• Return the Anna Louise Inn to the Struggling Women of Cincinnati
    The Western & Southern Insurance Group, a Fortune 500 company headed by CEO John Barrett, used a lawsuit and its unlimited money to force the sale of the Anna Louise Inn that has served thousands of struggling women in Cincinnati, in order to turn the historic building into a boutique hotel. Barrett has long referred to the women, who live and receive services from the home, as "recovering prostitutes, saying they didn't belong in the neighborhood."* Barrett also said about the sale, "This truly is a win for everyone and will make Lytle Park a destination like no other." The Anna Louise sits across the park from Western & Southern headquarters. *http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/struggling-women-sad-angry-over-sale-of-nonprofit-ohio-home-that-will-become-a-boutique-hotel/2013/05/18/feeb5b2e-bfce-11e2-b537-ab47f0325f7c_story.html
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Edwards
  • NO to Old Mill Industrial Site
    The Paulding County Industrial Building Authority has applied for zoning to put a 300,000-square-foot industrial manufacturing building on 37 acres of land located on Old Mill Road. This property is located in a suburban neighborhood community about a half a mile from McGarity Elementary School. We need your help in moving this industrial site away from our families and schoolchildren!
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by No Industry on Old Mill
  • MoveOn: Create a national demonstration and teach-in in Summer, 2014
    We are asking MoveOn to organize a large national protest and teach-in in Washington, DC, in the Summer of 2014. Topics include the failure of government to address: climate change, ending the war on terror, the drone wars, the drug wars, the war on whistleblowers, failure to plan for a sustainable energy future, failure to provide jobs for everyone willing to work, failure to effectively regulate Wall Street
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Steinberger
  • Street needs repair due to Gutter ponds in Arlington TX
    A puddle forms and stays and never evaporates due to the street not being built correctly. It will stay for months, days, weeks, years, due to builder/city not doing a correct job. We know the water that stays behind will cause West Nile virus.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trini Biera
  • Surgeons need to be held accountable for horrible outcomes.
    Aloha my name is Lance. I live on Oahu in Hawaii. I had a spinal fusion which has turned out to be a very destructive event in my life as the results have left me with constant pain, what's more is the local surgeon who did this to me could care less or refuses to admit he is responsible. I believe at this point his motives were likely monetary and I'm afraid for future patients of his. I feel if there was more accountability for these Doctors they would have to think twice before operating, specifically spine surgery with pain symptoms alone. Take better care of their patients post surgery and made aware of the damage they have caused long term. I have come into contact with three different people on separate occasions within miles of my home who have been opened up with horrible life altering results from this Doctor. If I can get 50 signature's Moveon.org will send this to 1000 people in my area and hopefully more people this Doctor has affected negatively will come forward. If this petition reaches 50 signatures please continue to sign, the more the better. I will reveal this Doctors identity when I'm sure it is in a way I can not be prosecuted. Thank you very much for your time. Ps: The intent of this letter is to hopefully put me in contact with others who have suffered by this Doctors hand, if it goes beyond that I will have someone check my grammar before delivery. Please contact me by email if you or someone you love had back surgery on Oahu, HI. Resulting in worsening symptoms. Thank you
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lance R. De Leva
  • Free Clinton County of Rex Doak
    The Clinton County Dog Warden Repeatedly Abuses His Power and Authority and Needs To Be Stopped. Hopefully a Petition will bring awareness to how big the problem is.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shannon
  • Love One Another
    Love one another, no matter the color, size, gender, whatever!!!! Love, love, love!!!!!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Marlowe
  • Let John Potter stay in his home
    John Potter, a native of Zaleski, Ohio,World War II Veteran is being unfairly evicted by his greedy daughter who was given and misued the power of Attorney to grab and try to sell her parents home. Though the money has been raised to keep John Potter in his home, we need to raise our voice andL tell her to leave her father alone. See the whole story at ABC newLets.com
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Williams
  • Speed Bumps to Save Our Kids!
    On May 14, 2013, a drunk driver was arrested after ignoring the 4-way stop at the corner of 187th Loop and 41st Street and running her car onto the sidewalk. If children had been playing in the street or on the sidewalk, lives could have been lost. Drivers are consistently failing to fully stop at this 4 way stop and it is endangering our children. The Homeowners Association refuses to take action. We want the Homeowners Association to install speed bumps and blinking light stop signs. Please don't let a child get hit by a car this summer - sign this petition to show the Association that our kids should receive more attention than our landscaping!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Winningham
  • BLM: Take Better Care of Captive Wild Herds – Stop Warehousing Them
    Several diseases are now rampant in Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wild horse holding facilities due to poor husbandry and overcrowding. Currently, none of the diseases is life threatening, but all of the diseases make the horses uncomfortable and can permanently disfigure the horses (papilloma virus creates bloody warts all over their faces), making their chances for adoption nil, and making them vulnerable to being sent to slaughter. In addition, the horses' hooves are not being trimmed. Some are in danger of being permanently lame from lack of trimming for over one year. Clearly space is currently limited, and conditions are untenable for removing any more animals from the range and placing them in the BLM wild horse warehouse system. For more information on the plight of our wild horses and burros and to support efforts to save them, go to http://wildhorseeducation.org
    1,489 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Marta Williams, Vice President, Wild Horse Education
  • Install an ATM outside Town Offices in Harpswell
    My business will benefit from a centrally located ATM. The Economic Development Plan recommends installing an ATM at the Town Office as a way to support the local economy. Seasonal visitors don't realize there are no ATM's in town and many small businesses don't take credit cards. When vacationers don't bring cash or checks with them, they drive to Brunswick and many sales are lost.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Kass, Harpswell Business Assoc. Board Member
  • NY State Parents Support Teachers College Protest Against President Susan Fuhrman and Chancellor ...
    As public school parents and concerned New York residents, we are in full support of the Teachers College students, faculty, staff, and alumni who are speaking out against the decision of Susan Fuhrman, Teachers College President, to award NY State Chancellor Merryl Tisch the “Medal for Distinguished Service.” This act raises two concerns about the ethics of the College. That's why I created a petition to Teachers College Board of Trustees, Susan Fuhrman, which says:
    361 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Time Out From Testing