Overly loud TV commercialsWe can't be the only ones affected by the volume of TV commercials And inappropriate commercials in early evenings when kids are around.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne-Marie Senehi
Tell Pennsylvania’s Legislators: Don’t Criminalize Whistle BlowersEarlier this year activists videotaped instances of terrible animal cruelty at a Pennsylvania farm. Instead of holding wrongdoers accountable, some legislators have reacted with a bill to outlaw filming at farms. If laws are being broken and whistle-blowers are uncovering that fact, criminalizing them isn't the answer. HB 683, introduced by Representative Haluska and supported by Senator Brubaker would criminalize taking pictures or videos of animal abuse or food safety issues in order to expose illegal and unethical activity. In addition to shielding the agriculture industry from unwanted scrutiny and accountability, the bill also has the potential to shield fracking companies from oversight when drilling on farmland. Pennsylvanians deserve the right to know where their food comes from and what dangerous chemicals might be nearby. Help us tell Pennsylvania’s Legislators that we won’t stand for Ag-Gag legislation in our state!658 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania
Passive SmokingMultifamily dwellings, such as condos, and high risks of residents smoking indoors causes seepage through the walls recent years, there has been concern that non-smokers may also be at risk for some of these health effects as a result of their exposure ("passive smoking") to the smoke exhaled by smokers and smoke given off by the burning end of cigarettes, exposure increases the risk of lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia in children, chronic air infections and more frequent asthma complications. My grandson can't even come to my home to visit without getting sick from the smell of cigarettes that seeps into my condo, in the hallway and outdoors on my patio.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donna Latella
Sarah's Petitionsarah!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah
Ignore the Petition to Move the Citibike Station near Frank's Bike ShopRecently Jeremiah Moss posted a petition to move a Citibike station farther away from Frank's Bike Shop. We are fans of both Jeremiah's excellent blog and Frank's excellent shop, but believe Jeremiah's petition is based on incorrect assumptions about Citibike's and Frank's business models, and will ultimately do nothing to help Frank, because: 1. Frank sells, services and rents bikes and accessories. Those of us who rent from him (including the authors of this petition) do so for a full day (or longer) excursion--to ride with family, or visit Governor's Island, or take a leisurely ride around the city. Frank provides locks, child seats and other accessories that Citibike does not and cannot provide and charges far less than Citibike if you want to keep the bike for the whole day. 2. Citibike provides bikes for point-to-point rides of 30-45 minutes or less from one Citibike station to another. It is intended to replace or supplement walking, mass transit and taxis as a way to get around Midtown and downtown Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn. You can ride a Citibike to work, the store or the movies and not worry about it getting stolen. You can take a different mode of transportation home. But you can't take a Citibike to Governor's Island without racking up massive charges, you can't take a child on a Citibike, and you really shouldn't leave a Citibike anywhere other than a Citibike docking station as the cost to replace a lost or stolen Citibike is exorbitant. 3. Very few people headed to Frank's shop will change their minds about buying, servicing or renting a bike simply because they see a Citibike station nearby. And for the handful of people who might change their minds, moving this particular station away from his shop will not prevent them from encountering a Citibike station, as there are Citibike stations everywhere (including at least one between Frank's shop and each of the nearest subway stops). 4. Frank has the opportunity to capitalize on the nearby Citibike station by expanding his accessory offerings. We hope he will sell more helmets, lights and biking-appropriate bags and clothing as a result. 5. Citibike has the potential to significantly increase the normalcy and safety of biking as a means of transportation in New York City, expanding the pool of people who want to buy their own bikes and who need to get them serviced.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lower East Side Neighbor
New Live Affirmative ActionIt must be comprehensive. It must follow the most recent census statistics by race. That premise makes affirmative action live(changes with new census), comprehensive it includes all races, and customized by state !!! Example: Texas: White 45% ,Latino 38%, 4% Asians, Native Americans 1%. That should be Texas affirmative action.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Javier Aguilar
MEDIA LEADERS: Please help us buy the Tribune Company before it's too late!A free press is considered the cornerstone of our democracy. But "free" is a relative term when media consolidation makes it virtually impossible for the public to get objective news. Now Charles and David Koch want to buy the Tribune Company newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Daily Call, Orlando Sentinel, and Hoy. We all know what we'll be reading if that happens: skewed reporting on every major issue, with a healthy side of climate change denial. It will be the kind of "journalism" we get from FOX News. Regular citizens are determined to stop them, and have pledged every cent we can spare to a crowd-funded effort led by the nonprofit "The Other 98%." Our aim is to buy the papers. But the end of the campaign is just days away and we are still woefully short of our fundraising goal. We need a miracle. That's why we are reaching out to five respected media leaders – all known for their philanthropy as well as their business acumen – and asking them to step up and join us in the fight to save genuine, honest to goodness journalism. We want Warren Buffett, Eli Broad, Jeff Skoll, Oprah Winfrey, and Jon Stewart to help us buy the Tribune Company newspapers and give each of them back to their communities. The Green Bay Packers football team has been under public ownership for half a century. If public ownership works for sports, why not news and weather?648 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Warren
Congress should not receive benefits that are greater than other citizens receive.Veterans returning with loss of limbs and life-long deteriorating physical conditions .. have to serve minimum of 20 years in order to just get 50% of their pay... : Why do politicians receive full pay in retirement after serving one term and our military after serving 20 years gets only 50 percent of their pay? How do we change it to have it done more equitably?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by [email protected]
OBAMA: STOP FORCE FEEDING GUANTANAMO PRISONERSForced feeding violates the laws guaranteeing the right to refuse medical treatment. Yet, Obama continues to force this treatment on prisoners at Guantanamo because of personal and political expedience: their deaths would be politically damaging and personal anguishing for Obama. If we continue to deny them the freedom our own government says that they deserve, then we should not violate the law in order to deny them a death that they find meaningful. Sign this to end forced feeding now.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by james p greene
Stop BullyingMore and more and younger and younger are the children who are affected by bullying. It seems every week incidences of bullying are in the headlines and should be treated as top priority. Our children are our future whether they are straight, lesbian, homosexual, bisexual or transgendered. As the mother of an openly gay daughter, I feel we aren't doing enough to protect these children.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Black
Protecting dogs and cats on the road.I live near a busy street in the San Fernando Valley. It is sickening the way people speed and don't care if they hit a poor dog or cat. People have stopped in the past only to drag the poor injured, screaming dog onto the side of the road to get him out of the way. I believe that there should be a law that people must stop and get medical aid for the dogs and cats they have hit with their cars. At the very least they should stop and contact animal control. Many times people are killed by hit and run drivers and the drivers claim "Oh I thought I had only run over a dog." They run over people and don't stop because they think they can get away with the excuse "I thought it was only a dog." I believe that this law would not only help dogs and cats, but also help pedestrians who are getting killed by hit and run drivers all the time.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amy Veloz
No Republicans in 2014President Obama's good intentions are ruined by the party of NO. I want to say "No" to the party of NO.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Nugent