• Members of the House: Start Supporting Democracy
    Congressional gridlock and it affects everyone.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Murtagh
  • Mandatory Labeling for GMO Produce in Tennessee
    68 countries have banned or instituted mandatory labeling for GMO's. The United States has done neither. As informed Tennesseans we want to make safe choices on the items we purchase and feed to our families.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by No GMO Tennessee
  • Provost Ben Polak: Support Student Loan Fairness
    The interest rate on federal subsidized Stafford student loans is set to increase from 3.4% to 6.8% on July 1st. If Congress doesn't act soon, millions of college students will see their student loan payments jump. Some argue that it's too expensive to keep government loans at low interest rates, but the federal government makes low interest loans all the time – just not to everyone. Big banks can borrow money through the Federal Reserve discount window at a rate of about 0.75%. The biggest banks in the country – the ones that wrecked our economy and cost millions of Americans their jobs – pay next to nothing on their debt, while students pay nine times as much. That isn't right. The Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act lets students take advantage of the same low rates offered to banks for one year while Congress finds a fair, long-term solution on student loan interest rates. Unlike the big banks, students don't have armies of lobbyists and lawyers. But they do have us. Let's do what's right and bank on students.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana Madson
  • The people against Monsanto
    Put a stop to or label GMO foods which have not been proven safe for human consumption. Give the people a choice. If we the people stand together, we can cause change in the corporate giants.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicki Bajan
  • Server Wage Salario para los meseros
    Server wage is only $2.33/hour. Ever since the recession, server income has been reduced by 25-50% because people went from tipping 20% to tipping only 10-15%. The take home income for servers is unlivable and leaves many without health insurance and other basic needs. El salario del mesero es del solo $2.33/la hora. Desde el comienzo de la recesión, el salario del mesero se ha reducido por 25-50% porque los clientes pararon de dejar una propina de 20% y empezaron a dejar propinas de 10-15%. Entonces el salario de los meseros no es sustentable y muchos están sin seguro de salud y otras necesidades básicas.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by sara chopp
  • The people against Monsanto
    Put a stop to or label GMO foods which have not been proven safe for human consumption. Give the people a choice. If we the people stand together, we can cause change in the corporate giants.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicki Bajan
  • Don't use party money to defend Dems who failed to support marriage equality
    Speaker Michael J. Madigan is also Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois. Historically, Madigan has spent considerable sums of money to defend incumbent Democratic state representatives from primary challenges. On May 31 (the last day of regular session), the House failed to pass marriage equality because a block of Democrats did not want to vote until the fall.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Nyberg
  • Tell Jon to have a great Father's Day
    Jon is a great dad to baby Bree, and he deserves a day of appreciation on his first Father's Day.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Berning
  • Tell California Assembly-- Pass California DISCLOSE Act to end secret money now!
    After 25,000 people signed the petition, and after thousands of phone calls, emails, and faxes, SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, passed the State Senate on an overwhelming vote of 28-11! Now it's up to the Assembly to finish the job by doing the same. SB 52 will strike a blow against the unlimited hidden money unleashed by Citizens United by shining a bright light on the shadowy interests who depend on secrecy to influence elections. The California DISCLOSE Act (Senate Bill 52, Leno-Hill), sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign and endorsed by Progressives United, local MoveOn.org counsels, and over 300 other organizations and leaders, would mandate clear and prominent disclosure of who is behind political TV, radio, print, and mass mailer ads -- on the ads themselves. Join the California Clean Money Campaign and Progressives United by signing our petition to urge state legislators to pass the California DISCLOSE Act today.
    10,382 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Trent Lange, President of the California Clean Money Campaign
  • Top 2 Open Primaries in New Mexico
    Partisanship and gridlock characterize policy making at both state and federal levels of government. 21% of NM registered voters are not registered to either party (18% are decline to state/independent voters). Closed primaries serve the interests of the political parties and not the people. Top 2 nonpartisan primaries put the power where it belongs - WITH THE PEOPLE.
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tisha Le Rose
  • Our generation
    Hi my name is Leeia and I need your support for my new track it's telling the goverment and our president that this generation is not taking they're lies anymore and we are number one and not number two and to realize that we are onto they're games and stop manipulating us and betraying us. Leeia Thank you for your support http://soundcloud.com/smooth-sounds/generation
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leeia
  • Simon Malls kick out puppy stores
    Simon Malls allows stores that retail puppies to the public. This is a despicable practice, and Simon Malls needs to kick them out of their properties.
    821 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Aaron G