• Term limits for all congressmen
    The president of the USA is limited to 2 terms in office, why SHOULD congressmen (women) have UNLIMITED terms of office. Retetion in congress allows the senior members to build up substantial power bases, which in turn helps to block congress from moving forward.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Horton
  • Reinstate Coach Marcus Green & Staff
    We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens, parents, students, family members, and neighbors of Guerin College Prep High School. We urge the Board of Directors and/or Administration to reinstate Coach Marcus Green. Our student athletes have had a tumultuos school year with numerous changes in coaching staff and as concerned citizens, we believe that our students have all been negatively affected by this action and with similar actions taking place earlier in the school year, it has now drawn a rational concern for us all as human beings.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Johnson
  • Protect whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden
    On Sunday, 29-year-old Edward Snowden outed himself as the person who informed the public that our government is spying on us and lying to us. Edward Snowden revealed the elements of a crime. That makes him a whistle-blower, and he deserves our full support. Mr. Snowden revealed limited information to corroborate his allegations, without revealing details regarding a specific operation. He exposed criminal misconduct. Whistle-blowers with Mr. Snowden's courage must be fully protected -- not prosecuted. Tell Congress and President Obama to protect whistle-blowers.
    334 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Stephen M. Kohn
  • 3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Tchijov
  • To urgently take action against neglect and cruelty to animals in Puerto Rico
    The violence and neglect of animals in Puerto Rico is something incredible. The poor animals, especially dogs and cats, but often also happens with other pets that are abused in different ways. The most commonly seen abuse is the neglect and physical, failure to provide vaccines and medical care when they are sick. Every day you see hundreds and hundreds of dogs and cats that have been abandoned in the streets of the island. Wherever you go, no matter if the country or the cities, even the capital city, dogs and cats can be found beaten, sick and malnourished - some skeletal or dead and killed due to the fact that some people prefer to kill them on the roads with their cars than to stop their automobiles to give allow them to cross the roads. With the correlation between animal abuse and crime and psicopatic / antisocial behavior, I ask you to please sign this petition and to help against animal abuse, since if animal abuse is controlled, eventually crime and abuse towards people also will go down. Please sign this petition so we can bring hope to the animals that need it most as well as to the residents of Puerto Rico of living in a healthier and safer island.
    389 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Schmidt for Accion y EducaciĆ³n Contra las Drogas y Crimen en Puerto Rico
  • Give us a break CPP!
    My petition is about the Cleveland Public Power electric company and how they do not help people that live in lower income residence by putting them on payment plans according to their income (if any) or the fact that they do not work with the H.E.A.P. program. The company makes their own payment plans and expect for the residents to pay the cost, whatever it is and without taking into consideration that they may not be able to afford the amount they have been given. For example, someone has an income of $124 a month and their payment plan was $102! So, that meant they had to live off of what was left-how ridiculous is that?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BRANDI JOHNSON
  • Free Lo Lo, a tibetian singer being held in the Amdo region of Tibet.
    A Tibetian singer named Lo Lo, is being imprisoned for six years in the Amdo region of Tibet, for writing love songs for his country. He has probably been sentenced to hard labor. He is 30 years old.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Ellen Wolfe
  • Fight Against Drug Usage
    I would like to fight against drug usage and abuse. Students in this generation are now addicted to drug usage that, it affects their own health and their ability to continue their education. I want to make a change by explaining to children and young adults why it's not right to use drugs on themselves.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Md. Rahman
  • The 2013-2014 Million Father's March.
    This Petition Starts Now, Because on Sunday June 15, 2014. Our Goal is to have One Million Concerned Father's,who will March with us In Washington DC,To have their voices heard In regards to the Unjust, Unfair and down right one sided United States Court System Regarding Child Support Fairness For Father's. This is a Peaceful Movement and will be a peaceful Gathering. It's Time that we take this fight to another level. I truly believe that all Father's want to do their very best for their child or children. And NO Custodial Parent or Court System should be able to control a Free Mans Life. So please tell your Father, your brother, your uncle, your cousin,Tell your Co worker. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Young ,Old, Straight or Gay . If you know someone who is Affected by the Unjust Court System regarding Child support, Please Sign this Petition and come March with US!!!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason
  • End The City of LA Parking Tickets Scam
    If you've ever challenged the fairness of a Los Angeles parking ticket, you know you're in for a long bureaucratic nightmare. First you send them the reason your ticket is unfair. No matter how legitimate your reason, it is seldom if ever accepted. Instead, they order you to pre-pay. This scam is simply a veiled tax on motorists. Most cannot reasonably take all the steps necessary to fight a ticket through the Parking Violations Board and into Court.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Hedlund
  • Stop the American Community Survey
    I received the new survey that demanded that I answer all the questions to 28 pages of intrusive,personal,and inappropriae questions from the U.S Census Bureau,The detailed questions concerned matters that are far beyond the governments business, including mental, emotional,and physical health, intimate personal habits, inside and outside of ones dwelling,income assesses,family status,social benefits' and the list goes on and on., ,
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances
  • Changing the playlist of Urban radio stations.
    I interact with children & adults daily that think the images, messages and morals portrayed in urban music are viable life choices.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kantrell Cameron