could rent the house out at an affordable rate to cover the mortgage before selling. Our tenant moved in with a year long lease and monthly payments covering the new mortgage amount, just as the refinance fell through. Because my husband and I had moved out of the house, it became an "investment property' so I was not eligible for help anywhere. Our tenant's rent covers the mortgage less $700 a month but the bank wants all or nothing. Our savings are gone and our income is spent on our own rental accommodation. With my credit rating plummeting and my lease ending soon, foreclosure is looming and possible homelessness. Rentals are hard to find when you have bad credit. My health and children's welfare is at risk as we are falling through the safety net - an exception to the 'Making Home Affordable' eligibility needs to be made on compassionate grounds.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Aird
  • What Happened to the Man we ELected President?
    My petition is about the loss of leadership and integrity in our president. I am 77 years old and a cut in Social Security and Medicare will effect me terribly.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Michalson
  • Family law legal practices need stricter regulations for the lawyers
    Despicably low standard of family lawyers lacking proper regulation and punishment by the Washington Bar Association that is fraternizing with the lawyers they are investigating and pride themselves on the increased amount of com paints while setting the fines for lawyers deliberately low. For a lawyer to be punished by WSBA it has to be a criminal vs ethical misconduct.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by angela uzun
  • FDA: Post consumer warnings where we can see them!
    Every day, every person in this country faces potentially lethal food products. Have you heard of the FDA Reportable Food Registry that lists products that have a “reasonable probability of causing serious adverse effects”? I believe that the FDA has the responsibility to inform consumers of possible risks and we have the RIGHT to make informed decisions. My name is Terry Safranek, and my beloved dog Sampson was a victim of tainted chicken jerky treats made in China – a product that has been under investigation by the FDA since 2007! Days after eating one of these treats, days of suffering, we had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him go. I had no idea that there was (and still is) a major ongoing investigation by the FDA. The danger doesn’t stop at pet treats. Prescription drugs, baby formula, black licorice and pet treats are just some of items that are currently under FDA Advisory. The only way to find these warnings is to search on-line. The average consumer doesn't compare their grocery list to the FDA website, nor should they be expected to do so. And if you don't have internet access, how are you supposed to learn what products might be putting your family at risk? In 2011, Congress finally enacted - and President Obama signed into law - the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) which explicitly gives the FDA the authority to post warnings at the retail locations where the product is sold. With just a simple piece of paper posted on store shelves, millions of American families can be spared the consequences of purchasing potentially dangerous products. There are so many loopholes that allow hazards to reach our homes and families. This is our last line of defense!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Safranek
  • Presidential Perception
    The apparent lack of strong response and emotionally appropriate leadership style coming from the President in regard to the almost maniacal pursuit of those politicians who so desperately want to defame him and cause him as much trouble as possible.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Novak
    On Saturday, May 18th, a group of artists put on a musical called “Spring Awakening” at The Playhouse in San Antonio, Texas. “Spring Awakening” is a musical that deals with puberty, sexuality, rape, child abuse, incest, homosexuality, and suicide. It is a vital work at this moment in time, because the fact is that regardless of where we stand politically, spiritually, or morally - these issues are harming and killing our kids at an alarming rate. (SEE BULLET POINTS OF STATISTICS BELOW.) After the show, a talk-back session was held with Child Advocates of San Antonio (CASA), The Rape Crisis Center, 2 Anthropologists from UTSA, and the cast. A dialogue began and a spotlight was bravely shone on these issues. THE DARKNESS: Prior to the show, throughout the show, and after the show - a gentleman scurried around the theatre feverishly copying the adult content warning signs that were posted throughout the building. This gentleman has a prior history of, and has been instrumental in, defunding other arts organization because of content, and was acting as though he had every intention of filing a grievance with the city of San Antonio. During the talk back, this same gentleman got up and asked if “…the gay community’s suicide rate is due to the emptiness of their promiscuous lifestyle.” The audience was filled with students from the LGBTQ community who let out a collective sigh of sadness. YOUR LIGHT This petition is being set up by Theatre for Change (http://www.theatreforchange.org) as a preemptive strike and a forum of solidarity where we may print your stories and give them to our city representatives. Make no mistake, it will come to this and we will need as much support as possible. If you have seen the show and it has touched you – please share your story below! If you are an ally from afar and have been struck by the issues listed above – please share your story below. If you live in Texas and/or the surrounding areas, please consider seeing the show and then share your story below. Please stand with us, because as a united front – love will triumph. . .EVERY TIME!!! “When I have children, I’ll let them be free. And they’ll grow strong and tall.” Copy and paste this link into your browser to see the promo video of the show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHqBNs44aRs • “Every year 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving nearly 6 million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has the worst record in the industrialized nation – losing five children every day due to abuse-related deaths. “ -ChildHelp • “Suicide is the leading cause of death among Gay and Lesbian youth nationally. It has been conservatively estimated the 1,500 Gay and Lesbian youth commit suicide every year.” – SPEAK • “Suicide rates amongst youth ages 15-24 have increased more than 300% since the 1950's.” – SPEAK • “683,000 forcible rapes occur every year; which equals 56,916 per month; 1,871 per day; 78 per hour; and 1.3 per minute.” - Crime Victims Services • Texas is the second most populated foster-to-adopt system, narrowly following California. With an estimated 30,000 children from ages 0-17 running through our system each year • According to the Child Protective Services (CPS) 2012 Data Book, there were 275,961 alleged victims of child abuse in Texas last year. • CPS confirmed 6,205 of these cases in Bexar County, the largest number for any single county in the entire State. • Of the 212 child deaths from abuse and neglect last year in the State of Texas, 19 occurred in Bexar County.
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Ivey
  • Bracket Racing
    Drag racing for high schools , collage and others. If you can get the kids to the track , then we can almost eliminate street racing and put them into a controlled area and turn the experience into positive learning . Or we can keep turning our eyes away and saying oh good got away with another race tonight , but that other kid isn't so lucky I think he is getting man slaughter when he hit the car at the intersection.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Dolzadelli
  • Governor Walker says it is un American for people to be denied freedom of speech . Because of dif...
    Then why did he say in phone call he thought about putting in trouble makers with protesters. He also states that the reason he did not is because it was not advantageous to him. I am glad but does this mean he is going to allow the signing at the Capitol. Or is he thinking about pulling his citizenship?
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Kendall
  • 9/11 Attacks: Investigate Boeing Aircraft Design
    No known independent or government investigation has been conducted to determine the reasons for alleged aircraft "vaporization" and zero-percent passenger survival rate at four crash sites: 757 - Pentagon, 767 - Shankstown, PA, North Tower and South Tower.) Was the aircraft design a factor in the alleged post-crash "vaporization" of the aircraft, and low passenger survival rate?
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Goodman, ND