Mayor Hancock:Honor Ms.Pam Grier with Pam Grier Blvd. in Denver"Pam Grier is an Iconic actress that has a 40 plus year career and is well know, respected, and loved by her family, peers, friends,and fan base. She is also an advocate for humanity,cancer, aids, hiv, animals, equality & more. She is an advocate & spokesperson that has relentlessly dedicated her time & efforts in helping such great cause & organizations. We need to honor her for her great attributes and accomplishments. Pam Grier is someone to be proud of, and it would be awesome to honor her for always giving back to the community of Denver & as well as the World.632 of 800 SignaturesCreated by E Martine
Stop Blood Diamonds in Africa!Prevent the illicit trading of blood diamonds in Africa. Boycott jewelers that can't guarantee that their diamonds are legal and not blood diamonds. Donate money to organizations that are against the blood diamond industry.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gia Matika
verizonwireless Data PlansVerizonwireleas used to offer unlimited data plans that were resonably priced. Howevere now its restricted to user based price plans that are very expensive. I am asking verizonwireless to bring back their unlimited data plans.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Lassiter
,,Tell the board it's time for a career change of the leadership at Guide Dogs for the Blind!, At GDB, it has always been about relationships, matching just the right guide dog with the right person for safe, independent travel, building relationships with graduates in the field while providing the most excellent and comprehensive follow-up services, creating opportunities for relationships between handlers and their guides, puppy raisers, and fostering an environment in which appreciation is shown for the heartfelt generous contributions of everyone who donates their time, talent, and treasure, to ensure the continuation of the quality and excellence of GDB services. Under current leadership, numerous highly respected employees have been unjustly laid off. Through their considerable expertise and experience, these individuals have provided outstanding graduate services and deserve the credit for helping to make GDB the great organization it is today. The number of client service areas has been reduced from ten to six, and the number of field area staff from twelve to six,vastly increasing the number of graduates assigned to each region and almost doubling the case load for these six field support representatives. Although each graduate will technically now be assigned a field manager, opportunities for relationship building will be necessarily far fewer, with assurances that a call center can adequately handle the highly individualized needs of over 2000 working teams. The leadership team has drawn up a reorganization plan, which in reality will lessen the amount of time field reps can spend with individuals in their regions and has already resulted in multiple layoffs and early retirement of highly respected individuals who have played major roles in creating and setting high industry standards. In the past, positive staff/alumni relations have made Guide Dogs for the Blind a safe place where clients have been able to trust that their best interest and individual needs would be respected and receive priority. Now, current management’s recent ill-considered decisions represent an unwelcome return to paternalistic decision-making processes we had all hoped were behind us, and it is high time for alumni points of view to be more powerfully represented, heard and acted on. GDB's current leadership has demonstrated its considerable lack of awareness regarding the organization's unique personalized culture by failing to address serious alumni concerns being expressed, and by continuing to assert that all is well. By enacting sweeping unpopular changes prior to even analyzing the results of a recent graduate survey, current leadership clearly indicates its lack of understanding of and concern for alumni points of view. GDB's mission is not being fulfilled when current senior management suddenly lays off excellent employees who represent for many, the voices and faces of GDB, reduces the number of graduate support service areas from ten to six and the number of graduate support field managers from twelve to six, and entrusts a centralized customer call center to shoulder so much of the burden for providing efficient and highly personalized graduate support for so many with diverse needs.553 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Sheila Styron
Mayor Bloomberg "Leave our civil servants alone"Police Officers and firefighters haven given their lives to protect the citizens of New York City. Teachers, Sanitation Workers, EMT and Paramedics give their all for this City every day. Please stop demonizing our Public servant as they are truly the heart and soul of our great City.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rudy Sanfilippo
Offramp ToiletsThere are many people claiming to be homeless and hungry standing at freeway offramps with cardboard signs pleading for money. They should have a safe and comfortable place to relieve themselves.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joel Huschle
Hemp Tax Stamp RequestAny scientist can tell you that Hemp Production is the key to Global Sustainability in fibers, fuels, pharmaceuticals and can solve our energy independence. Please join this action in letting the powers-that-be that we will not stand for a hemp Embargo.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael J Veloff
Hmep Tax Stamp RequestAny scientist can tell you that Hemp Production is the key to Global Sustainability in fibers, fuels, pharmaceuticals and can solve our energy independence. Please join this action in letting the powers-that-be that we will not stand for a hemp Embargo.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael J Veloff
So Brianna can meet Bruno MarsBrianna is an 11 year old girl who is paralyzed from the neck down from a tragic car accident. She is dependent on a ventilator to breath and requires 24 hour nursing care. She wants to meet Bruno Mars and is going to his concert July 11th at the Palace of Auburn Hills. We would love for him to make some time to spend with her. It would GO SO FAR!!! Please sign the petition and let's see if we can reach him!100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ziad S. Kassab
Mayor Wilkerson: Slow Down The SpeedersMy family and others live on Max Hampton Street and we are concerned about those who choose to speed down this narrow street at different times of the day. Moreover, we would like speed bumps installed to slow down these vehicles while adding safety.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Page
Manatee C.L.U.C.KCitizens lobbying for urban chicken keeping.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bobby Myers
Free Pintada From the Glass Cage at the Dallas World AquariumWhat’s your petition about? Have you been personally affected by the issue?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by G. Ray